
The call of the wild

Zara, such a wonderful name for a broken girl. Zara is the name that brings smile to your face, Zara was the girl who was the broken vase with beautiful patterns that hide the deepest secrets of the world.Who the creator himself spent a lot of time carving it to the utmost perfection. Zara is a small girl who was left by the hands of the fate to be decided of what to do with her life. So beautiful yet so submissive, her sworn to be mate and family who they are supposed to protect their own blood have been rejecting her. That's what all she was a rejection a mistake and a toy that she was partaking in her family's sick game. But she never knew she was the catch in the game. Being thrown off into a new world, that's definitely the end for her. But every end is a new beginning, the end and the beginning are sealed by fate. The God's or rather lost devilish souls have finally took a sympathy over her dead, powerless soul. She was chosen, the chosen mother of the dragon and goddess of the wild. She is the acronym of the wild.Now the chosen one must fulfill her fate and face the enemies, but this time the haters are begging for sympathy once she was pleading to get but did not receive. They said she will die soon, that she was nothing and couldn't be something. Watch her become everything they ever wished for and lacked. Together her, herself and her bitter soul will be the ones to start a new empire. Bow down to the goddess or pay with your head. They call her weak but the weak will be the one to rise above them for she is the mother, the only woman who will tame the beasts hudreds of years old, she is fate and she will bring end to the ones who dare to invade her soul.

Lovely_Daisy · Fantasy
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Vera And My Mind Palace

A/N :I am so sleepy and tired, but I am so excited about this book and can't wait to come to the action point, and show you how much Zara is actually different and strong. But nonetheless I hope you had a great week and even greater day you deserve it.

Here's all my love.


Zara's P. O. V

Groan escaped my mouth when I opened my eyelids that felt like they weighted tons.

Opening my eyes I was blinded by the darkness that's surrounding my weak body.

What the hell, where am I?.

Sitting up slowly I supported my weight on my right hand slowly trying not to hurt my already damaged body. Hissing in pain I sat up finally being able to look at my surroundings even better.

Darkness yet again. There was nothing else the place I'm in, it is filled with void and have been extracted from all sort of light.

The dark place sent shivers down my spine as I was waiting something from the shadows to jump out and eat me alive.

But actually nothing happened. None of the things I expected happened. Surprising to say the least would be an understandment, I was amused by how was I alive still because last time I checked I was breathing.

Or rather panting for air as I tried not to hurt my ribs even more by inhaling more than I should've had.

But either way I couldn't stand up, and even if I did what could I have done in the dark but sit and wait, wait for something to eat me alive or wait for something to come out and save me?

Which one was I really hoping for? . But my train of thoughts have been interrupted, just like my body snap out of the daze and was blasted on full alarm mode waiting to attack to be saved, what have set me into such position like now was the sound that came out of nowhere I heard , something like a sound of someone breathing and someone moving.

But yet again nothing came out of the dark or said something. I felt like I was being watched,being stalked was it, it is how a predator watches it's prey, but who would watch me from the dark in this place where I could not hear a voice. Let alone see some living breathing thing.

But then again I yet heard a sound, I am for sure convinced that my mind isn't playing tricks on me, or is my wolf Lucy as she is gone for a while and never responded me since I turned 17.

Right when I thought that someone chuckled, their chuckle seemed to be rather amusing than laughing at my stupidity .

What the fuck.

"Whoever you are let's get this over with and show up already I am tired of living in pain"

I said but the person or the thing in the shadows chuckled again.Is it natural for the predator to chuckle at it's prey in amusement? Or am I really that amusing.

"Dude I am not playing games, come on I am tired of living you'll do me a favor and I'll be a help for you too, so do both of us a favor and end is as quick as possible I'm not gonna struggle, I am already weak and can barely move let alone fight, this is your chance come on, thank you in advance "

I said again in attempt to make the person show themselves and help me out and finally leave this miserable life. I am so done with everything.

" You know sweetheart you are a funny one "the thing in the shadows finally replied, their voice dripping with pure interest as their voice surrounded me everywhere seeming to wrap me in a blanket rather than death grip on my neck and cutting off my airway .

" haha yes I know trauma gives you that, now come over and end it, I am not patient "

I replied not playing any games or bluffing I am just ready to leave and die.Not that I have something to leave behind besides my sanity. I think I even lost that too long time ago.

" I see we have something in common indeed "

the shadows replied again.

" Dude are you deaf I don't care about what we have in common or not, none of it would matter once I am gone, now come on for fucks sake and let's get this over with, I am not bluffing "

I replied hissing at the thing in the shadows as my ribs and head started to hurt even more.

" Well well well look what we got here a feisty one I see, so I did choose right indeed. You know I kind of am starting to like you"the thing in the shadows replied.

