[Paused, going to be eddited] In the 1920s, a son is born. Emrys Caddell, heir to the most ancient and noble house of Caddel, a house that is the descendent of Ravenclaw herself is born. This is the story of the house of Caddell, the family he was now born into. Mature content.
'Zion Richen Caddell, may he rest in peace. It has come to light to reason for his sudden death at 15.
'Mort Magique', some of you may be familiar with this, some may not. It is a deadly magical parasite that enters a wizard's/witch's system through blood. They latch onto anything magical. They aren't just susceptible to us but too magical creatures as well. They feed on the magic within us, slowly killing the victim until no more magic is left. They slowly die within the victim afterwards.
You might be asking, why haven't I heard of this? This magical parasite has not been a problem for centuries. It originated from Niger in the 1700s. The last recorded victim was in 1816.
Soon after its discovery, a few witches and wizards came into contact with them unknowingly, with how tiny they were to see. The research was immediately done, and the situation was handled.
They are rare to come by and are native to a deadly forest within the depths of the country Niger, with all different types of dangerous magical animals lurking within. The Magical government of Niger have surrounded the area with a muggle repelling spell, of course, to keep them out.
Who is Annie Lyons? And why would she wish to cause harm to such a prestigious and honourable House that directly come from the line of Ravenclaw?
So far, the Aurors are investigating. The issue is… For such a thing to be in Britain is a worrying sign that they were smuggled into the country to cause harm to the young Caddel Scion.
Head Auror, Theseus Scamander, has made no comment on the situation.'
But a source has recently given a suspect, a French woman, Annie Lyons. We have already contacted the Auror Office about this anonymous tip.'
--Hogwarts, Scotland—24th, May 1935—
"What are they doing?" Azalia asked as she saw two Aurors walking down the hall. Looking at Azalia, Seraphina answered the question. "Investigating, I'm sure it's everywhere by now that my cousin didn't end up in the hospital by accident. Whoever did it did it on purpose." Seraphina answered.
Azalia gave her a confused look before asking the question on her mind, "But, your cousin got sick about 2 years ago, right? so why now? why investigate now?" Azalia asked.
Seraphina sighed, "Because now they know what he had and have reason to believe it was smuggled. They're not talking about this because they don't want to freak the students …. But I think they're looking to check that there weren't any parasites left behind, but I doubt it seeing as no one else got sick… then again, it's not like people go around walking with an open wound unless you count Gryffindors."
Azalia shifted uncomfortable, unconsciously looking around, knowing if the parasites were indeed there, they wouldn't be able to see it without a tool.
"They questioned Rachael Stone, too. Not long before he collapsed, they went to Diagon Alley for a class project." Seraphine spoke again.
Seraphina was glad she and Azalia were friends once again after so long. It was confusing at first, but soon after, she understood. Yes, her name was Ella Wilson, but her name was also Azalia Carrow. Apparently, when she was a baby, she had a 'condition' one that would let her live her life as a squib, and Lord Carrow didn't want that. So, what most families do, which no one actually talks about because they're primarily discrete about it, what house would like to announce they have a squib. Azalia was sent to America to live in an orphanage and was adopted by the Wilson family; thus, she became Ella Wilson, the only daughter of Adam Wilson and Hailey Wilson.
They happened to be a magical family. Azalia had told her that when they had visited the orphanage, Azalia had performed accidental magic, and that was when they decided to adopt her. She had been tutored at home instead of going to Ilvermorny.
Once the Carrows were aware of her magic, they decided to take her back. After all, they haven't had a girl in generations.
—Caddell manor—
After Emrys was able to perfect the spells he had been learning, he had moved on to another one which was the 'Dissillisioned' spell. It was quite a handy spell to know and use, allowing an object or a person to blend into the background of where they were by becoming the colours and textures of the objects and people behind them. After a few weeks, he was able to successfully cast the spell, albeit it only lasted a few seconds, revealing him to his natural state.
It was an obviously hard spell to do. Therefore, trying with a wand would be much easier, but it made sense that it took time. He was still trying to get the hang of this 'wandless' magic thing. Still, all in all, it was exciting and amazing that he was doing all this that he had seen on a screen, but now he himself is doing it all.
The charm took time and effort… a lot of it. It had gotten to the point that his frustration peaked, and he just decided to stay up late trying the spell, which he was able to cast the spell for at least 30 seconds, which was better than before. He needed to improve his focus. That is what was necessary for wandless magic. He could hardly keep the disillusion spell on if his mind wandered to the thought of food or something.
With that, he had included more meditation into his schedule, which looked terrible with his rush writing of crossing off words and adding extra words on top because there wasn't space anymore etc. He had yet to make a proper one, only having this draft of what it could be, a rough sketch it was. The finished schedule will have different tasks for each day but will probably be similar to each other.
With that accomplishment of being able to cast that spell for about half a minute, he moved back to what he had started with, and that was levitating objects. At first, of course, he was able to levitate one thing at a time. Although, when he did, it was just in an upward motion, lifting it from the ground, not as high as he would have liked, which was why he had gone back to practising it.
