
The carrier of his dream

Once upon a time there was boy, who's dream was to become a football legend like Lionel Messi, and for some financial problem he dropped from school. He started searching for Football Academy to starts his journey to his career, finally he saw a team that has so many contacts, and he the team, his first practice with the team,he did extremely well he even score hattrick that day. The Coach was astonished to see a little boy who very well, so the coach decided to make him the captain for the team. So has days pass by the team was going for game abroad and according to the traveling the team has to pay 2,500(USD) and each players has to pay 200USD. So after the agreement the coach came and told them what supposed to be done. And the captain was sad because I didn't have that kind of money to afford. They all dismissed and went to their various Houses and he was sad that whole week. Finally the time has come for the team to travel abroad for the game they all liner in order and the coach said (Anybody who haven't pay will not entered. But the captain was having hope that GOD will make way for him so when coach reached to his name and call it but no amount was in front his name but a strange person asked the coach how much he should pay and the coach said 200USD right away the person give a cash to the coach and he entered the plane. And they won the game 3:2 the captain was the one that score the winning goal and right after the game one scout from England sign him to play for Liverpool FC so there where his career started

Chris_Quiah · Realistic
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The carrier of his dream

The carrier of his dream