

In the CURIO-VII-G bunker net after the Fallout, Dr. Evelyn Walsh, a renowned yet forgotten researcher, receives a crystal with the power to create life from scratch. Her student, Ava Knight, senses danger within this mysterious object. Follow brilliant Dr. Walsh and courageous Ava Knight in a series of recovered tapes narrating the CURIO VII-G anomaly.

Lena_Black · Sci-fi
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32 Chs

Tape #24 - Facing the Truth

The lab thrummed with an eerie silence, broken only by the low hum of machines and the chilling echo of slow, deliberate footsteps in the inky blackness. Ava fought back panicked breaths, clinging to the darkness and the console for any semblance of comfort. Her narrowed eyes strained against the gloom, fixed on the lone file bathed in the blue glow of a dormant security console.

The student's heart was pounding so hard, she was sure it would burst out of her chest. She held her breath, every muscle taut, searching for any hint of movement. The footsteps, like unseen predators, had vanished, leaving only a hollow, oppressive silence.

Suddenly, a menacing silhouette darted across the lab, snatching the bait file in a swift, practiced swoop. Ava's senses went into overdrive. Her hand fumbled for the console, the tremor almost betraying her.

Should she press it? Not yet, but the line between caution and hesitation thinned with every passing second. The air crackled with tension, charged and ready to spark. One wrong move, and their meticulous plan would crumble.

The figure, a fleeting specter, scanned the room before cautiously unfolding the file. A low murmur, barely audible, carried through the stillness: -"Five, two, forty-six... It's recent?"-

To Ava's utter surprise, the file was meticulously returned to its original position, precise as a surgeon's touch in the dim light. The figure turned to leave, and she knew time was up. With a deep, steadying breath, Ava swallowed her fear and slammed her hand down on the button.

Intermittent crimson light flooded the lab, the clang of metallic shutters echoing as they slammed shut. The thief's figure was revealed, his eyes wide in shock, caught off guard by the sudden change in atmosphere. Their trap had sprung, almost flawlessly. Almost.

- - -

In the dimness of her office, Dr. Walsh sat perched on the edge of her desk, her eyes fixed on the window that overlooked the lab. A sudden flash of red light filtering through the glass had her heart leaping to her throat. With a jolt, she rose, lab coat rustling, hands instinctively smoothing down any wrinkles betraying her rising fear and anticipation. A deep breath steadied her nerves, and she marched purposefully toward the lab, determination hardening her features.

-"Identify yourself!"- she barked, striding toward the figure hunched over her workstation, her voice sharp enough to break the tense silence. The figure flinched, startled further by her abrupt entrance. -"You have triggered a..."-

She stopped in her tracks as the man turned to her, words failing her as she frantically scanned him up and down. His face bore the mark of the years; lines etched into his skin and fiery red locks sprinkled in grayish tones. But the resemblance was undeniable. It was him.

-"Charles,"- she whispered, her voice barely above a murmur, the name hanging heavy in the air. Her face remained unreadable, a carefully crafted mask concealing a storm of emotions. -"It was only to be expected."-

He straightened to his full height, towering over Dr. Walsh. He combed his hair back with his hands, revealing tired, yet fiercely intelligent blue eyes that met hers with a mix of surprise and disbelief. The incessant wail of the alarm seemed to fade as he finally managed to speak, his voice husky with emotion, -"...Evelyn... Unbelievable."-