
The Capo Love

Run, tell mom and dad to come hurry. I promise to be safe, Bang bang. No, I am not going to leave you here, Raya replied , Jaxon was shaking and crying, not because he is scared to die even though he is but his crying because of his stubborn sister. Raya!! You are bleeding, Jaxon screamed, and my conscience is fading away. Don't use my body anyhow, even though it is yours now ,What are you talking about? Raya asked. Promise me to find her and avenge me, what no no no ,Promise me I promise. Beep beep beep!!!!!!.............. silence Live your life, and don't waste it avenge us in a low voice. Mom, dad , Jaxon, I promise to avenge you even if it is the last thing I do. [Soul switched] This soul is based on two things Revenge and Love. Everything is taken away, so what am to lose haha

JustFFA · Action
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100 Chs

Preparation of the mission

"They all got ready and head

to the club and they 

all had fun.

"Leo was busy grinding at different ladies back while Das was just dancing alone without anyone.

"Noval was just looking around, while Nic was just sipping his whiskey and observing his team.

" The second team celebration finally ended, and everyone went back to the penthouse and to their room looking forward for tomorrow.

"The morning came in a blink of eyes.

"So the plan is simple if you follow it, I don't want a mistake or change of plan ,retrieve the flash drive that in the safe from this location.

Das pointed at the location on the building map for the mission, which he wrote x o.

"While we proceed with retrieving the fd (flash drive). Nic will try to buy us some time so they don't notice until it is too late. Any questions, Das asked with a serious tone, which he rarely uses.

"Currently, they are all in one of the room that in the penthouse, which. Nic assigned to be for strategic and planning for missions.

"I have a question, Noval raised her hand ,what if the plan doesn't go as planned.

" Do not worry yourself about that. There is always a backup plan ,Das responded

"Any other questions

"They all shook their head in sync. 

"Okay, then it settled. Mission we take place tomorrow everyone should be geared up before 9am tomorrow is that clear,Das declared

"Everyone left the room to continue their normal routine while going over the plan was once again.

"The next day, everyone was dressed and geared up for the mission. We pray for a successful mission. Everyone try your best to avoid fighting, Das stated.

"Let move out .They all moved to the van, and Das was the driver. Throughout the journey of nobody, spoke there was tension in the air because it their first mission as a team.

" Guys, stay calm. You all look nervous, stay calm, and follow the plan ,Nic spoke up to calm the tension in the air. Understood, they all stated.

"They car came to a halt. Everyone took a deep breath and looked at the huge building in front of them,that where the fd they need is.

"Mean while the owner of the company is known for abusing men in the criminal world mean while in day time she is the ,Ceo of one the most richest and successful company know as (TM company).Recruitment agencies.

"The fd contains a lot of information that Nic needs, and extra money won't hurt right.

"First phase of the plan is to enter without looking suspicious looking like you are trying to drop your cv application ,while the receptionist is trying to get you a date to come back you would come up with an excuse to go the restroom, 2 minutes later you will follow, Leo ,Das stated before he continued, while both of you are in the restroom.

"Nic will come in with the intention of seeing the Ceo ,and of course, the receptionist will ask if he has a meeting set up with her.

"He would say his from the organization, the receptionist will call to confirm before let him in, but she will say yes and because she knows the organization, but she doesn't know the specifics one so she will agree but guards will be there with her so,Nic will try as much as possible to buy time for you guys,is that clear, Das asked.

"Yes, they all answered .Okay, then let start.