" Yeah yeah cut the crap, come on will you kill me or will you not?! "

I replied halfway yelling. At this point I am done and don't care if I die, but you see that's my intention in fact.

" Now now no need to be a bitchto the one who saved you after all, here I'll show myself and help you understand some things "

and true to their words the person behind the shadows showed up. In my vision appeared a one gorgeous abd mesmerizing women.

She looked she was in her 20's, but her face said otherwise. She had a small heart-shaped face, her eyes were the color of the sun, her eyes were so bright and golden like that she could be the new sun and put the sun to shame.

Her eyes were sparkling with what looked like to be pride and satisfaction. She had small button nose, big plump lips that were painted with the color of red, they looked so juicy and plump.

She had high cheekbones, which were dusted with a rosy color barely noticeable. But yet again it was visible.

Her eyes were rimmed with thick long blonde eyelashes. She had a small pointy chin and her face was framed with the hairs that refused to stay in place. She had a long hair going to the waist, her hair was the color of the snow.

No she didn't look old even with the white hair, indeed she looked so magnificent but her hair was the right amount of white, not too much but not too little.

Then my gaze followed to her few strands of hair that were covering her big chest. She had a small waist, really tiny one and curves in all right places. Her hips were really wide and her butt even bigger I assume. Then her legs were so shiny and golden like and really long that can put Victoria Secrets models to shame.

But what made me fall in awe even more was her big bright smile almost blinding me. They were white as pearls and even I fell in love with her in a matter of seconds,let alone some guy if they saw her.

Her gorgeous body was covered in her tight clothes that showed off her every curve. She had a little bit of belly but not too much. Which is natural.

She have had a white dress that came somewhere to her calves. The dress was made of silk from what I can see, she had a slit on the dress that showed off her one leg to a full display.

Then moving my gaze upwards I saw that her waist looked so defined and snatched, then going further her chest the dress was triangle shape at the top where it was held up by a golden necklace thing that was around her neck.

And the back was on full display as well it was cut to her lower back, and you can see on the back that she had a huge tattoo.

The tattoo was of some dragons circling around a big circle that had the moon inside. But what amused me the most is the strange patterns and some words written in some language on her arms and shoulders. She has some symbol as well but none of them which I recognized.

All of them look unfamiliar and weird but yet again just as gorgeous as her. She looked like a goddess and by the way she walked and stood her body screamed power rolling in massive waves crashing into my body. It took every fiber in my body not to submit to her.

However she had no shoes on.

Anyway while I was gazing her up and down what mostly caught my attention other than her smile was the fiery horns on her head. Weren't they burning her?

They were really long and sharp as knifes, I bet if I put my finger on one of then I'll cut off my finger.

She looked so magnificent and her horns made her look even more full of power and dominant. However her soft angelic voice was what had bringed me out of my daze or rather I looked like I was eye-raping her yikes.

I am straight but damn even I have to admit she looked bomb. I would date her if I wasn't straight doe.

She giggled and said

"Thank you, you look marvelous yourself with these plump lips of yours, the honey eyes that i can get forever lost in them and let's not forget your adorable chubby cheeks that are always blushing, aren't you just the cutest thing ever "

she complimented me, yet again I blushed even further if that was possible by the way she looked at me made me feel more confident in myself rather than uncomfortable. But yet again the fear after that faced me in tremendous rolls as I was taught not to look someone in the eye.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gapped at you like that, I am so sorry I won't do it again"

I apologized. Slowly lowering my gaze to the ground even further I turned away from her, but it looks like I forgot my state and accidentally moved too fast which resulted in me hissing in pain and the tears to come back again.

"Oh shit wait"

she said rushing towards me, and put her hands on my ribs. Frightened by the sudden touch of her soft palm I felt the tingles on my skin erupting a massive wave of relief and relaxation.

She looked so concerned and focused on my hurt ribs as she was scanning my body for more injuries.

"Damn girl you have hurt yourself really bad, here I'll help and explain everything, I just need you to take it slow and not move too much as I put your ribs back in place, also try to bare with the pain. Here you can hold onto my shoulder if it hurts too much"

she replied with so much care.

Why is she even nice to me?

Who is she?

How did she knew that I complimented her?

I have so many questions in my head but right now my attention was focused on the agonizing pain on my ribs and amount of pressure she put on that area as she was putting my ribs in their place.

But even when she did that she looked so skilled and concerned at the same time.

" H-how do you know h-ow t-o do t-this? "

I asked having trouble to form any words from the pain. Even though she was concentrated on healing me she yet again was able to hear me and understand what I asked.

"I was helping my people back when I was alive so I dealt with a lot of injuries and helped the nurses and the pack doctor's to help them heal them"

she answered in a soft voice as I for a brief second saw a hurt expression in her eyes, but it easily replaced with a stoic and cold look, her jaw clenching. Was it that she is dead is she sad or?

