


Thing is ... every trip I have ever enjoyed, also has memories of her. I sit up and grab the remote, in a bid to push her out of my head and stop torturing myself over this. I made my choice and I need to man up and live with the consequences. It will get better, it will pass. Sophie is still there, just out of reach, but I’ll get her back.... She loves me as much as I love her, we’re like two magnets who are always drawn back to one another, and if I can fix all of this first, she’ll come around too. She’s my best friend, we need each other. She just needs time.

I’m just wallowing, feeling sorry for myself, because I miss her, insanely. I need to think beyond this, when feelings are less bruised, and people are more open to building bridges. I can’t give up on the hope that I will see her again. She’s sulking and hurt and in time, she won’t be.