
The Cave King Will Live a Paradise Life.

In a world where crests decide one’s fate, Prince Heale is born with Cave King—a crest just as worthless as he is. Deemed a disgrace to his family, he’s exiled to a barren, deserted island with not a plant nor soul in sight. Alone, miserable, but determined to survive, he reaches for a pickaxe to expand the cave he intends to make his new home—and discovers the true power of his crest! It turns out Cave King makes cavern mining as easy as breathing. And as Heale digs deeper into the island, he discovers one otherworldly mineral after another. Who’s worthless now? But valuable ore isn’t the only thing Heale finds on his mining adventures. He soon befriends slimes and saves goblins that wash ashore. And together as one big family, they’ll work to overcome any challenge on the road to developing the island into their own little paradise. The Cave King will live a Paradise Life -Becoming the strongest with the mining skill?- Author: Naehara Hajime Tags: Adventure. Fantasy. Light Novels. Island. Kingdom Building. Magic. Royalty .Based on a Web Novel. The story is not mine i am just posting it here so that i can read here the same with all the other story.

tutul_hasan · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 117-118

Chapter 117 – It was broken!?

"With this many Magic Stones, you can make more residents that look human!"

I nodded at Fule's words.

"Yes. And the more we have, the more surprised the people of Sanfaris will be. …Hmm?"

As I gathered the rest of the Magic Stones and Mithril, I sensed magic energy approaching us from behind.

And then a few seconds later, I heard the echo of footsteps.

"Footsteps!? Who is there?!"

Fule noticed it too, and she quickly raised her hands towards the entrance.

When I turned in that direction, I saw that there was a figure standing there in heavy metal armor.

"Did one of the Golems survive? Huh!?"

The intruder suddenly pointed its hand at us and unleashed a storm of fire.

Of course, we had Shield up, and so the flames did not reach us.

As the fire raged around us, Aries raised her voice.

"We're being attacked!?"

"I thought the Golems were under control now?!"

Fule was right. Shiel had said that the underground Golems would not attack us anymore.

Shiel herself looked puzzled by this.

But perhaps this Golem was different from the ones she knew about.

There was something about it that was clearly different.

I could tell by its magic energy. It was thick in five different spots, suggesting it had multiple Magic Stones.

"It can do more than just fire magic… We have to fight back. Fule, I need you to cast Shield as well!"

"Oh, uh, okay!"

Fule cast another Shield in order to strengthen the first one.

In the meantime, I unleashed my own fire magic. It collided with the Golem's fire magic, and sparks and waves of heat filled the air. But my fire still won.

However, the attack was blocked.

Apparently, this Golem could use Shield as well. And though the Shield was then broken, it seemed like it had another layer of magic protecting its body.

It reminded me of the time I fought the floating Golem.

They had been equipped with Magic Defense Stones and Magic Absorbing Crystals.

"This is bad… Maybe I'll just have to use my pickaxe. Huh?"


Coppa howled loudly, and then it jumped towards the Golem.

"Coppa, wait! It's dangerous!!"

I quickly cast Shield on Coppa.

And then as if to lend support, Taran unleashed a web towards the Golem.

The Golem pulled out a golden sword and cut down the webs.

That's when Coppa, who ran at a speed that my eye couldn't even follow, punched the Golem with a wild swing.

"Good one, Coppa! Leave the rest to me!"

The Golem crashed into the wall, and I swung my pickaxe into it, intending on this being the final blow.

Then the Golem became invisible and disappeared. Into my Inventory, that is.

"Oh, good teamwork!"

Fule said as she petted Coppa and Taran on their heads. I had a feeling that Fule had been waiting for her chance to touch Coppa's head…

Still, I had not expected Coppa to put itself in danger for us.

Though, it was quite reckless, so I would have to have Mappa teach it to be more cautious.

But then again, it will likely just become very similar to Mappa, and end up wandering around everywhere…

Well, something would have to be done.

"You've improved a lot, Fule. Thank you for casting Shield. So, what is this thing…"

The remains of the Golem were now in my Inventory.

