
The Cadman Brothers Vol. 1: Mr. Frederick Cadman

(Update weekly on Friday) No one knows that the Cadman brothers, Frederick, Andre, and Hugo, the most eligible bachelors in town known for their wealth, power, and good looks, are actually descendants of a mythical creature once thought to exist only in folklore. They are living the good life as modern-day "Lycans". Frederick Cadman, the eldest of the three, is a highly successful real estate tycoon on the west coast. He is known for his sharp business vision and unwavering dedication to work, which has earned him the reputation of a workaholic among his brothers. However, fate has a different plan for Frederick as he crosses paths with Kate Brown, a realtor from Los Angeles who is caring for her nephew; Lucca, and searching for her missing sister. Their unexpected encounter turns Frederick's life in a new direction, re-evaluating his priorities and make room for the unexpected! Kate Brown is a successful realtor in Los Angeles, enjoying a stable career until she faces a rough patch in her personal life. Just when she thinks nothing could go wrong, her sister disappears without a trace, and her brother-in-law turns unstable, leaving behind her young son Lucca. Kate is suddenly thrust into the role of a mother for her nephew. However, she never expects her life to take a new turn until she meets the one and only Frederick Cadman.

SaharaK · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

Kate didn't mind when Brian, the real estate agent, asked if she could come in a half-hour early for their appointment. In fact, she preferred to come in early, as it would give her time to check out the house sooner. After landing at Seattle-Tacoma Airport, she dropped off Lucca at the daycare that a friend had arranged for her before arrival. Now, with her nephew safely taken care of, Kate could fully focus on business.


Kate looks at her new phone; only one person knows this number.

"Hey Liam, I was just about to call you. Thank you so much for everything."

'Don't mention it; it's nothing really. Are you sure you're okay?'

"For now, maybe."

'Let me know if you need anything, alright?'

"I can't thank you enough."

'I couldn't thank you enough when you covered for me on the literature exam.'

"Ha ha that was long ago, I'll let you know when we're in the new place."

Liam, her best friend from college, was the first person she turned to after everything happened, even though they had gone their separate ways after graduating from Udub. She got a degree in design and moved back to LA, while Liam stay in Seattle and has become a successful criminal lawyer.

She is grateful that Liam is always there for her and cherished their friendship. He assisted her in making all the necessary arrangements, allowing her to handle everything via phone and online payment. This included purchasing her a brand-new car, which was conveniently waiting for her at the airport. Without Liam's help, she would not be able to be here safe and sound.

As she is driving toward the next town, Kate can't help but admire the familiar scenery along the way. She has always felt a special connection to Seattle and considers it to be a second home besides Los Angeles. Despite its size and bustling atmosphere, Seattle is far less busy and overwhelming than LA. However, this time around, Kate is looking for a quieter place to hide, so Liam suggested Newcastle, the suburban town with small quaint streets and a cozy atmosphere. It is perfect for someone like her who was looking to keep a low profile.

After going through a combination of research and luck, spending a sleepless night scouring the internet and reading through various real estate listings, Kate stumbled upon a listing for a lake house. It was located in a quiet and secure neighborhood, surrounded by nature, and had all the features she was looking for. She was able to quickly arrange the purchase over the phone and paid the deposit online. It was a bit over budget, but she couldn't find any other place that ticked all the boxes.

Before she knows it, her car pulls up to the designated meeting spot her real estate agent has arranged. The Newcastle Golf Course Clubhouse makes sense as it is conveniently located near the property she is buying. With the help of Google Maps, she was confident that she would be here on time, and she does! Feeling in control, she steps out of the car going into the clubhouse.

However, that confidence quickly dissipates as she steps inside and faces an unexpected surprise. Sitting next to her real estate agent is none other than Frederick Cadman, someone she had never expected to see. Through the window, it had been unclear, but now that she is standing in front of him, there is no mistake. She can't believe her eyes.

Anyone in the real estate business has surely heard the name Frederick Cadman, particularly on the west coast. His reputation is widely known, and his name often comes up in conversations among real estate professionals and businesspeople. Despite his fame, few have actually met him in person.

Frederick's mysterious life is the subject of much speculation and intrigue in the real estate community. He is often featured in well-known magazines, but not for the typical fluff pieces about his lifestyle that are common for celebrities. Instead, his articles focus on his business and success, which only adds to the mystery surrounding him.

