
Do's and dont's before 40's.

Teenage is the golden period of our lives but we hardly know and care about this gift when we are going through it. First of all you will have to take out time for yourself for your self development and grooming to move in the society. If you waste your teenage you will regret it forever, this world will treat you like football if you dont love, care, and develop yourself. The first step you require is to focus on your education for that purpose you need to make a daily timetable just like school to make sure you dont waste time and cash it to its most because time is the only currency which cant be recycled. You can make vareity of time tables according to your preferences. This is just to make your lifestyle diciplined. Make sure you follow your time table "regularly". Wake up early every morning. Get fresh, pray, meditate, do exercise, make a diet plan according to your requirement and follow it, do breakfast. Read everyday. If you are student your focus must be on studies first.