
The Cave King Will Live a Paradise Life.

In a world where crests decide one’s fate, Prince Heale is born with Cave King—a crest just as worthless as he is. Deemed a disgrace to his family, he’s exiled to a barren, deserted island with not a plant nor soul in sight. Alone, miserable, but determined to survive, he reaches for a pickaxe to expand the cave he intends to make his new home—and discovers the true power of his crest! It turns out Cave King makes cavern mining as easy as breathing. And as Heale digs deeper into the island, he discovers one otherworldly mineral after another. Who’s worthless now? But valuable ore isn’t the only thing Heale finds on his mining adventures. He soon befriends slimes and saves goblins that wash ashore. And together as one big family, they’ll work to overcome any challenge on the road to developing the island into their own little paradise. The Cave King will live a Paradise Life -Becoming the strongest with the mining skill?- Author: Naehara Hajime Tags: Adventure. Fantasy. Light Novels. Island. Kingdom Building. Magic. Royalty .Based on a Web Novel. The story is not mine i am just posting it here so that i can read here the same with all the other story.

tutul_hasan · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 89-90

Chapter 89 – 'He' returned!

And so I returned once again to the place that we had found the gray slimes.

Taran and Fule were with me.

"Alright, let's start digging again!"

"Aye! It seems like we're pretty close to our goal!"

Fule and Taran replied cheerfully to my voice.

Behind me, the slimes were hopping around as well. But Shiel alone seemed a little gloomy.

According to Shiel, the fact that we found the original bodies of the slimes…the dwarf corpses, meant that we were close to the control device.

So they would likely regain their old bodies soon…that should make her happy.

However, just like with the dwarves, there was no guarantee that their bodies were all safe. Shiel must be worried about that.

Shiel's body was likely fine. We had found the cemetery after all.

However, I suppose she felt a lot of responsibility, as she was in the position of a former empress.

"…Shiel. You can rest for awhile if you want?"

I said. But Shiel shook her body to the side.

I guess she was saying that she was fine.

"Alright… Then let's go together. After all, we won't know anything until we find it."

Shiel nodded without a hint of hesitation.

And like that, we continued to dig.

But as I swung my pickaxe, something started to bother me.

Fule seemed to feel it too.

"Isn't it…kind of hard?"

And then Taran nodded.

So the rock walls felt different to Taran as well.

It wasn't just that. I could see with my own eyes, that less rock was falling away with every strike.

"Wait a minute. This…"

I paused and then checked my Inventory.

Apparently, the rocks that were being gathered were just normal rocks.

However, I was also digging up something that was unfamiliar.

"Iron Meteorite…"

Meteorites were the giant boulders that rained down from the sky. And this was a kind ore.

Fule then asked me.

"Iron Meteorite?"

"Yeah. You know about meteorites, don't you? They are a rock that you can get from inside of the meteorite. In my country, they called it 'iron from heaven,' and it was sold at a high price."

As it was quite rare, it was often used in weapons and armor made for the royal family. However, while the color was a little different from normal iron, it was not that much stronger.

So it was a material that was used for bragging, and not particularly for battle.

While normal iron ore had a reddish, brown tint to it, the rock wall in front of us looked like it had refined iron inside.

So it really was true that meteors had fallen.

"Huh. It sounds really amazing! Old Mappa…uh, Mappa will be very pleased to hear about this."

Fule stubbornly refused to think of Mappa as being younger than her.

Well, Fule was fifteen, and yet the muscular, bearded Mappa was just seven…

As for Mappa, he wasn't here right now.

His monster apprentices were in charge of extending the railway. And he was currently giving out orders to the gray slimes.

He was likely trying to create a perfect axe that could summon lightning. After all, he had embarrassed himself earlier…

"I think I'll ask him to make me something with it then."

Fule said. Taran was drawing something circular with her legs.

It seemed like they were having a good time talking about what they could have made.

However, Shiel looked as gloomy as ever.

…What if the control device had been destroyed?

To be honest, I was quite worried about it myself.

I had never seen meteorites fall from the sky.

However, in the long history of Sanfaris, there were many records concerning them.

According to what I had read, in spite of their destructive power, many meteors were only about the size of a person's head.

However, considering what we were digging up, the iron meteorite here was much larger than that. So the meteors must have been huge.

What kind of destructive force could they have had… While it was in a mountain, an entire country had disappeared.

So it would not be off if the control device had been destroyed as well.

"Shiel… If it's no use, we'll think of something else."

I said. And Shiel nodded.

"In any case, we have to concentrate and work our hardest!"

Fule said. And we all replied cheerfully.

However, just then, we heard a bell ringing from behind us.

When I turned around, I saw that Number 15 was sliding down the slope while riding a sled.

"Number 15. This sound…"

It meant that our friends were returning from afar. It was the first time we heard it, after deciding on the signal.

In other words… 'He' had returned.

"Kamyu has returned!"

And so we rushed back to the surface.

When I looked towards the sea from the entrance to the cave, I could see the sails of the ship in the distance.

Then Rienna approached us with a telescope.

"Lord Heal! Use this."

"Ah, Rienna. Thank you."

I accepted it from her and looked at the ship near the horizon.

"The black flag and shape of the ship are the same…it is Kamyu's ship… Ah."

The angel with golden hair… Kamyu, was flying ahead of the ship and coming this way.

Rienna was also watching with her telescope. She smiled and said,

"That is Kamyu! Hehe. Perhaps she is eager to meet you again, Lord Heal!"

"Oh, uh…"

I'm glad that they were back safely…

But unless she slowed down, she would ram into me like an eagle from the sky.

In fact, Kamyu was flying faster than any eagle.