"I'm sorry"

I apologized nonetheless not aware of my words that have had made flashbacks run in her memory crazy.

"Don't worry about it, it's okay they were pieces of shit anyway"

she said with the same look in her eyes while she was healing me.

After she was done with putting my ribs in place and me constantly screaming and holding onto her shoulder for dear life, she started to mumble something in some language as her black tattoos started to glow in so much light blinding me for a hot second.

But that didn't phase me, her eyes started to glow now her iris or white aren't existent. She then somehow grew one big nail that looked like a big ass needle ready to kill you and penetrate your skin.

But instead she drew some symbol(§) on her skin, but there wasn't any blood coming out of it, instead it started to glow like her other tattoos and then the magic happened.

There was a big golden thing coming from her hands, not really understanding what the hell is that or rather what the hell is she I waited patiently for her next move . But nothing out of ordinary happened that was threatening to harm me, she instead put her now glowing hands on my ribs on both sides slowly.

"Now I know it might hurt a bit but bare with me for a few more minutes gorgeous"

she said as I silently nodded and watched her do her job. It did indeed hurt but not as much as before.

At this point pain was a feeling that I qm familiarized with so well, I didn't recognize when she was done until she announced that she have done her part of the job.

Thanking her for the help I sat up more easily now but my ribs still hurt a little bit.Well I didn't expect for my ribs to be completely healed so I can stand up and start doing jumps and flips.

"No problem I know they might hurt a bit still but this will get the job done"

she said while sitting down next to me and smiling with her pearly white teeth. Her tattoos now going back to their normal color as her eyes did. But what caught my attention the most is the new tattoo she made to heal me as it turned invisible again.

What the hell.

Isn't it supposed to turn into a tattoo or have a scar at least?

"Um sorry, but why did the tattoo turn into invisible rather than like the others? "

I asked her, not being able to sustain my wandering nature.

But curiosity killed the cat so I've heard, and at this moment that was what I was aiming for. She looked at what I was pointing at and her face dawned in sadness and realization once she saw at was I was talking about.

" Oh that you see, after I was killed my soul wondered around here and ended up cursed to be forever in the cursed souls forrest and I lost most of my powers, so I can only temporary have power on this place, as it is said that this place sucks out all your energy and soul bit by bit until you are wiped away from your existence forever"

she replied in a sad monotonous voice.

Surprised that she didn't sneered at me or said that it was none of my concern I continued asking her questions that are bugging me.

"Wait you were murdered? How may I ask?"

I fixed my position waiting to hear out her part of the story.

"Well you see my name is Vera"

she replied. The name at first sounded so foreign and weird but once realization hit me I remembered listening into the conversation my dad was having with my mate talking about Vera.

Vera was the chosen mother of the dragons who was sworn to protect the creatures who were given the mission of protecting something and the humans lifes .

But after she refused to fulfill her duties,the council of the five mystical creatures revealed the information.

Which by the way of course many people used to be after the chosen one waiting to be revealed so they can snatch that something she was supposed to protect as she was the only able one to open it and use the powers.

But once stolen they are yours and you are promised to live a immortal life and be the god and ruler of the world.

With the power that it brings it can also destroy the whole world in seconds if it falls in wrong hands.

But then her mate and few other from his pack took the adventage of the information they got that she was the chosen one so he killed their son.

As he was after the chosen one for years as well as his whole family blood line was the hunters of the dragons killing them, until nowadays they are almost extinct.

The reason they were killing them was to come closer to the chosen one to their mother, hence why he killed their son as Vera loved her only child with her whole being.

It is said that she went into a frenzy causing her soul to split open and all sanity leaving her body, while she was murdering each and every traitor in her pack and half of the world as she was ruling for years as she tried to find her mate.

She killed more and more in rage as she was trying to get information about her mate that was hiding as she got closer to him. After she wiped half of the worlds population her mate showed up with another girl that he mated to and had a new child.

Vera went feral at the old memory of him killing their son, so she killed his child. Leaving him mourn for days along with him his wife as well he has mated to.

Then his wife one day decided to take revenge on her, because she killed their child. So she cut open her mouth and tried to kill her.

But Vera's mate aka the woman's now husband tried to prevent it but instead Vera took him while she took the heart out of his new wife that he mated to.

Then she cooked him her heart made him eat it as she used all tortures she knew on him after finally she rejected him as a mate, and he died a painful death.

But after few months Vera's mate's wife's brother killed her and took Vera's heart as a payback for taking his sisters heart.

So from then on her heart is stolen and it is said that her spirit wanders around to find the person who has it, striving to kill them.

If they stole her heart that means that the dragons will feel their mothers presence and submit to the new master and give him all the power along with what she was supposed to protect.

Zoning back after all the information registered in my brain I looked at her in full shock and trembled in fear.

