


My heart and soul are sitting three feet away from me, hurting and I am being completely shit at any sort of consoling or showing him what he means to me. He loves me, I know he does. Underneath all the hurt and doubts and chaos in that brain and I won’t let him drift further away. He can’t have lost how he feels about me in a matter of days after, eight years of infatuation. I need to stop being so immature. Swallow my pride and be brave for once. Take the lead, be what he needs even if he resists.

I step towards him instead of away and lean down to pull his guitar out of his hands impulsively. Scared to death of how he will react but determined to do this. He flinches with surprise as I whip it away and lay it down on the floor beside him carefully. He’s looking at me like I have lost my mind yet says nothing as I try to not let my nerves get the better of me.