


/"Make sure that’s what this is, because if you hurt my little Mimmo and break her heart, I’ll break your neck. There better be a ring on that finger before long./" Sylvana is deadly serious, scarily so and a hint of momma bear and fiery temper makes me squirm back in his arms a little.

/"Steady on, I’m only turning twenty./" I squeak in sheer panic, knowing this was going to be a topic at some point, but not thinking she would swoop right in. I want that with him one day, but I have so much to do first.

/"Mom, there will be a ring on her finger eventually, I swear. Right now, we’re living in the moment. She’s moving in and we’re taking it from there./" Arrick encircles my waist affectionately, his body molding to mine, despite my attempts at batting him off subtly and then giving up again. Somehow her non-reaction makes me relax and I admit, I like his touch a little too much to ever push it away for long.