"Flying at that speed seems really dangerous… Huh?"

I noticed then that there was something strange going on.

While I couldn't read her expression, her face and hand were directed towards the ship.

"Is she trying to say something? …Oh."

The direction that Kamyu was pointing…behind the ship. I could see countless, long and thin arms were wriggling out from the water.




Chapter 90 – The Echo of an Indescribable Scream!!

"What the hell is that!?"

Shouted a goblin who stood on the reclaimed ground.

The creature was so huge that they could see it even without telescopes… It was following Kamyu's ship as if to swallow it up.

"A-a Leviathan!?"

I could hear some voices say in horror. However, that was no Leviathan.

Numerous, thin and long arms were wriggling as they stretched out of the water.

There was no face in front of the body. It seemed more like an octopus or squid.

While not a Leviathan, it did resemble another mythical creature.

A Kraken…a sea monster.

What separated it from a Leviathan, was that it was not particularly rare for ships to be attacked by a Kraken.

They were pulled down into the sea and eaten…

Though, it was said that there were some who enjoyed the hunt. They would pick off the sailors from the ship, one by one.

"…It seems like Kamyu has brought us something again."

Fule said, showing no signs of being afraid.

Indeed, we had our own defenses now. The island was safe.

However, if things continued, I feared that Kamyu's ship would sink.

Of course, it was for times like these that…oh, there it goes.

The giant Mappa Golem that stood in the sea suddenly let out a deafening roar as it began to move.

And then massive amounts of flame were unleashed from its mouth.

The flames grazed the top of Kamyu's ship and slammed into the Kraken behind it.

The sounds of the explosion echoed across the sea, and we could see tentacles of the Kraken sink in clouds of smoke.

As the water splashed like a thunderous storm, I could hear the monsters on the reclaimed ground shouting for joy.

It had hit the Kraken perfectly…

During the previous attack with the Devil Hoppers, it seemed like it was barely even aiming.

But judging by this attack, there was clearly no problem in that regard.

However, as everyone else cheered, I noticed something.

"The magic energy…is the same?"

The Kraken had sunk into the sea.

However, the energy level was the same. I could still detect it from where I was.

Baris also noticed this.

He had already spread his wings and gone out towards the sea.

And so I too ran out towards the edge of the reclaimed ground.

"Everyone! The Kraken hasn't been defeated yet! Prepare for battle!"

Rienna had also realized that the Kraken was still alive, and so she called for the others to prepare to fight.

As for the Kraken, it was still hiding below the surface.

However, just as I thought that it was starting to shake its body, it started to move towards the island…it was charging at the Mappa Golem.

It all happened so quickly.

Countless tentacles shot out of the water and wrapped around the Mappa Golem.


It wasn't just me, the others who were watching also shouted in terror.

Now that I thought about it, I had never given it a proper name…

The Mappa Golem breathed fire from its mouth and swung with its great axe.

However, the arms had wrapped around its legs, which were underwater as well. And the Mappa Golem was being strangled.


A surprising moan escaped the Mappa Golem.

Its face suddenly seemed to relax as if it was enjoying it.

All the monsters covered their ears and averted their eyes in disgust.

"Where did that Golem learn such gestures…"

Ah… Now that I thought about it, Mappa often visited the Golem…

He would do strange dances on the Golem's shoulder and strike poses. Monsters that had gone fishing had made such reports.

Mappa was running next to me now, and he was covering his face as if embarrassed.

Hey, it's your fault…

I wanted to say, but now was not the time.

The Mappa Golem was made entirely of rock.

That being said, aside from the Leviathan, the Kraken was the most feared monster of the sea.

It could sink giant ships and destroy them in its clutch.

I wasn't confident that the Mappa Golem would be fine.

Baris and Kamyu were attacking it with magic from the sky. And the underwater Golems were attacking it from the sea.

They were unleashing thunder magic, which was supposed to be effective against sea monsters.

However, it seemed like it was coated in a slime that kept the damage at a minimum.

It was then that the Kraken's arms swung towards Baris and Kamyu, attempting to swat them out of the sky.

"They can't kill it…in that case…"

I thrust out my right hand.

However, the tentacles moved so quickly that it was difficult to aim.

Then I just had to increase the area and… But then it might hit the Mappa Golem and the others.

"I have to get closer…"

But there was still quite a distance between us and the Kraken.

Baris was busy fighting and so I couldn't call him back.

What should I do…

It was just as I was thinking this that something huge shot out to land next to me at a speed that I couldn't even follow.

A yellow and black pattern…the giant bee that had recently made this island its home. Heath.

Heath was holding a line of rope with its feet.

"Are you…going to carry me?"

Heath nodded with its body and rose into the air a little.

Now only the rope was dangling down.

And I stood on the center of the rope and held the sides with both hands.

It looked like I was standing on a swing.

Once Heath saw that I was on, she started to fly up into the air.

Heath was even faster than I had expected, and it didn't help that I already hated heights. And so I was scared.

However, the Mappa Golem was risking its life to fight… No, we had to stop those sounds at once. And so I had to endure this.

As Heath approached the Kraken, the monster must have detected us, because its arms came shooting towards us.

And so I unleashed thunder magic on one of them.

And then, not just the tentacle that was hit, but all of them began to shake, and then they sunk back into the water.

Water splashed into the sky like a fountain, and came down over us like rain. Just then, something rammed towards me.

"Aaah! I knew you could do it, Lord Heal! …Ah."

However, Heath just moved out of the way.

In the meantime, the Mappa Golem raised the Kraken's body over its head and showed it to the people on the island.

The defeat of the Kraken and the safe return of Kamyu's crew caused them all to cheer loudly.