
The Cat's Second Life: A Dystopian Tale of Survival

As she lay on her deathbed, the woman wondered what the future held for her. Would she be reincarnated? Would she go to heaven or hell? These were questions that she couldn't answer. But as it turned out, the woman was indeed reincarnated. She woke up in a strange and unfamiliar place, unsure of where she was or what had happened to her. As she looked around, she realized that she was no longer in a human body. Instead, she was a small and fluffy white cat. As she made her way through the desolate landscape, the woman noticed that there were strange creatures roaming the streets. They were grotesque and undead, with rotting flesh and empty eyes. They seemed to be drawn to her, reaching out with their gnarled hands as she tried to escape. The woman knew that she had to be careful. She had to stay hidden and avoid the zombies at all costs. She crept through the shadows, using all of her feline instincts to evade the undead creatures. As she wandered through the city, the woman realized that she was the only cat anyone had ever seen. People were terrified of her, and they ran in fear whenever she approached. The woman was sad and lonely, longing for the companionship of her human family.

Slow_Moose · Fantasy
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15 Chs

First Contact

I wake up to the sensation of being cradled in someone's arms. My eyes flutter open, and I find myself staring up into the familiar face of a man. He has the same kind eyes as that stranger who picked me up, but something seems off. He's a tall and thin man with a scraggly dark beard covering his gaunt face. He's smiling down at me, but his eyes seem cold and focused, and that excitement does not seem to be directed at me. I feel a sense of discomfort and apprehension in his embrace.

I stretch my body, feeling the warmth of his hands as they run over my fur. I purr softly, trying to hide my growing anxiety. I realize that I must have been asleep for some time. I can't recall how I ended up asleep in his arms.

I take a moment to look around, taking in my surroundings. I'm in a room that I don't recognize, but it's dark and dreary. There's no sign of furniture, only two open archways that let light shine through, and no windows. Looking down, I can see a silhouette of something laying behind the man. But before I can take a closer look, the man continues to pet me, but his touch now feels more rough and assessing. He's not petting me to feel the fluff of my fur, but more to get a feel of my anatomy. He's holding both my front paws in one of his hands, meaning I can not run away or attack him.


Now that I am more awake, I can smell and see the blood and game on his hands and clothes. He looks malnourished and his clothes are dirty and torn. And then I see the bloody knife on the ground next to him. Shifting my focus behind the man again reveals what I took note of before. It is a small mound of meat and fur, seemingly from a freshly skinned animal. I realize that this man is a hunter, and that he seems to want to skin and eat me as well.

  Why on earth would someone want to eat a cat? I mean, sure, I know some cultures consider it   a delicacy, but come on. Fluffy little balls of purring love? I just can't wrap my head around it.

  I mean, sure, I've heard the argument that cats are just small lions or tigers, so why not eat   them? But let's be real, if I saw a lion or tiger in the wild, I'd be running in the opposite   direction, not marinating it and putting it on a plate.

I struggle to free myself, my heart racing with fear. I can hear the hunter's laughter as I struggle, and he tightens his grip on me. I can now also hear other voices in the background, they sound like they're discussing something. I know I have to act fast before it's too late. I use all my strength and back paws to claw him and fight back, scratching and biting him, trying to escape.

Finally, I manage to break free and run towards the closest archway, opposite from where the voices come from, as fast as I can. I can hear what sounds like a curse from the hunter and the sound of him getting up and chasing after me, but I don't look back, I just keep running until I reach safety.

I take a moment to catch my breath, my heart still racing from the fear and adrenaline. I try to assess my surroundings, trying to determine where I am and how I can make my escape. The building I've temporarily taken shelter in seems to have been long abandoned, with debris and rubble littering the ground. I can hear the hunter and his men searching for me, their voices growing more distant as they move further away.

I realize that I am in a dystopian town, similar to the one I first awoke in. The buildings are half-destroyed and the people I can see wandering around look malnourished and thin, as if they too are struggling to survive. I can't help but wonder what kind of world I've stumbled into and how I'm going to make it out alive.

I stay hidden for a while longer, until I feel certain that the hunter and his men have given up their search. I peek out from behind the rubble, making sure the coast is clear before I make my escape. I know that I have to be careful, as I have no idea who or what else might be lurking in this dangerous new world.

As I begin to make my way through the streets, I keep my ears and eyes open for any signs of danger. I know that I need to find food and shelter, as well as a way to protect myself. I am determined to survive, no matter what challenges I may face. I still have lovely husband and four kids to come back to. Even in cat from! They need me! Heaven knows what they are have been up to, without me being there as the voice of reason!

I make my way through the streets, trying to keep a low profile and avoid drawing attention to myself. I come across a few other animals along the way, mostly incest and a few birds. I know that I can't rely on them for help, as when I tried to "meow" at them they don't seem to understand cat talk, *sigh* so I keep moving forward, determined to find a way out of this nightmare.

As I continue on my journey, I can't help but think about the hunter and his men. Why would they want to eat a cat? It doesn't make any sense to me. But they did seem to not have than much to eat to begin with. Hmm. But I know that I can't dwell on it, as I have more pressing matters to attend to. I have to focus on survival, and I will do whatever it takes to make it out of this nightmare world alive.