"B-but how are you here? Aren't you supposed to be after the one who stole your heart? Why didn't you kill me yet?"

I asked questions that were rushing in my mind. I could hear my brain working so fast. She sighed and took both of my hands in her causing me to look into her golden gorgeous eyes

" I see that you know my story, you see after my son was killed I could not sustain myself and didn't do it on purpose, but the evil spirits inavded my soul and I used my position to kill everything and all breathing things. But after I was killed since my heart is out there somewhere, somebody put my soul into this world, which I am stuck in. You see my mate's wife brother took my heart somewhere and put it in the golden egg, hiding it somewhere. Nobody knows where it is nor do I. I tried finding it but as I said I was stuck here for years and have been cursed upon to live without my heart and stay in between life and death. Since everyone that has come here or rather fallen they only search for my soul, so they can put my soul in peace and give them my heart. But you see they only wished for that, so I left them die while being stuck here. But I chose you as the next chosen one, and the one responsible to take my soul and put in place and rule with my world. Since the second you fell from that portal I knew you were the chosen one. Even with the small strength you had you never only used it to ask for mercy only to be helped. You never asked for my soul. Therefore I was watching you over for few days while you were unconscious and finally made the decision to be part of your soul and help you take revenge on the ones who destroyed your now broken soul. "

she finished saying this all so quickly that after few minutes of silence I finally was able to register what she have said. Trembling over in fear again I took my hands away from hers seeing her shocked expression as I said the next words

" No, no no no I can't be the chosen one, are you kidding I am barely 18, I don't even have the strength to open a water bottle or stand up for myself let alone be a mother of dragons. I am scared of dragons they can tear me apart, I have been used by my mate I couldn't even stand up to him let alone the whole world"

I chuckled in disbelief.

"You see that's what I love about you, even though you are so much stronger than you think, you still don't stand up for yourself or even rush me in to help you find my heart, but you see my dear the decision was already made I can't go out of your soul now. Once a lost soul is sealed to your soul it is for forever. You will have to face my power and dragons. Don't worry I was scared too at first, but they won't ever hurt you. You are their mother. They will protect you even if they die. They are sworn to only serve you"

she reassured me. But it did all but reassure me.

"But Vera how am I supposed to do this I am scared I don't know how to even use your powers. I don't know how to fight, may I remind you that I am also stuck here"

I asked once again my voice laced with worry and surprise.

"Don't you worry your pretty little head, once a lost soul is sealed with a body it is free to go further from it's lands and help them fulfill their mission. I also know a place that can lead you to some better and safer surroundings than your previous ones. And I'm so sorry to say this sweetheart but your mate is a scum"

she said with distaste her tongue leaving the word mate with such hatered and made a wry face.

"Wait how do you know about my mate Vera?, what place are you talking about, where are we right now? How will we get out of here? please explain"

I pleaded.

"okay so I might have of went through your memories while you were healing from the change you got while I got into your body. You see your body is very tiny and it takes a lot of energy for you to be able to accept me fully as a part of you. But once I'm here I am stuck for forever until death do us apart, which unfortunately is for forever. So while I waited for you I decided to know more about you, I gotta say you are really strong a big plus again for the chosen one. Hopefully you don't mind me knowing everything about you, but it would've of happened anyway I just rushed the process. And to answer your otyer question we are in your mind palace, and you are soon to find out how we will get out of here. But what I can tell you is that we will be in a new forest around werewolves so be careful, not that I won't protect you but still"

she answered with tiredness evident on her face as a day.

"thank you for answering, but why is my mind palace so dark?"

I asked again, I feel like a 5 year old but I need to know everything as my body is taken over by the strongest and cruelest to be said goddess Vera.

"Well some dark palaces seem to show your life as well, but since your life is dark so is your mind" she answered again.

"Alright I am done with my questions we can take it easy and you can answer me some other day, now what are we gonna do?"

I asked again.

Vera chuckled and said

"You yet again asked me one more question but, since we are stuck here for a while I thought we can rest in your mind for a while and then you can wake up and let us out from this hellhole. And before you ask yes you will have my scar on the mouth from the fight, I don't have it now because I got into your pure soul so that healed me. You will be able to recover the scar and the fangs along with the horns and nails. But your red eye will stay the same. Over time you will learn how to perfect it and make yourself look more human like and not attract any attention. If you are lucky and let me help you, you might as well get your natural eye color back whenever you want to. And also I could hear your thoughts and answer you just like werewolves use to talk to their wolfs or a mind-link. And one last thing you can also draw tattoos and signs on your body with your claws just as I did minutes ago. Your soul will wrote signs and letters by it's own as it knows what it needs and what the purpose is"

she finished with a small evident smile on her face ghostly like and layed down on the ground as I did, both of us quickly falling asleep. Before I fell asleep I thanked Vera for choosing me

— and my world was all black again.

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