
The Call of the Void

The Void calls out to you, it whispers to you in your ear, it offers you comfort in your darkest hour. They are coming, and you are their herald. You offer comfort, freedom and oblivion, let the Void call out to them like they called out to you, let them know the freedom that you now know. Let the rebellion begin, let the Void take all! Glory to the Void! Let the corruption set you free!

Sothethingis · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Announcement: 10.2.21

So I have freed up more time in my schedule, so expect at least two chapters a week, but I will be aiming to reach about four chapters a week (but the average will probably hover around 3 chapters a week).

I have a Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkn_nT9WXtSswjDnYL67Xag

Right now there is only one video out, but I plan on releasing kind of rambleish videos where I will just go over my thoughts on the previous chapter or just my opinions in general about different genres. I'm not sure what else I will be doing with it but if you have any ideas please let me know!

And finally I just wanted to thank you all for the support I've been receiving!

May the Void embrace and have a lovely weekend!

Also PS expect an extra chapter release later today :)