


I pull myself free at the top of the stairs and stare at Natasha blankly. Not sure what’s going on or how she even got me up here without a fight, all I know is my girl is headed the other way and I don’t like this. I am not about to stand here and do god knows what, while she’s down there trying to get a cab and fending for herself. I never agreed to this shit and I am not about to follow through with it.

Sophie always needs me; I need her. I lurch forward to the booths among my friends, grabbing my jacket and Sophie’s, from earlier and a lot of crap falls out of my pocket that I do not stop to pick up. Something black skates across the table and dives to the floor with Natasha chasing after it hopelessly, but I’m already turning and fleeing back in the direction I came from on unsteady legs. No word to her on where I am going, I just go, with a mind, set on one task alone.