
trip to Ireland

(after resolving the quarrel between her and Gary doctor Wilson made for the airport with her colleagues, they checked into the plane and left Liverpool airport)(the trip to Ireland was a stressful three hours flight with dr Patricia either grumpying about one thing or the other)(when the plane hit Dublin international airport's ground)(a bus was organised by the government, the bus is to take them to the war camp at Wicklow mountains (inside the bus)

dr Patricia:am i the only one getting scared as we approach the war camp

dr Kristen: every one is scared,buh we just have to be brave

dr Wilson:dr Kristen is right,we are here to save lives not to get killed

dr Stanley:i thought we had discussed this earlier

dr Caleb:we had, buh dr Patricia is a little not should i say "ok"with it

dr Patricia,dr Caleb, don't you dare try on me cos you won't like my reaction

dr Kristen (to Stephanie) the daily drama as started

dr Wilson; as usual (and they both laughed the journey to Wicklow mountains was fun buh had to end sooner than expected)(sir Owen Gerald was there to receive them

sir Owen Gerald: welcome doctors, it's my pleasure meeting you

dr Wilson: thank you

sir Owen:we should be the one saying that, leaving your country and helping us during difficult times, Ireland really appreciate it

(he took them to hospital camp where the doctors settled according to their rank)(later that day the doctors were called for a meeting)(in the meeting room)

sir Owen: doctors,i believe we have met before so I should not be a stranger to you again, this is sir Edwin mchaster my second in command, meet the doctors from UK

sir Edwin: hello

doctors:hi sir Owen: and the second reason why this meeting was organised is because we are moving the hospital to the war camp

dr Patricia:buh,,,,,,,,we are at the war camp right?

sir Edwin:no doctors this is just a second camp in case of emergencies

sir Owen : don't worry, you will be kept under tight security

dr Stanley:thank goodness,i was beginning to say my last prayers

sir Edwin:oh don't it's not that bad

dr Kristen:of course it's you are used to it we are not

dr Wilson: doctors, just chill it is not bad as you think right soldiers?

sir Owen:dr Wilson is right

dr Wilson: don't worry sirs they will surely get assimilated to the environment with time

sir Edwin:if you excuse us now,we need to make arrangements for the war

dr Wilson:of course (and they left)

dr celeb:dr Wilson...

dr Wilson:i need to pack my things, bye (she hurried out of the room,)

Dr Patricia:see!she pushes us to death and now she is throwing attitude

dr Kristen:i think we should all pack our things (episode three ends)

so sorry for the late Post have been extremely busy and tired i really hope you can understand and thanks for your support and time

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