
The Catastrophe System

In 2030, an enormous earthquake ravaged the earth and the entire universe. It was not an ordinary earthquake. It was a universe collision, and the quake brought great destruction and chaos to the system. Carl, an 18-year-old, never wanted to be an inventor. He always wanted to be a doctor. However, his meeting with Miku changed everything. His destiny is to be a fighter to save the universe.

shimizudani · Fantasy
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150 Chs


Elle decided to go to the factory after lunch.

Two places became the central part of the Monticelli Corporation. One was a high building, which was used as the office where all the company's administrative activities were carried out. While the other one was a large building that became the place where Ells was created. All production activities were taken place there, starting from the storage of cocoa pods to the finished products, which were chocolate bars and cocoa powder. She used the rest of her working hours to observe all the processes going on there.

Before entering the area, she had to pass through the security section of the gate. It was pretty easy because she simply needed to scan her ID card, and the automatic door opened. It was like a gate in the company. Only the company's employees were free to go in and out of place. Of course, the guards were securing the gates to make sure no one trespassed.