Kate feels her heart pounding in her chest as she meets his captivating golden eyes, a feature that mesmerizes everyone he encounters. Even while seated, his tall, muscular frame makes him stand out from the crowd. He exudes an air of confidence that makes it hard to look away. Everything about him is shrouded in secrecy, drawing people in and making them want to know more.

For her, it feels both unreal and concerning to be sitting at the same table with this man.

While Kate is still trying to process the unexpected meeting, Frederick, for his part, doesn't expect to see a young woman who appears to be under 30 years old. She is of average height and has a simple yet stylish appearance, dressed in a well-cut dark brown coat over a cream turtleneck, black pants, and snow boots. Her long, dark brown hair is tied up in a messy bun, accentuating her round face and big green eyes.

Her understated attire only adds to her natural beauty, making her seem approachable and unassuming. Despite her youthful appearance, there is a maturity and grace about her that commands attention.

As she walks closer, Frederick's instincts kick in: 'Gentle yet strong.' He can tell someone's characteristics just by being around them or smelling their scent, and sometimes even sense their feelings or moods if he wants to. It is annoying for him when he is surrounded by many people, so he isn't very fond of social gatherings unless necessary. That is where he earned his mysterious title.

"Here you are, Ms. Brown. Thank you for accepting my request. Anything to drink?" Brian notices that his boss is a bit tense toward his client, so he takes it upon himself to ease the atmosphere and create a welcoming environment. However, he has to admit, he is pleasantly surprised to see that Ms. Brown appears much younger in person compared to their previous video calls during the house tour.

"Hello, Brian, it's great to finally meet you," Kate greets warmly. "A double shot of espresso would be wonderful, thank you so much." She then turns to Frederick with a look of interest.

"Good morning, Ms. Brown. I'm Frederick Cadman," he greets with a business smile, extending his hand for a handshake. "It's a pleasure to see you." His demeanor is professional yet arrogant at the same time.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Cadman." Kate maintains her composure before accepting his handshake.

When their hands meet, an unexpected spark courses through their bodies. She is taken aback and tries to quickly withdraw her hand, but Frederick merely raises his eyebrows in surprise, maintaining his composure.

Kate takes a deep breath and regains her composure, acknowledging the unprofessional nature of her reaction. 'Focus, Kate,' she reminds herself. 'There are already so many things to address. Let's keep things professional.'

She sits down, forgetting about the handshake, and waits for the other party to start the conversation. She still wonders why a famous figure like Frederick Cadman is here; she knows she is buying a house from his company, but does he show up for all of his deals?

Brian returns with two steaming cups of espresso, carefully placing them in front of Kate and Frederick. "Here you are, Ms. Brown. And for you, Mr. Cadman?"

Frederick declines with a wave of his hand. "I'm good, thank you, Brian."

As Brian steps back, Kate and Frederick lock eyes, both trying to read the other's thoughts. The air is thick with tension, and Brian nervously clears his throat, breaking the silence.

"Shall we get down to business then?" he asks, trying to steer the conversation in a more professional direction.

Kate takes a sip of her espresso, savoring the rich, bitter flavor, and then sets down the cup. "Yes."

"You probably know who I am, so let's get straight to the point: I'm here to apologize for the misunderstanding. The house you are interested in is no longer available."

"That can't be; I've already put in the deposit days ago."

"As I said, I apologize. However, I must reiterate that the house is no longer available. We will return your deposit in full plus interest, or if you are interested in any of our other houses, we will be more than happy to give you a special offer," Frederick refuses to give her any hope for that lake house, even though he can feel her disappointment; that's just how it is.

Kate is speechless for a second. She has prepared for the unexpected, but this surprise is still hard to take in. However, barely any anger shows on her face; throwing a tantrum is not her style.

If Frederick Cadman is the one delivering this message, there is no point in arguing. Furthermore, her head is trying to figure out what to do next; Lucca has to be in a safe place by today.

"You don't understand, I need that place," Kate whispered.

No matter how softly she spoke, Frederick heard it loud and clear.

"We have a serviced apartment available for rent in downtown Seattle," Frederick explained. "If you're in need of temporary accommodation, we would be more than happy to host you until our agent finds you the perfect home that meets your needs." Frederick feels a twinge of guilt for pressuring her. He doesn't know what her situation is, but from the look of it, it is serious based on the amount of stress he can sense in her demeanor.