There were Magic Stones, Magic Defense Stones, Magic Absorbing Stones, and Orcihalcums.

They were all familiar to me, and there were a lot of them.

However, there was one thing that was quite odd.

There was no Heart Stone.

Instead, there was something else I had not seen before.

"Cardiac Stone…?"

It was the word that doctors in Sanfaris used to describe the bloody bag that beats inside of your chest. It existed in not just humans, but animals and monsters as well.

It was the weakness of many living creatures and what kept them alive.

This stone…

According to the Encyclopedia, Cardiac Stones were broken Heart Stones. And they could be used when creating Golems.

"Hmm… Shiel, do you recognize these?"

I asked, but Shiel shook her body to the side.

"I see… Apparently, this Golem used a Cardiac Stone instead of a Heart Stone."

Shiel tilted her body as if she was even more confused.

"The Advisor says it's a broken Heart Stone. Maybe that's why you couldn't control it."

Perhaps I could try using it when creating a doll?

We might be able to find out why it attacked us if I made it out of Ryukin.

"Hmm, Mappa?"

I saw that Mappa was now resting and petting Coppa's head.

The pipes in the back of the room were already repaired.

"You finished already!?"

Mappa nodded and then puffed out his chest with a smug expression.

Fule sounded very impressed.

"Really, this is the one thing you can really rely on Old Mappa to do."

"Thank you, Mappa. However, it would be dangerous to leave it like this."

More Golems might come here again.

I had a feeling that the appearance of the last one was not a coincidence.

However, Mappa hit the pipes as if to tell me that I shouldn't worry.

"You're confident in its durability? In that case…"

I took out two Magic Stones and placed them in front of the pipes.

Then I carved Shield magic into the stones.

"This is just a temporary measure. We'll have to consider how to defend this place properly later. Alright then…"

I said, and Shiel nodded.

She then controlled the machine, and then we returned to the room that we found Aries in.




Chapter 118 – Problem After Problem!?

"So, I wonder what will happen…"

I was watching over Shiel as she noisily fiddled with the machine.

Would she be able to return the souls of the people that currently inhabited the slimes?

After a moment of hesitation, Shiel pulled a lever.

We were then surrounded by the echoes of rattling sounds.

Then the walls opened up all around us, and we could see the tanks that were filled with water and people.

Eventually, the water was drained out, and the doors opened.

"What the…huh…?"

They said as they woke.

"Are we returned!?"

"Our bodies are back to normal!"

They came out of the tanks. Some of them shook hands while others embraced and shouted with joy.

Shiel used the control device to talk with me.

"Lord Heal! It worked! …Now we are finally…. Oh, I do not know how to thank you."

"No, I'm just relieved… But, what will happen to the slimes now?"

"They will have memories of everything that's happened up until now. That will not change."

"I see. In any case, this is very good news."

I said. And then Fule turned to Shiel.

"Aren't you going back too, Shiel?"

"Huh? Well…there are some of us who cannot return, just like the dwarves. And so I think I shall stay like this for a while. Besides…no…nevermind."

Shiel suddenly changed the subject.

"In any case, I will give out orders to those who have awakened. They seem a little odd. Perhaps there are gaps in their memories."

Indeed, it looked like many of them were tilting their heads in puzzlement.

I nodded to Shiel.

"Very well. So, can I leave them all to you?"

"Certainly. You'll want to look into the stones, no doubt."

"Ah, the Cardiac Stones. Yes, that's true."

So saying, I decided to return to the surface.

I left the protection of the city's entrance to the defense team, which was composed of Golems and monsters.

Furthermore, as she was still worried, Fule decided to join them for the time being.

As Fule could use Shield, this was very comforting for all of us.

Well, it looked like it would be a good idea to create a very strong door in the near future. In fact, I had already discussed it with Mappa.

And so I returned to the surface, and then headed towards the foot of the World Tree, in order to make a report to Baris and Rienna about the control device.

When I looked towards the port from the entrance, I could see that buildings were already being constructed.

