
The Carrero Series (1-3)

Emma Anderson has everything in her life worked out. She has her perfect job in a Manhattan empire allowing her to live a quiet and organised safe existence. A necessity to her, after a childhood filled with bad memories, abuse, and a mother who was less than useless. But, with it comes a problem, one that could derail everything she thought she needed in her life. Her promotion sends her straight into the close employment of young, gorgeous, playboy billionaire, Jacob Carrero with his formidable reputation for being a player. Stuck as his right-hand man, every waking moment of every single day, she realises he is exactly the type of person who could drive her crazy, and not in a good way. Like chalk and cheese, he is everything she's not. Compulsive, confident, laid back, dominant and fun, with a seriously laid back attitude to casual sex and dating. Jake is the only one with an ability to steamroll over her manicured ice maiden exterior, who is not phased by the closed in demeanour and cool manners, but as much as she wants to, letting him in is another thing entirely. A past that made her man wary and no desire to ever let one close enough to hurt her again, Jacob Carrero has his work cut out. He is not someone who takes NO for an answer and will have to learn how to break through if he wants more than the mask she shows the world. Jake needs to show her that even some one like him can change when that one girl that matters breaks through. Love-able sexy characters and deep emotional topics.

L.T.Marshall · Urban
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847 Chs

Chapter 20

  Less than twenty minutes later, I’m in the back of a large SUV with tinted windows and I’m sitting mere inches away from him. My briefcase is on my lap and I’ve a pen in one hand. I’m preoccupied, mulling over the weirdness of this request.

  “That habit is at odds with how you present yourself, you know.”

  I look up at his remark questioningly. He is regarding me, half-smirking.

  What the hell is he talking about?

  I then realize I have a strand of hair between my fingers, absent-mindedly twisting it. I drop it and still my hands on my lap, internally cursing him out.

  For God’s sake.

  It’s the being unprepared that has me on edge.

  Nice move, Emma.

  I scowl inside at teen Emma, always peeking at me from the recesses of my mind, and I smile tightly at Jake in response.

  “Nervous habit?” he presses further, looking smugger.

  “I don’t get nervous, Mr. Carrero,” I respond drily.

  Because I’ve spent many years perfecting the art of hiding it, but for some reason, you bring it out in me when I’m not focusing.

  “Do I make you nervous?” he smiles. He’s leaning back in his seat comfortably, an arm on the window ledge, looking effortlessly casual. Always annoyingly at ease.

  “I would not say that, Mr. Carrero.”

  What would I say?

  Because he does make me nervous, if I’m being honest. I don’t know how to act around him sometimes.

  “Do I intimidate you?” His tone is steady and quizzical with a hint of playfulness, and it’s already tiring me.

  Are we really doing this?

  “I just don’t know you well enough to feel at ease around you yet,” I answer, impressed with my diplomatic response under the pressure of his gaze.

  “I don’t think any woman has ever told me I’m intimidating before.” His eyes twinkle mischievously, his focus on me intense.

  “I don’t believe I actually said that,” I say, sighing.

  “You didn’t say ‘no’.”

  “If that’s how you perceived what I said.” I smile tightly, but he laughs, and that only grates on me further. He’s infuriating.

  “I’ve never met a woman who acts like you do around me!” he jests, pushing a foot against the door so he can stretch out some more. I throw him a cool yet questioning glance.