


It’s a colorful, chocolate and candy stuffed cookie in supersize and looks like he brought it back with him from wherever they were today. My heart does a happy little skip and almost melts with the gooeyness of how incredibly cute he can be when I least expect it.

/"Aww, Arry, I thought you put me on a candy ban?/" I throw my best loving look, knowing fine well he has tried several times to do that and failed spectacularly.

/"Like anything I ever try and enforce works with you./" He winks at me as Nate shoves him from the back rudely, almost making him bang facially with me as he was so close, and turns both of our attention to him.

/"One of you two take the shot, Jason has teamed you as a pair./" I turn and look up at our names on the screen for the next shot and smile merrily at the little names linked together as one. Stupid, juvenile, but whatever floats my boat.