
The captive's heart

Revenge and betrayal is the theme of the day.... Will Sandra learn to love again? Will she discover her true potential as a leader? Trust is not an option....

Angel_Ilikah · Urban
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


Three days later Bruce sat in his office going through files. Business wasn't going well, if it continued like this his company will go bankrupt and he could sure as hell kiss the mayorship goodbye.

Gabriel walked in and dropped a file on his desk.

"That's all the information I could gather. The man your wife met in the party is Antonio Berlusconi."

"Antonio? who's he?" Bruce picked up the file and started going through it.

"Why don't you find out yourself." Gabriel replied.

Bruce flipped through the file, he was confused. What did his wife have to do with this man. He knew his wife had no family, well that's what she told him that's why on their wedding day no one from her side attended, it was just his family, close friends and other guests.

The woman he had married ten years ago was a nobody, just a shy college student who wanted to be a model. She had come from Italy to school in Canada.

His parents were strongly against their marriage but when they heard that Sandra was pregnant and would not get rid of the child, they had no other choice but to comply.

"You might want to look at the last page." Gabriel interrupted Bruce's thoughts. Bruce nodded and carefully went through it.

LORENZO ROSSI (Leader of the Rossi's group, CEO of Rossi company and Mafia Lord.)

ANTONIO BERLUSCONI (Secretary and bestfriend of Lorenzo.)


AURORA ROSSI (Only child and sole heiress, a.k.a SANDRA.)

Realization dawned on him, he had been married for ten whole years to his one ticket to greatness and he didn't know. She was not just any girl, she was the daughter of a well known mafian tycoon, nobody dared cross him or his family. Bruce laughed, he hasn't felt this much happiness in a very long time. He would either sweet talk or threaten Sandra, one way or the other he was going to make her company partner with his and make sure he had big shares in her company maybe when her old man passes he could become the new chairman.

"Get me a bunch of flowers!"

"What for sir?" Gabriel asked.

"For my dear wife."

Bruce smiled, he always knew that Sandra was his step to power but this was unexpectedly too good to be true, he has definitely hit jackpot.


Sandra stood motionlessly staring at the flowers that the maid was holding.

"Who sent these again? She asked wanting to be sure that it wasn't a mistake of some sort.

" The boss sent them..Madam." The maid replied smiling sheepishly.

Sandra frowned, "Dispose of it and bring my clean laundry to my room." She ordered and went back to her room.

Few minutes later she heard a knock on her door.

"Come in." She shouted not looking at the door. It hasn't been long since she asked the maid to get her clothes, she wondered if the maid now had tires for legs she came quicker than expected.

She slipped out of the pink gown she was wearing and stood completely naked backing the door.

"Just leave them anywhere and come arrange it later."

When she heard no sounds or reply, she looked behind her, rather than seeing the maid she saw Bruce.

He walked towards her and stopped halfway.

"Sandra..." His voice cracked, she turned her body fully. She watched his eyes scan her body slowly.

"Yes Bruce?" She answered seductively, she bit her lower lip and walked to him. He couldn't remember the last when last they made love without him forcing her, probably when they were engaged.

"I forgive you Sandra." Bruce murmured as his hand cupped her face. She blinked then smiled, he kissed her and she kissed him back.

They made love all through the night and talked everything and nothing like long lost lovers who were meeting again for the first time.

At dawn Sandra asked him to leave the room, Bruce was confused.

"What do you mean?" He stared at her. "I thought we were..."

"We were what?" She raised her head from the pillow and stared back at him.

"I thought everything was okay with us now. I thought you were going to speak to your dad about the business. I mean I have forgiven you already."

Sandra burst into laughter, she stood up, put on a robe and walked out of the room. She paused at the door way and glared at him.

"Bruce this was..what do I call it..umm yeah.. goodbye sex and it felt good by the way."

"What the hell Sandra." He shouted.

"Oh come on now. I am leaving the room cause you don't want to, I'll just sleep in one of the spare rooms here." She pouted. "And my lawyers will send you the papers."

"What papers?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Darling, the divorce papers of course...."