
he is awake

(the terrorists attack had died down before Stephanie finished treating Bryan Tyler and the ambience was almost back to normal except from the news of how Dr Wilson nearly killed her patient in the surgery room/cabin and eventually the need was leaked to the military base too)(sir Owen rushed to the hospital to find out whether Dr Wilson has actually killed one of his most trusted soldier)

(in the hospital camp) Dr Wilson is walking through the camp and Brianna comes to tell her the patient has regained consciousness)

Dr Wilson;ok i will be there in some minutes (after Brianna left) i pray i survive this war pls dear lord (just then sir Owen appears with some soldiers)arghhh here comes another problem (groaning)

sir Owen: Dr Wilson

Dr Wilson:sir Owen,it has been uhmm.... some hours since I saw you

sir Owen:i heard something and I came to confirm it

Dr Wilson: which is?(Brianna comes in)

Brianna: doctor he said he needs to see the commander

sir Owen: okay!

Dr Wilson: you were saying something sir

sir Owen:i heard something regarding the operation

Dr Wilson: what about it

Brianna: (getting anxious)i think you need to go urgently sir....

Dr Wilson: Shut up Bri! let him talk

sir Owen:i heard you plugged a 400 voltage defibrillator into his chest and that you nearly killed him

Dr Wilson: Good lord,who told you that

sir Owen:a soldier

Dr Wilson:buh..how did he.... BRIANNA!!

Brianna: am sorry doc,i only told Mary and she told fay and fay told Jessica and...

Dr Wilson; i will deal with you later,sir pls come with me

sir Owen: yeah sure

(Dr Wilson took sir Owen to Bryan ward/cabin and he had regain consciousness) Bryan

Bryan:sir (saluting)

sir Owen; how are you feeling

Bryan: much better sir

sir Owen: that means Dr Wilson is indeed a expert like i heard

Dr Wilson:i only tried my best sire

sir Owen: when will he be back on his feets again?

Dr Wilson:three days or four should be enough time for him to move around

Bryan: three days!!

Dr Wilson: yes, three days, you lost a lot of blood

sir Owen: okay, just do all you can to save him

(his colleagues were also there to see him and had already told Bryan about the operation news)(after they left , she took a pen and a notepad and started checking his temperature and heartbeat)

Bryan: can I know your name doc

Dr Wilson: and what will you achieve by knowing that

Bryan: just a tiny request from this patient of yours

Dr Wilson: Dr Wilson Stephanie

Bryan: you mean Dr Stephanie Wilson

Dr Wilson:so you saw it and you still asked

Bryan: thought you were going to lie

Dr Wilson: whatever

Bryan:are you British?

Dr Wilson:yes why

Bryan:oh cos you got the accent

Dr Wilson:i need to see if your wound needs dressing

Bryan: dressing?,are you going to strip me naked?(exclaimes)

Dr Wilson:oh god no!,it means bandaging so let me just see it (after checking)it will be changed in the evening

Bryan are you going to change it later

Dr Wilson: why?am i the nurse?

Bryan:why can't you do it

Dr Wilson: that is because i am going to be busy

Bryan: and if you are not?

Dr Wilson: still i will not do it

Bryan: why

Dr Wilson: look if you don't stop talking,i will pump a 100ml ingestion into your heart and it will stop beating forever

Bryan: which means it's true

Dr Wilson: what?

Bryan: you had tried to kill me during the operation and now you are threatening me with murder this is attempted murder in court,i will sue you for sure

Dr Wilson: so you are sueing for saving your life

Bryan:i don't care,i will sue you if you don't redress my wound later

Dr Wilson: feel free to sue me you can,i don't care (she walks out of the cabin leaving Bryan in a daze)

Bryan: did she not feel threatened at all, did i not look scary enough,i should do better next time )(Stephanie went to a quiet place in the camp and called Gary telling him about how it all went and all the struggles)(and just as she is ended the call Mary came in)

Mary: doc, your attention is needed

Dr Wilson: what is it this time

Mary: soldier Bryan refuse to let us redress his wound,he said he wants you to do it and you alone

Dr Wilson: let's Go

(inside the ward/cabin)

Jessica: sir please let me do it

Bryan:if you touch me i will strangle you to death

Jessica;buh sir she is busy

Bryan: then I will wait

Jessica: sir, your wound might.......

Dr Wilson: Jessica!, that's enough

Jessica: Dr Wilson,i tried explaining things to him buh he won't allow us to do it

Dr Wilson:i understand and I am not angry at you,you may leave, I'll take things from here

Jessica:ok doc

Bryan: so you are finally here

Stephanie:you enjoy disturbing me right,Mr Bryan Tyler?

Bryan: just call me Bryan, and the enjoying part, yeah I love it

Stephanie: and what do you get by troubling me?

Bryan:i don't know, just love doing it

Stephanie: fine, anyways sit up straight so I can clean your wound


Stephanie:(she puts the tray of bandages and lodine)do i need to tell you to take off your shirt

Bryan: can't you do it for me,as you can see my arms are injured

Stephanie:so what?,i don't care if your arm is broken, you are not the first person to have a injured arm

Bryan:why are you so bitter?are you this bitter all the time (taking off the shirt)

Stephanie: don't know, maybe from genetics

(dear readers this message is just to let you know that Dr Wilson and Stephanie are the same person but in some situations that requires formalities is she being called Dr Wilson for instance the hospital but with Bryan or Gary she is Stephanie thank you for understanding).