The people that Leila had left behind were very helpful, and they were planning to make the kind of stone buildings that humans lived in.

"Things seem to be going well."

The rooms that we currently had within the caves were not bad.

However, I sometimes missed being in buildings on the surface. I was too accustomed to them.

Even I could help stacking stones, and so I thought that I would go and help them later.

It was with such thoughts that I arrived at the World Tree.

Rienna and Baris were staring hard at a map that was spread out on the marble, round table. And they were talking about something.

"I'm back. What are you two doing?"

"Oh, Lord Heal. I was just asking Baris's advice on the expansion of the fields!"

"Since there are more people living on this island now. I think it is a matter of great importance."

I nodded and told him he was right.

Aside from the people that Leila brought, there were now more Cave Spiders and Chimeras.

And since a lot of people were about to join us from the underground city, expanding our fields was something we had to do quickly.

Rienna turned to me.

"And so we will have to ask for your help in reclaiming more ground."

"I see. I can help whenever you need. Just let me know when."

"Thank you! By the way, Lord Heal. Seeing as you've returned…"

"Yes. The control device has been repaired, and the people who were sleeping underground have been awakened."

"I see. That's wonderful! Well, then. We must prepare a feast and celebrate!'

"Indeed. I'll help too. However, there is one thing I want to do first."

So saying, I took out the oddly shaped red stone and placed it on the round table.

Rienna and Baris looked at it with great interest.

Baris said,

"Hmm… It looks like an organ. The heart, to be exact."

"So you think so too, Baris. It's called a Cardiac Stone, and it's apparently what happens when a Heart Stone is broken."

"Hmm. So it is also a Golem core then."

"Aye… While we were repairing the machine, we were attacked by a Golem that had this inside of it."

"That means it could only control normal Golems, but not Golems with these Cardiac Stones."

"Exactly. And so I want to give this stone a body once again, and try to talk to it. However, it's also possible that it will attack us. If that happens, can you two stop it with magic?"

"Of course."

Rienna and Baris nodded. And then I put the stone back into my Inventory.

And from there, I started to create the doll.

I decided to keep it simple, and make it out of Ryukin.

Who knows what it might do if I let it use magic.

After willing it, a golden doll appeared right in front of me.

And surprisingly, the humanoid Golem muttered, 'huh?'

"Wasn't I…destroyed…"

Clearly, this doll was different from the other ones made with Heart Stones.

Indeed, the doll made of Ryukin moved like a human, but it sounded as if it had past memories as well.

"So you can talk? I'm Heal. Who are you?"

I asked. And then the doll moved away as if suspicious.

"You. You're that…!?"

"Wait. I don't mean to fight you. However, I need to know why you attacked us."

"I did it to protect the city! If that machine is repaired, they will awaken!"

"You're talking about the humans?"

"No. We abandoned our orders and moved by our own will in order to protect the humans! It was all done to save them!"

The breaking of the Heart Stones. It had been the result of the Golems rejecting their orders and moving on their own.

To protect the humans… I see. As they humans were sleeping, no new orders could be given.

And it said 'we' which suggested there were others.

"I see. Do you know how to control the machine?"

"Control? What do you mean?"

"Hmm. So you don't know. We had to fix that machine in order to wake up the humans."

"Is…is that true?"

"Yes. But more importantly, what is going to wake up now that the machine is fixed?"

"The most fearsome king of the underground. He breathes fire and burns everything. And worse, he hates all humans."

"Hates humans, huh… What does he look like?"

"I do not know. But those who have seen him say that he is fire itself."

"I'd like to hear more about this… But first…"

I turned to Number 15 and Taran.

"Number 15. You must go and tell Shiel everything you heard here. Taran. Tell the Cave Spiders and Slimes in the city to escape to the surface."

Number 15 and Taran immediately headed for the underground.

"Baris, go and call Erevan and the others. We must strengthen our defenses."


Baris said as he went towards the bell, which would call the others.

"The underground king…huh…"

Apparently, we had a long way to go before the undergrounds were truly safe.