
The Cadman Brothers Vol. 1: Mr. Frederick Cadman

(Update weekly on Friday) No one knows that the Cadman brothers, Frederick, Andre, and Hugo, the most eligible bachelors in town known for their wealth, power, and good looks, are actually descendants of a mythical creature once thought to exist only in folklore. They are living the good life as modern-day "Lycans". Frederick Cadman, the eldest of the three, is a highly successful real estate tycoon on the west coast. He is known for his sharp business vision and unwavering dedication to work, which has earned him the reputation of a workaholic among his brothers. However, fate has a different plan for Frederick as he crosses paths with Kate Brown, a realtor from Los Angeles who is caring for her nephew; Lucca, and searching for her missing sister. Their unexpected encounter turns Frederick's life in a new direction, re-evaluating his priorities and make room for the unexpected! Kate Brown is a successful realtor in Los Angeles, enjoying a stable career until she faces a rough patch in her personal life. Just when she thinks nothing could go wrong, her sister disappears without a trace, and her brother-in-law turns unstable, leaving behind her young son Lucca. Kate is suddenly thrust into the role of a mother for her nephew. However, she never expects her life to take a new turn until she meets the one and only Frederick Cadman.

SaharaK · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

Three weeks later

"So, the cause of death is methomyl poisoning," Andre concludes his autopsy report on the cause of death, hands it to his assistant, and leaves the lab for the day. Checking his watch, he thinks, 'Fred should already be home.' He has given Fred some medicine to help with his urges, but it's only a temporary solution. He knows he has to figure out a long-term plan to help his brother.

As Andre walks to his car, his phone buzzes in his pocket, and he groans when he sees the name of the lawyer who has been calling him for a few weeks now. 'She just won't give up!' He has told the woman that he doesn't have time for a case, especially not when he is dealing with his own personal matters, but she is persistent.

Taking a deep breath, Andre answers the call. Immediately she launches into the details of the case, but Andre interrupts her.

"Look, I'm sorry, but I can't take on this case. I have my own problems to deal with."

'I understand, but this is urgent. We need your expertise, and we're willing to pay top dollar.'

"Sorry, I can't help you. Goodbye." He hangs up and takes a deep breath, trying to clear his mind. 'That woman is trying to convince me with money? Seriously?

He finally gets into the car and drives off towards the Cadman estate, where he has been staying recently, even though he owns a penthouse just across the street. He has made the decision to stay there because of the woman who called him earlier; she always waits at his place, pushing him to accept the case, making him evacuate from his own home! He calls the police only to find out that she is his new neighbor! And he can't believe how she managed to get his personal number.

Enough about that crazy woman. Now, it's time to focus on how to deal with his brother's issue. He thinks he's lucky that it wasn't him who found the fate pair. Judging by Fred, it isn't as romantic as it was once said.

It has been a week since Fred went on a business trip to Europe, which was great for him to gather his thoughts and sorting them out because now Fred doesn't even know how to fulfill his desire without losing himself in the process.

Before he knows it, he arrives at the house. As he approaches, he sees his brother Frederick waiting for him at the front door, which is unusual.

"Hey, Fred, how's it going? Why are you standing here?" Andre asked.

"I need more of that medicine."

"You look terrible, bro," Andre remarked. His face looks worse than the last time he saw him, with dark circles under his eyes and a pale complexion.

"I don't care, just give it to me," Frederick demanded.

"Calm down, the medicine is only temporary, and it has side effects, especially with how much you've taken," Andre replied, trying to calm his brother.

"Tell me how you feel, all the symptoms," Andre continues, leading them to the couch in the library.

Frederick thinks about the past few weeks, and Andre is right. The medicine was only effective for a few days, after which it was a rollercoaster. He had no appetite, couldn't eat, and it was even worse when it come to sleep. His body wouldn't shut down; he couldn't fall asleep. The only time he was able to rest was when he works non-stop until he passed out. All he could think about was the aroma around the woman, the comfort it made him feel. Andre wouldn't believe how many times he tried to come back here just in the first week.