"Please let me think a bit."

"Like I said, I apologize; we can..." Kate's phone makes a sound before he could finish his sentence.

'Ring ring.'

The phone distracts Kate from the chaos in her head, but when she sees the number on the screen, she is filled with a sense of dread. Despite having no contacts saved on her new phone, she instantly recognizes the number. 'Oliver,' she thinks to herself, her heart racing. 'How could he have this number?' She struggles to steady her shaking hands, trying to make sense of the situation. She is certain that her brother-in-law is still serving time in jail after he trashed her office and hurt the security. She is pretty sure that he is not due to be released for another week.

"I'm sorry, please continue," Kate said, putting her phone on silent.

'Buzz buzz.'

"Please, go ahead and take the call," Frederick offers, as the persistent buzzing of her phone starts to get on his nerves. However, as he observes her, he notices that her initial stress has given way to nervousness and anxiety. Despite her best efforts to conceal it, her body language betrays her inner turmoil. Her hands shake, while she reaches for her cup in an attempt to calm her nerves. Perspiration forms on her forehead, and Frederick can detect a faint scent of fear. He wonders what could have caused such a reaction.

Now she turns her phone off completely.

"Are you okay, Ms. Brown?"

"Yes, Mr. Cadman. Thank you for coming here personally," Kate replied. "I appreciate your understanding of my situation. I have traveled a long way with my nephew, and his safety is my top priority. I wouldn't have come to this unfamiliar place if I wasn't confident that I had a secure place to stay." Kate emphasizes her concern for her nephew's well-being and makes it clear that she has taken the necessary precautions before embarking on her journey.

"I have given you an option for the serviced residence, or there are two houses left in the same community, and, as I said, we will give you a great deal if you are interested."

"Unfortunately, downtown Seattle isn't suitable for me," Kate stated firmly. "Also, those houses there are too surrounded by neighbors. I need a more private location, which is why I specifically chose that house. Mr. Cadman, I am open to compromise if you have any options that meet my requirements."

"I understand your concerns, Ms. Brown," Frederick replied. He starts to feel annoyed by her requests. "All of our properties are in gated communities with 24-hour security. Rest assured that the people you consider neighbors are some of the most private and well-protected individuals in the world. Our clients' confidentiality is of the utmost importance to us." How could she dare to question his product? Frederick seeks to reassure Kate that her privacy and security would be taken seriously at any of their developments.


"May I inquire about the reasons for your need for such a secure and private location, Ms. Brown?" Frederick asks, trying to mask his curiosity. "Do they have anything to do with those phone calls you received earlier?"


"Very well, it's none of my business; let's stick to the matter at hand," his tone turning brisk, "We'll make sure to find you a home that meets your specific requirements. Let's just hope that those requirements aren't associated with anything illegal; as far as I know, only criminals require conditions like these."

"I can assure you that I am not one of them."

"…" Frederick gazes into her emerald green eyes, which meet his with equal intensity. He is used to walking away from deals that don't offer any advantage to him, but there is something different about her. He can't quite put his finger on what it is, but he finds himself unable to look away.

As he ponders his next move, he is surprised by the words that escape his lips. Even he can't believe what he is about to say, but there's no taking it back now.

"Good, since it was our mistake, I just remember that we might have just what you need."

"Boss," Brian interjects, breaking his silence. "We don't have anything of that nature available right now." The situation is becoming increasingly uncomfortable for Brian.

It's challenging enough for Frederick to apologize in person to such a small client, but even more unprecedented for him to offer her a deal without any prodding. Brian can't believe it all.

"We do," Frederick said to Brian before turning to the woman across the table.

"Ms. Brown. Are you interested in renting a place before we can find you your dream home?"




Cadman development headquarter CEO office, Seattle, WA

The CEO of Cadman Development returned to his office, waiting for his new client to finish her errand before heading to the place together in the afternoon. But as he sits there, his thoughts start to race. "What the heck am I thinking?" he muttered to himself, feeling a mix of disbelief and excitement. He couldn't believe that he is about to do something that would have his brothers rushing him to the hospital for a mental evaluation if they found out.

