
The Calling

Ashlie, a 21 year old she - wolf finds herself stuck in the Lupercalia season, sending her body into a lustful desire. Little did she know it would be met by a fearsome Alpha and not her childhood lover.

Gabriella_Guerra · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Her Beauty

~~~~~~~~~~ <<< Seth >>> ~~~~~~~~

Her gasp was music to my ears. Before I could stop myself my hands traced down from her shoulders to her hips. Mmmm, my inner wolf growled at the feel of skin, so soft. It was clear, I craved her... badly.

"Seth" she said softly staring into my eyes

The look she just gave me, I could tell she was nervous. If only she knew she was having the same effect on me.

The sun's light beamed in her eyes making them appear luminous, pulling me into them. What pretty eyes, they shined like amber stones. How strange, I always thought. Ashlie's eyes were only this color in the sun's light but in the shadows they looked black.

I found myself drawing closer, inches away from her lips, her breath felt warm.

"Ashlie" I said softly while cupping my right hand on her cheek, gazing into her eyes lustfully and ready to crash my lips against hers.

"Hey, you two down there! Hurry it up, save it for the ceremony!" a man's voice yelled

The man's voice startled us, her more than me making her pull out of my embrace. He had just messed up probably the only chance I'd get. We both stood in silence for a moment before putting our clothes back on.

"Welp, I guess I'll see you later then?" I said, trying to break the silence.

She didn't really respond, instead she smiled nervously and nodded. What could I expect, that was probably the closet she had ever been with a male.

I watched her walk off before I went home to get ready for the ceremony. On the way home my mind was flooded with the recent memory of being so close to her body, her lips. 'Grrrrr, why did that man have to ruin the moment!'

Once at home I found myself struggling to figure out what kind of pants to wear. 'Why all the fuss, it's not like my clothes would be on the whole time anyway' I thought to myself.

I decided to go with a pair of black jeans, everything goes with black I figured. Luckily the shirt part came easy, my best friend Ramón aka the high alpha, picked out a nice red checkered dress shirt. 'I have to hand it to him, he has good taste in clothes.'

"Seth, it's time to go!" a strong male voice yelled from outside

There was no mistake, he was here. I walked towards my window to find my alpha, my best friend standing outside my home.

"Yes Alpha!"

Instead of walking out the door like a normal person I jumped down from the window, landing on all fours infront of Ramón.

He patted my back in a roughly manner as I stood to my feet. "You could have just used the door like a normal person ya know. Besides, let's save the cool stunts for me." he joked

It was now dark and torches lit the streets. The village was filled with commotion and excitement.

"Listen to them Seth, they are so excited and itching to get out. What about you man, got your eyes on anybody for the season?" Ramón asked

I couldn't help but smile "That's for me to know, wouldn't want ya stealing her from me now. Besides, shouldn't I be asking you that question, it has been awhile since you have claimed a female. The pack is starting to talk Ramón."

He rolled his eyes "Let them talk, I'm not worried about it. However, if they do start to get out of line I will put them in their places and remind them who their High Alpha is."

"Alright, alright but seriously though, brother to brother. What's stopping you from choosing a female?" I asked

He sighed and motioned his hands in the air as he talked. "All these females are so easy, they just submit like nothing, no challenge. I'm tired of it, I want a female who does the opposite but not just that, I want thy one."

Ramón's words were enough to make me smile even more, I knew exactly how he felt. I craved the same thing. "Who knows bud, we might just find our female's tonight." I wink at him

He chuckles and pushes me away roughly in a playful manner with his hand. "Yea right."

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