Frederick tells Andre everything, as there are never any secrets between them. Now, as they sit on the couch in the library, which should have been renamed the "man cave" already, Frederick chugs whiskey like it's water, hoping to calm his nerves.

Andre is in shock when he hears his brother's words. He had never realized the severity of being separated from one's fate pair. He thinks of his own parents, who were both lycans and have an unbreakable bond. He remembers how they were always together, never out of each other's sight. If his mom was out, his dad would start looking for her, and the same went for his mom. For the pair, the thought of being separated from the mate is unimaginable, and he can't begin to fathom what his brother is going through.

"I'm sorry, Fred. I had no idea it is this bad," Andre said, placing a comforting hand on his brother's shoulder. "But taking more of that medicine isn't the solution."

As Frederick takes a deep swig from his glass, he nods, knowing deep down that his brother is right. But the thought of being away from her scent, her touch, is unbearable. Frederick's hand balls into fists, his nails digging into his palms. He can't believe he is feeling this way, weak and vulnerable over a woman. It is not like him. He feels angry with himself for giving in to his desires and letting them control him. He is always in control, but now he feels like he's lost it all. 'I'm such a wimp!'

He looks at Andre, his frustration clear on his face. "What am I supposed to do? I can't keep her close nor keep my distance without feeling like I'm losing my mind."

Both brothers sit in silence. Frederick is frustrated.

Meanwhile, Andre is deep in thought, pondering the complexities of the fate pair. He knows that it would be much easier if Fred's pair was a lycan, but unfortunately, it seems that God has different plans. The question is how come Frederick is the only one affected by this, while the woman doesn't even feel anything?

But it's only a matter of time before she finds out, Andre thinks. Fred is struggling to hold himself back, and it's hard to guess how she'll react when she finds out the truth. 

Wait a minute!

Breaking the silence, Andre speaks up. "We're having a welcome dinner for the sister-in-law tonight. Let's call Hugo; I know he's around here today."

Frederick is taken aback by his brother's sudden change in mood. "You just said I shouldn't be close to her," he points out, confused. Either he has ignored how Kate was called, or he has already accepted his fate in his mind.

"Well, change of plans," Andre replied. "The first experiment failed, so from now on, if it's too much to bear being away from her, then just keep her close without forcing yourself on her, alright?"

Frederick can't believe what he's hearing. "That was an experiment?!" He exclaimed, feeling even more frustrated.

"How should I know what we should do?" Andre asks. "We know very little about this fate-pair stuff; there's nothing to research. All we know is how lovey-dovey our parents were, and we were too young to understand."

"Argh!" Frederick shakes his head in disbelief, feeling like his brain might explode from frustration. But despite his brother's irritated look, Andre goes ahead and arranges for their new neighbor.

"Robert, please invite…" Andre turns to ask Frederick, "What is her name?" 


"Please invite our new neighbor to join us for dinner tonight," Ignoring his brother's stare, he arranges the meet-up. It is finally time to meet Mrs. Frederick Cadman, Andre thought.




Dining room, Cadman estate main house 

"Thank you so much for inviting us." 

Kate has been living on the Cadman estate for almost a month now, and it still feels like a dream to her. 

As she sits at the long dining table, she can't help but feel like she's in a fairytale movie. The table is grand and lavish, and the room feels more like a castle than a dining hall. Kate is seated across from Andre, who Frederick introduces as his second brother, while Lucca sits next to her, across from Cadman's youngest brother, Hugo. Frederick, of course, is seated at the head of the table.

This afternoon when Robert, the head butler, delivered the dinner invitation and asked for their meal preferences, Kate was surprised and excited. She had no idea that the Cadman family was so welcoming and friendly. She was nervous, given the family's reputation for being private, but after meeting the brothers, she feels much more at ease.

As they enjoy the exceptional dishes paired with excellent wine, Kate listens to the conversations between the brothers. They are all down-to-earth and easy to talk to.

