
The Call of the Wild

Ava_Higgins · Others
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The storm

BOOM CRASH BOOM! I looked into the sky as the rain pelted down. Fuck that would mean no hunting tonight. It has rained so much lately that our pups might not make it to their wolf tests. I leaped onto the rock. "AROOOOOOOOOO" that was the meeting call that has been used from generation through generation as the alphas. My pack gathered around. "We have been cursed with all of this rain which is why I am going to go hunt in the rain so our pack can eat tonight. Will anyone come with me?" I looked around five wolves stepped forward. "We will come claw." I looked at the five of them.

"Bark, Gravel and, Mud can come but Pebble and Cone have to stay behind." Pebble and Cone looked devastated. "B-But we wanted to come really bad." Looks like pebble speaks for them both.

"You must understand you cannot come because the vampires will get you. Your scent is to strong I am only going because I cannot allow my pack to go hungry and I have disguised my scent. You two cannot come and that is final." I leaped off the rock. "Come on, we must hurry. I can smell the vamps nearby just try to stay out of patches of light." He smelled a vamp a few lengths ahead. "Stay back, i smell a vamp I will be back in a minute." He walked forward the light bouncing off his chest. He looked up. "Well took you long enough to find me." An vamp walked in front of him. He turned around and saw Mud, Gravel and, Bark laying on their sides. "Your friends will be fine." She had Sun colored hair and was about his height. Her emerald eyes closed in the light. "Who are you?!" He looked at her.

"Oh I am sorry so impolite of myself not to introduce myself I am Star."

Sorry not all the main characters are gonna be introduced right away let me know if you like the series so far and I will publish one at least once a week. Also check out !y other series My Stupid Life

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