


/"Promise me we can get through this if it’s what I choose. Promise me, we won’t break. That I won’t lose you./" I cling to him, tears filling my eyes as I sigh heavily and try to swallow down the torrent of emotions. Fingers finding their own way to his jawline and cupping the face I love more than life.

/"You can’t break what we have, Mimmo. We’re special. Love like ours has no breaking point. You will never lose us because neither would survive without the other. We’re like a bee and a flower; one needs the other for either to exist./" He pushes my face back with fingers on my chin, soft and heart wrenchingly sincere, bending in to kiss me softly on the mouth while still looking deep into my eyes. My heart dissolves at the sheer intimacy of the moment.

/"You’re such a geek sometimes./" I laugh through runny sniffs, feeling less ready to commit murder and just sad and resigned to what’s happening here.