"Frederick told us what happened. I hope you find it comfortable living here; if the place is too small, you can move to the main house; there are so many rooms, we are rarely here anyway," Andre said with a smile, while keeping his real intention hidden.

Kate nods, trying not to look too eager. "The place is perfect, really. Thank you so much."

Hugo chimes in, "Let us know if you need anything, we'd like you to have a good stay."

Kate smiles. "I really appreciate your help; everyone here is very kind to me and Lucca."

The conversation turns to less serious topics, and Kate finds herself laughing at some of the jokes the brothers make. For the first time in a long time, she is enjoying herself.

Out of the corner of her eye, Kate sees Frederick staring at her, and she suddenly feels self-conscious. 'What is he thinking?' she wonders.

Andre notices the awkward silence and decides to break it. "So, Kate, tell us about yourself. What do you do?"

Kate clears her throat, feeling a bit nervous. "Well, I work in real estate. I specialize in luxury properties."

Frederick squints his eyes. 'So that's why she seemed so knowledgeable about real estate deals and knew exactly what she wanted in a house.'

"Wow, that's interesting," Hugo remarks. "Do you have any favorite properties that you've worked on?"

Kate's face lights up. "Yes, there was one property in particular that was amazing. It was a beachfront villa in LA with a private pool, and the views were absolutely stunning."

The conversation continues to flow, and Kate feels herself relaxing more and more as the night goes on. She even finds herself making eye contact with Frederick again, and this time he smiles back at her.

Kate feels a flutter in her stomach as she meets Frederick's gaze. He has always been so distant, but now she sees a glimmer of something in his eyes that she can't quite place. Maybe it's the wine? She thinks, feeling a little lightheaded. But then she notices the way he is looking at her, the way his smile seems a little more genuine than before, and she wonders if there is something else going on.

The conversation continues, but Kate is distracted, stealing glances at Frederick every chance she gets. She can't help but feel drawn to him, even though she knows she shouldn't.

Kate turns her attention to Lucca, trying to push Frederick out of her mind. "Lucca, let's finish your vegetables."

"But Aunt Kate, it tasted bad," Lucca protests, hoping to avoid having to eat anymore.

"It's good for you, honey, just a little bit, okay?" Kate insists, hoping to instill good eating habits in the boy

"You don't like these greens, do you, Lucca?" Andre chimes in, noticing the little boy's pouty face.

"I really don't like it, Uncle Andre," Lucca shakes his head vigorously, glad to have someone on his side.

"Kate, I think he'll be fine with what he already has for now. Some people's digestive systems work differently. Just make sure he eats his greens occasionally," Andre advises with a smile. 'It's really a good advise for a lycan child'

"Do you think so?" Kate hesitates to believe what Andre said, as it goes against what she has learned before.

"Yes, I'm a doctor,"

"More like pathology," Hugo interjects, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Okay, I will listen to you. Lucca, I'll let it go this time, but at least have some fruit, okay?" Kate turns to Lucca with a smile.

"Yes, Aunt Kate!" He would gladly trade the bitter vegetables for sweet fruit any day.

Kate notices that the only vegetables on the table are on her and Lucca's plates; the brothers only have large, raw-looking pieces of steak. She is pretty sure she has found the group of Lucca.

Frederick doesn't participate much in most conversations, but he enjoys every minute at the table, except for when Andre almost calls Kate "the sister-in-law." Despite having reminded his brothers multiple times not to say that in front of her, the slip almost gives him a heart attack. He's certain now that Kate is his destined partner, but he's surprised by the warmth he feels when seeing his brothers interact so well with her. He can't quite understand why his emotions are so intense, but he finds himself feeling deeply comfortable in her presence. In fact, he could happily listen to her speak all night without growing bored.

Kate looks over at Frederick and catches him staring at her again. This time, she meets his gaze and finds herself getting lost in his deep, amber eyes. The first time might have been a coincidence, but three times?

