
Chapter 104 - Daughters of Darkness

Tansy glanced at the young witch for a moment before turning to Kayla. “What do you think we should do with her?”

“No one is doing anything with my wife,” Stephen said, but everyone ignored him.

Kayla sat up straighter, taking a deep breath. “Me? Why would you ask me?”

Tansy smiled over at the redhead. “Because I know you. I trust you. Whatever you think we should do with her, we’ll do.”

Kayla glanced over at Kalinda and then at Hannah. Both women nodded. “We trust you, too,” Kalinda said.

Hannah blew out a frustrated breath. “I know what I’d like to do to her,” she snipped. Then she took another deep, calming breath. “But I’ll agree with whatever you decide. We’ve got bigger problems right now than her dumb ass. That thing is still out there.”

Kayla turned to Selina, the woman’s expression showing she thought Kayla would exact her own revenge. “I’ll agree to whatever you decide,” Selina said. “I failed you. All of you. I deserve whatever punishment you decide.”