He wanted to be able to levitate anything in any motion, instead of just upward, to move it left or right, and just more just one- being able to lift more than one would be brilliant. He had been certain his concentration was now to the extent where he could levitate an object, for example, a small plant, for about three minutes without losing concentration. Still, it was good to do it for as long as possible. He was assuming that doing so, it was increasing his control.
Emrys would happily say he was getting far with the levitating charm. Just earlier, he had been reading a book which was written by Newton Scamander. When the realisation dawned on him, he felt like falling off a broom. Since he realised he wasn't just in the 'Harry Potter' universe but also the 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them' universe as they are contented and are both cannon.
Although he was disappointed he hadn't watched any of the movies, there were two and a third one realising yet he never watched one. He knew of them and watched one of the trailers, which he barely remembered. All he really did know, was that the first movie was practically the title. He was making a book! Which he truly did make! That was what was in his hand, the book 'fantastic beasts and where to find them.'
It was released in 1927, and his second edition was released just two years ago.
While he had been reading it, instead of letting the house-elves clean his room which was what usually happens, he cleaned it himself, which wasn't something he does. Tilly, who was one of the house-elves that cleaned the bedrooms, nearly had a fit when she had popped in unexpectantly, thinking that she hadn't been doing a good job since he had cleaned it himself. He had levitated the things that were on the floor, moving them towards where they should be.
The worry she had stopped when he told her she could still clean it.
When he said he cleaned it, he didn't say it perfectly. It was subpar at most. Since they had someone to do it for him, why bother doing it yourself.
He was now concentrating on their movement speed. Magic was a unique experience. It felt fantastic to use; it was difficult to put into words, but if he had to, he'd describe magic as a muscle. The more he utilizes his power, the more quickly it reacts. The more he performs a spell, the faster and more powerful it becomes. It becomes challenging to concentrate on the spell if he continues to use magic without taking a break. His mental process slows down a little, and his body feels a little sluggish. It's the closest he can come to describing it as being sore from overworking.
As he walked down the hall, he heard a crash from ahead. It was coming from the Living room ahead. His curiosity took over as he stealthily made his way to the slightly open door.
He could feel the surge of magic lingering in the air, almost suffocating that he found himself talking quicker Breathe's walking forward, he peaked into the pallor. He didn't expect it to be trashed- everything was practically destroyed, the smell of burning in the air. There stood his father and uncle in the middle of it.
Never in his life had he seen his uncle like this. The man gripped his short hair tightly, tears falling from his eyes.
"Theon, just calm down for now. You're leaking your magic everywhere!" The voice of his father, Atticus.
His uncle had a crazy look in his eyes, and Emrys feared for his father for a moment.
"Don't you dare tell me to calm down, Atticus- what if it were Seraphina or maybe even Emrys?" Baratheon hissed.
What were they even talking about? What did his uncle mean by that? Seraphina or him? Was he talking about Zion? Or maybe Kester- did something happen to Kester too?!
Atticus clenched. "Don't," his father warned.
"THEN DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN," Baratheon yelled.
He watched his uncle sigh in frustration before walking over to the large window, his side leaning up against the wall beside it before continuing. "He was murdered, Atticus." He stated simply. His voice sounded so broken.
"Whoever this 'Adaline Sartre Stroms' is, they wish for the Caddell family to be destroyed, and they started with my son, and the proof lies on those notes you and I have been receiving," Baratheon spoke.
Atticus walked towards the window where his brother was stood at, listening to his brother's every word.
"The French Aurors are already after that French woman- they poisoned my son with that parasite destroying his life. He hadn't even got to enjoy Hogwarts to the very end, only to spend most of his day struggling to breathe and move in the hospital. Because of this person, my son was pushed to the edge, resulting in him taking his own life. He couldn't take the pain anymore, even with Kester transfusing his magic to him…." Baratheon turned his gaze from the garden outside the window to his brother on his right as he finished speaking.
"He was only fifteen… he would have been 16 next month," Baratheon spoke.
Emrys had never seen his uncle cry. It was unsettling he felt for the man and eating all this… Zion was murdered? Who in Merlin's name wants to hurt the Caddell family? Was he missing something… and who is Adaline Sartre Storms?
"We have the best Aurors working this case. Theon, they'll be able to trace where the notes have been coming from," Kester spoke.
"Who do think 'Adaline Satre Storms is?" Baratheon asked, his brows furrowed.
"… I have an idea, but I'm not sure. I've already told the Aurors."
Emrys rested his back on the wall beside him, thinking things through. He was casually living this new life of his without realising that there was someone who apparently wanted to destroy the Caddell family? Were his father and Uncle planning on telling the family? To make sure they know to be safe. He hated how he had been unaware of this.
Zion murdered? It was likely this would have been mentioned in an article- he had been too busy with studying and training that he barely had a look at any of the articles- heck! He barely even left the house. Another reason that he needed to train is to protect himself, and if it does go so far to the point, then his family as well, but there's only so much he would be able to do. He'll have to look into the situation with Zion later. He deserved better, and to take such a young life away just because they have an issue with someone being a 'Caddell' was ridiculous. Someone shouldn't be punished for an action of another.