The atmosphere shifts when Hugo stops the conversation with Andre and turns to Kate. "Kate, I know it's personal, but it seems like you're going through a tough time. If you don't mind telling us, is everything okay?" he asks with a concerned expression.

Kate freezes for a moment. She had been hoping to keep her problem a secret, but the genuine concern on Hugo's face makes her feel like she can trust him.

"Um, it's just... it's a long story," she said, not sure if she is ready to share everything.

"Take your time, Kate. We're not going anywhere," Andre said reassuringly.

Kate hesitates, feeling her throat tighten as she speaks. "It's just that my sister disappeared about a month ago, and now I'm in a custody battle with her husband over my nephew," she said, her voice trembling.

The brothers' expressions immediately turn serious, and Kate can see the concern in their eyes. They wait for her to continue, but she can't bring herself to say more. Kendall had been a well-known celebrity, and the news of her disappearance had been all over the media. Kate had been trying to keep Lucca away from the drama, but it seems that it has caught up with her.

"I'm sorry, Kate," Andre said, "We can only imagine how difficult this must be for you."

"Thank you," Kate replied. She takes a deep breath, trying to hold back her tears. She knows she needs to be strong for Lucca's sake, but it is getting harder and harder.

Hugo's expression softens with empathy as he listens to Kate's words. "That must be incredibly difficult for you and your nephew. Is there anything we can do to help?"

Kate feels grateful for their concern and offer of assistance. "It's just a really complicated situation, and I don't want to drag anyone else into it," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Hugo nods, understanding her desire to keep things private. "I completely understand, Kate. But please know that I work for the FBI, and if there's anything we can do to assist you or your nephew, don't hesitate to reach out. We're here for you."

Kate feels a sense of relief knowing that someone like Hugo is on her side. "Thank you, Hugo. I really appreciate that," she said, a small smile creeping onto her face.

Frederick, who had been silent for most of the conversation, finally speaks up. "Kate, we're all here for you. You and Lucca are welcome to stay here as long as you need. And if you ever need anything, just let us know."

Kate's heart swells with gratitude for their kindness. "Thank you, Frederick. That means a lot to me," feeling a weight lifted off her shoulders. She had been carrying the burden of her sister's disappearance and custody battle alone.

Andre leans forward and puts a hand on her shoulder. "Kate, I know this is a difficult situation, but you don't have to go through it alone. Frederick is someone you could turn to. He is a powerful figure with many connections. He may be able to help you find the answers you're looking for," Andre said with a reassuring smile.

Frederick nods in agreement. "Yes, please don't hesitate to come to me if you need anything. I'll help you and Lucca."

"We may not know the details of your situation, but we are here for you and can take care of ourselves. As I mentioned, I work for the FBI, Andre is a well-known forensic pathologist, and Fred, you should already know what he can do. We can offer our support and resources to help you in any way possible. What do you think, Kate?" Hugo added, his voice kind and reassuring.

"Take your time, there's no pressure here," Frederick added.

Kate looks at the Cadman brothers. Their calm and understanding presence is exactly what she needs. She realizes that she has been carrying the weight of her situation alone for far too long. As she looks at their faces, she knows that she can trust them.

Their eyes are full of empathy, and she feels like they genuinely care about her well-being. She has been so focused on protecting herself and Lucca that she has forgotten what it feels like to have people in her corner.

At that moment, she knows that she is not alone, and that she has a group of people who are willing to help her. She feels a sense of gratitude wash over her, and she thinks that she has made the right decision in confiding in them.

She looks at Lucca, hesitant to say anything in front of her nephew. That's when Robert appears out of nowhere and says, "Let's go to the living room, alright Lucca?" The boy's face lights up when he hears the word "video game," and he eagerly follows Robert out of the room.

As she takes a deep breath, Kate feels like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders. She knows that there will be challenges ahead, but if someone can help her, it might as well be these people.

"It happened about a month before I arrived here..." Kate begins.