
Chapter 23


"Dr. Choi, Dr. Rhodes we have two incoming, both critical" Maggie spoke up loud and clear.

Both doctors began running to the emergency doors as they put on gloves. The door made an alarming sound as they opened wide. Brett and Dawson walked in rolling Jay on a gurney. Behind them two other paramedics wheeled in Cassie on a gurney. Both doctors were almost shouting orders at the nurses. They wheeled them into rooms at opposite ends. It sounded like chaos in the hospital.

Natalie walked up to Maggie who was watching it all "What's going on?" She asked unable to see who the patients were.

"Paramedics just brought in two critical patients" She said with a worried expression "Jay Halstead and Cassie Severide" She revealed.

"Oh my god" Natalie said "Does Will know?"

"Not yet. He's checking up on a patient he took up for a MRI" She explained "You have a patient waiting in room 3" Maggie said.

She nodded her head as Natalie walked off.


"Truck 81, Squad 3 car accident on North Washington boulevard" The intercom voice came on.

Everyone began to stand up from the tables until they heard a voice stopping them.

"Listen up, I've rerouted that call to Firehouse 18" Boden said as he walked into the room.

Everyone stopped and turned their attention to the Chief.

He softly let out a sigh as he put his hands on his hips "I just got off the phone with Maggie from Chicago Med. Cassie just arrived"

Everyone in the room let out a sigh of relief "How is she?" Otis asked.

"I was told she is critical" He explained "But she wasn't the only critical patient, it seems Jay Halstead is there as well"

The room stayed silent for a minute.

"They'll pull through" Hermann spoke up.

"Okay, let's go" Boden said.

"How is he?" Will asked.

Dr. Rhodes clasped his hands together as he approached Will "Jay pulled through just fine. The bullet just missed his spine although it did make some damage to his small intestines. It took me some time to repair them but I was able to get it done. The wound on his shoulder was a through and through so that's good news" He explained.

"So what's the bad news?"

"I'm glad to say there is no bad news. He's going to be okay but I do want to keep him in the ICU. Just to keep an eye on his for a few days"

Will nodded his head "Thank you" He let out a sigh of relief "How's Cassie?"

Connor stayed quiet for a few long seconds. Before he could say anything Will read that look on his face. Kelly was the first person to enter his mind.


Dr. Rhodes wanted to talk to Kelly in private. After explaining to Will they got Kelly into a room with just them three and Dr. Choi. Connor began explaining what happened with Cassie.

Kelly was having a hard time believing him. He scooted forward on the chair "Wait, hold on. Your telling me that my sister needs a kidney transplant?"

"That's correct" Connor said.

"I don't understand, why? How?" He asked trying to make sense of it all.

"Well the kidneys need a regular blood flow from the large renal blood vessels that bring in blood from the body. Now unfortunately one of the blood vessels was ruptured from the stab wound she had" Connor explained.

"And unfortunately it was not repairable. Her kidney is failing" Dr. Choi finished up.

Kelly was looking down. He inhaled deeply before softly letting it out through his nose. He was resting his elbows on his knees. He straightened up his back "Take mine"

"Are you the same blood type?" Dr. Choi asked him.

He tried to think about it, stuttering for a few seconds "I don't, I-I- don't"

"Come on, let's go find out" Dr. Rhodes said.

Kelly stood up and followed him out of the room.


Jay lightly groaned as he was sitting up "Hey"

"You really scared me there" Will said as he stood next to him.

"I know"

"I know you just woke up but you should get some rest, you look like hell"

Jay tried to laugh but he groaned when it ached "Thanks, I am pretty tried"

Will nodded his head "Okay. Well get some rest I'll be by to check on you later" He began walking away.

"Will" Jay called out.

He stopped and turned around to him.

"Is the Intelligence team here?" He asked.

"They were, they left a few hours ago"

"Did they find Cassie?"

Will swallowed that nervous lump in his throat. He stayed silent for a few seconds "They did"

"Is she okay?" Jay asked.

"She's fine, she's okay" Will said "She was a little bound up so we are keeping her overnight for observation. But she's okay"

Jay let out a sigh of relief "Thank you"

"Get some sleep" He gave him a weary smile before he walked out.

He walked out of the room closing the door behind him. He walked over and stood next to the nurses station as he looked at Jay's dark room.

"Hey" Natalie said approaching him "How's he doing?" She asked.

"He's okay"

"What's wrong?" She asked as she noticed the expression on his face.

As he talked he kept looking at Jay's room "I just told my brother Cassie is fine. Her kidneys are failing and she is dying. But I just lied to him and told him she is going to be okay. How could I do something like that?"

"He needs all the rest he can get. If he knew, he wouldn't sleep"

"How am I going to tell him the truth?" He asked.

"I can go with you" She offered.

He looked at her "Thanks. Maybe I should wait till the morning, he needs rest"

She touched his arm in comfort "I heard they tested Kelly to see if he was a match"

"And?" He asked her.

"He's not a match" She said in a soft, low tone.

Will inhaled and exhaled quickly "Without a kidney.." He began.

"How long does she have?"

"48 hours, maybe 72"

"Dr. Manning" A nurse interrupted.

She turned to look at her "Your needed downstairs" She said.

Natalie nodded her head and thanked her. She turned to Will and have his arm a squeeze before walking off. Will kept staring into Jay's room. His heart breaking knowing he was going to have to tell his brother soon.