Was this how the House of Caddell disappeared?
He stood from where he was and began to continue on the path on which Emrys had been on track before he decided to eavesdrop.
--A week later—
Emrys strolled down to the kitchen he knew his parents were in, still shocked from what he had found out. He thought maybe his father would mention it, but it had been about a week since he had overheard what he knew he wasn't supposed to have heard, but he did. He just knew it was something he would tell Seraphina and Kester, but him? Of course not. He was but a child. Though, he knew it was only time that his father would mention it since he was a proud man and would not wish for the downfall of the house of Caddell. Therefore, he would need to inform him, so he can be 'careful'.
He walked into the kitchen to see his mother sitting elegantly at the end of the long table, flicking through the article in her hands.
While his father was standing, his arms outstretched as the floating trench coat slipped on.
"Emrys" His father was the first to notice him.
"Did you know Kester is having a baby?" Emrys asked, aghast. He had only recently found out earlier in the day after opening a letter he received from his sister.
His mother lowered the article with a raised brow, "Darling, didn't you already know that?" she asked as she stared at her son, who began to walk around the table.
He stared at her with a deadpan look, "Mother! No one tells me anything, I'm always the last to find something out, and it's starting to get annoyed. I found out by Sera mentioning it in one of her letters how she's excited to meet it."
"You wouldn't need to have anyone tell you things if you just read a news article now and then", His father drawled. Emrys shook his head, "Right", Emrys shamefully responded. Just because he was busy training and whatnot didn't mean he couldn't read some articles now and then.
"Right, and you wonder why you're the last to find things out, Emrys", His father spoke again, "Tomorrow, you will be going to the Selwyn Manor", his father spoke, changing the topic.
He quirked a brow as he sat in a chair, "Why would I do that?" he questioned, "I mean, why?" he corrected.
"Lady Selwyn suggested you come to the manor and have tea with Callista, their daughter, to get to know her." His father spoke.
"Why do I need to get to know her?"
His mother's gaze snapped to him, and he felt nervous, "Are you telling me you've forgotten she is who you are to marry?"
He forgot…
"Of course, I didn't forget, mother… it's just that it's not like getting to know her will be any use. She'll have a whole different personality by the time we are to marry."
It would be the first time since that day he found out about the arrangement that he would be seeing her again. He knew nothing about her other than she was quiet. He had to do all the talking, and when that happens, he sometimes says weird things or just phrases that make no sense to them, but they make sense to him. The whole marrying off your children was stupid, just for political gain.
With that, he headed back to his room, planning son some light reading. His cousin Fleamont had sent him a book after learning of his interest in learning more about things, which was nice of the Potter. He was curious when Fleamont would be creating that hair potion thing that made the Potters even richer than they currently are.
Emrys had found himself rested in his chair, his feet crossed, as they were placed on the edge of his desk. He was absorbing all the information the book was providing him. It was a book of Divination. It was called 'A Pure Energy,' which alone piqued his interest. What could a book of Divination possible mean by 'pure energy'. From what he remembered from the movies, it was a doss subject. From what his tutor was teaching him, he knew that Divination was a field of magic that involved attempting to predict the future by using various rituals and tools to gain insights into the past, present, and future events.
The book was the most fascinating thing he would have thought possible. It was surprising that he hadn't been introduced to this by his tutor, seeing it was something a third or even fourth year Hogwarts student would have. He wasn't sure if he should be more worried instead, with each word he read.
The book reveals that magic works on a dimension quite similar to our own and is based on pure energy. This energy pervades everything and allows divination to sample the tides in order to predict what will happen, what has already occurred, or where something is currently occurring. Of course, there are limitations, and accurate prophesies necessitate the use of something called 'The Eye', which has a variety of requirements before one can even begin training it.
It explained that Wizards have developed over the years to store more and more of this energy in their bodies instead of the plane from which the energy comes. While anyone can access the energy plane with enough practice, only a Wizard contains it naturally.
The following chapter, it went on to explain that not everyone can train to access the realm of magic and that it, at the very least, required the discipline of a master mage.
'Master Mage'? that was certainly a new term he would have to look into. Was that just a really powerful wizard? Something like Dumbledore?
According to the book, he needed to think he had magic, that he could breathe the magic, and that this magic wasn't just any magic, but His magic. Then he should focus on those beliefs, and his connection to magic would grow over time. Then something termed 'Mage Sight' was mentioned.
It was when a wizard was able to see magic in its primal form by focusing their magic to their eyes. It was said to be a rare ability that manifested in young wizards prior to their magical priority.
Being a mage sight, one may scan auras and make predictions based on them. For example, dazzling white denoted a bright future. Dark or black signified a life filled with turmoil and unhappiness. Greyish alluded to impending difficulties or the possibility of a happier existence. There were a lot more, but those were the basics one started with when learning about them.