He couldn't help it, though! Those green eyes were shaking and a bit teary.

As soon as she walked in, he could sense that there was something different about her. The air around her seemed to make him feel tingly, and he couldn't help but notice the way she carried herself. Despite the potential trouble, he felt drawn to her. And one more thing, it was a bit creepy, but he quite liked her scent!

As they spoke, Frederick admitted that he kind of liked her soft, gentle voice. Her confident and truthful demeanor was a refreshing change from the usual clients who came into his office.

When they talked, he sensed no trace of deception in her words - only honesty and trustworthiness. This unusual feeling put him at ease, allowing him to feel comfortable around her. Not often, if ever, did he let his guard down without hesitation. It was a feeling unlike any he had experienced before.

Frederick initially convinced himself that he helped Kate out of concern for her safety, as she appeared fearful but was doing her best to remain composed. He didn't want to accept it; he was into her!

The afternoon meeting is a disaster, worsened by the fact that the boss is in a terrible mood. Even his assistant is afraid of him. Mark goes as far as calling Brian to check if anything happened in the morning that might explain the boss's behavior. His frustration reflects on his work, denying agreement after agreement. He feels dissatisfied with every project and campaign presented to him, unable to shake the chaos in his head.

Frederick can't concentrate on the discussion in the meeting. His mind is filled with frustration, and he finds himself struggling to follow the conversation. He knows that his bad mood is adding tension to the room.

After the last meeting of the day, Mark approaches Frederick. "So it's about the woman, sir?"

Frederick looks at Mark, surprised. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, the reason you've been so off today. The reason you've been denying every proposal," Mark said, his tone gentle.

"Brian told you?"

"This is your first, sir?"

"Seem like you've gotten too comfortable around here."

"Seriously, sir. I was thinking about 'that'," Mark said, his tone changing to an ice-cold voice.

Frederick sighs, knowing exactly what Mark is referring to. "Ah, now I remember."

While humans might see lycans as monsters in horror movies, in reality, they are a lost species with their own rich history. Frederick's mind drifts back to the tale of the 'Fate Pair' - a legend among lycans that has been forgotten over time. The story goes that lycans are created in pairs, destined to spend their lives searching for one another. He can't help but wonder about the complications such a belief could bring.

"I don't think that's the case. I mean, have you ever seen one around here? Never," Frederick said.

"Your parents?" Mark countered.

"They were an exception. They lived as wolves, so they mated for life," Frederick replied.

That's right, the idea of a 'Fate Pair' seemed far-fetched, but the proof was so close; the previous master of the Cadman family and his wife were a fate pair. Frederick recalls his mother describing when she met his father--'The phenomenon of love at first sight; it is an overwhelming experience. I felt an undeniable connection with your father when we first met.' He gets goosebumps just thinking about it.

His parents were both lycans, and they found love while in their wolf forms. His mother had always lived her life as a wolf until she met the alpha lycan, Colin Cadman, on a full moon night. Although they were connected, his mother chose not to leave the forest. As a result, he and his brothers were born as wolves and spent the first three years of their lives living in the forest. His father had to go back and forth between the two worlds to be with his family. With the family's connection, the birth certificates were issued when they turned human, three years after they were born.

"No, that couldn't be; you think too much Mark. Call Adriana, let's see if she's free tonight."

'Maybe I'm just horny,' Frederick thought to himself, trying to dismiss the idea of fate pair. He wondered if his feelings were simply due to the mating season.

After all, the idea seemed ridiculous to him. He knew it wasn't as easy as one might think, as he had never encountered another fated couple aside from his parents. These days, few lycans care about the tale anymore, and most live their lives for themselves instead of dedicating their lives to finding someone they may not even know.

Lycans have the choice to choose their own paths, whether that means pursuing careers, getting married, having children, or even getting divorced with whomever they choose, whether lycan or not. Mix-breeds are common in their small community; look at his assistant, for example.

However, Frederick is mature enough to accept that there is a connection between him and the woman. However, he knows that he needs more time to confirm his suspicions. All he has to go on is his mother's romantic bedtime story, as there are no other records of such a thing.

Putting aside this fate-pair nonsense, Frederick knows that he has to focus on other things. He delivers good news to Hugo and asks for Ms. Brown's files in return. 'Can't be too careful,' he thinks.