

Eva's POV

Purple seems like she's really in trouble

I should save her

I should go immediately

I ran off to the main junction, took a cab and started following the directions in the address she sent to me

"Please can you drive faster?"

I told the cab driver

"Sure ma'am"He sped

After some time

"We've arrived at your destination ma'am"He said

"Alright" I paid him and got down

Wow, this area is really silent

These look like abandoned buildings

No, this area itself seems abandoned

The person who kidnapped Purple and brought her here must be really mean

I checked my phone

She must be in one of these abandoned buildings

Ohh it's the fifth

I walked to the fifth building

Damn! I'm so tired and hungry

I really need food

This building must have been abandoned for a long period of time

Where is Purple?

Where did they keep her?

"Purple..... Purple....."I called out checking round "Purple where are you?"

"Ahahahahahahahahaha" I heard those annoying laughter sounds