
The Butterfly System

38 years old, Zack Taron, was your average employee working day to night; too busy to even start his own family when suddenly one day he passed out when he was about to ride a train. "What the h*ll?! why is it so dark in here?" [YOU HAVE DIED] "WHAT IN THE ACTUAL SH*T?!" Will he consider living in this new world that full of magic and the things that are scientifically undiscovered, or would he plan to make his way back to Earth to rejoice with his mother? Follow Zack on his journey to different worlds along with his decisions that can affect not only him, but other people as well. A/N: If you don't like slow-phased story, then I suggest that you should think again before reading this, the introduction of the main protagonists contains at least 10 chapters before going to the main story. But I will assure you that this will gonna be a whole different world!

kayd_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

First Day

In the middle of a forest, an orphanage can be seen with its large field and a small farm. Childrens happily playing and running across the land, feeling the warm, breezy morning. 

Inside a small barn, a young boy with a dark, messy hair, and dirt all over his body was sleeping in one of the haystacks at the side of the entrance. 

Waking up, he can see the sunshine entered through the small hole at the ceiling, pointing at his eyes. The barn was at its poorest, with only 2 cows that seems to be sick and half of the roof missing. 

Pulling his body up like a dead man in sitting position, half closed eyes and a snotty nose, he streched his small arms. 

After wiping his eyes and removing all the hays all over his body, he stood up with his oversized shirt touching the floor, right sleeve dirtier than the other that seems to be used to wipe his nose. 

He headed outside just to see all of his friends are playing and eating, there are also two elders that seem to be nuns that covered their body from head to toe. Seeing them make him smile and feeling alive, he excitedly ran and yelled. 

"Hey! Don't start yet without me!" He waved. 

All the childrens that are running around was now making their way inside the orphanage apart from the three kids that was now gathering at one place, making a circle while the boy was still running. Until all of them are there and one of them spoke. 

"Hehe, how many seconds do you think it will take?" One of the boy asked. 

"Uhm.. 5 seconds?" The little girl answered. 

"Stop that, you two." The other boy who is much taller than the other, said. 

"Alright, let's see. 3... 2.. 1.." The first boy spoke again, counting down. 

While all of them was staring at the running boy, the boy is thinking what could they be talking about. He's excited to listen to them and play together. 

When the boy was running, it could be seen that the barn was at the top of a small looking hill, unless you're at the bottom, you won't notice it because of the tall and thick grass. 

The boy cannot suppress his excitement until he tripped, his whole body sunk to the tall grass around him. A few seconds later, he stood up, his nose was bleeding but his face says that doesn't hurt at all. Smiling, he continued to run until he reached them. 

"Andy, you know, you're always careless" The boy who counts told him. 

"It's fine, Gerald." Wiping his bleeding nose, Andy smiled. 

"Let's eat together!" Said Amy. 

"The others are inside, let's head back now" The third boy, Sam said. 

The orphanage was small and only have 6 rooms; The first room was used by the owner of the orphanage, a man in his early 40's, white hairs covering the side of his head and a fine physique. Wearing a long black robe-like clothing that encircle his neck and long sleeves. 

The second room was shared by the two nuns. The first nun was a young lady that looks like in her mid 20's and a strict-looking woman in her 30's. The two of them are not very close but interacts with each other sometimes. 

While three rooms are shared by the children, each room contains 2 bunk beds facing each other at the corner of a small room, making it 4 child per room. The remaining room is reserved for guests but most of the time, some childrens spend their time inside the room. For some reason, the room is slightly larger than each one of the room and has one king sized bed, shelves full of books and some things that who-knows-what is for. 

Andy, Amy, Sam, and Gerald shares the same room, making them closer than any kids there. While their group was making way to the dining area, one of the nun was approaching them while his eyes were pointing towards Andy. 

"Hey, sister Jessica is here, what do you think she will do to you, Andy?" Gerald whipered. 

"I just hope she doesn't scold you like last time." Sam followed. 

"You guys, sister Jessica actually cares about me." Wiping his nose, Andy's face turned red. 

"Stop daydreaming, dude!" Gerald shouted. 

When Jessica reached them, she looked at Andy with a disgusted look all over her face. She glanced at the other three kids before moving her head, giving them a sign to enter the dining area. 

They took a quick glance at Andy that gave them a wave of hand telling them to go on without him. Looking back at Jessica, all of them gulped before walking inside. 

Now that the three kids entered the room, Jessica released a big sigh, her body got weaken like she's holding her breath for a long time. 

"Why is it so hard to pretend? I hate this job." Jessica said under her breath. 

"Why are you pretending to be strict, sister?" Andy asked. 

Jessica ignored the question and fixed her posture, bending her knees slightly to see Andy closer. Touching him in the head, she just smiled and tell Andy to take a bath before going inside the dining area, they'll be waiting for him. 

Andy nod his head with a look that seems to go through Jessica's face. He's mesmerized by Jessica's beauty. 'although sister Jessica is in her 30's, Her beauty was out of this world.' He thought. 

Walking away, while Andy was heading towards the bathroom, he heard a whisper inside his head 'behind'. Looking behind, he saw a kid was about to tackle the back of his neck, there's also 2 other boys behind him that seems to be his friends. 

When the kid was about to reach him, a hand from the side can be seen blocked the kid. 

"Cut it out, Kirk." Sam said, while holding Kirk's hand 

'Man, I was just about to have fun!' Kirk thought. "Hey, it's just a joke" He replied with a smile 

Sam is much taller than any of them with only being 10 years of age, a year older than Andy, who's smaller than anyone his age. 

Looking at Kirk's eyes, Sam didn't said a word— instead, he just tighten his grip on Kirk's arm. The effectiveness of this can be seen on Kirk's face. Feeling the pain, Kirk pull his arms put of Sam's reach. 

"Lucky you." He said while looking at Andy before leaving with his two other friend. 

Now that Kirk and his friends aren't there anymore, Sam gave him a go signal, telling him that he will be guarding the door while he bathe. Thanking Sam, Andy proceed to enter the door and washed himself. 

"Are you sure about this?" Sam whispered to himself. 

"Alright, I will be protecting him for now, but if he's not it, then we'll abandom him." He followed after a few seconds. It looks like he's talking to somebody that cannot be seen by others— or someone inside his mind.


"Man! What the f*ck was that kid doing?!" Zack shouted. 

<I assume you had a dream?> Sei asked. 

"Yeah, but it doesn't feel or look like a dream tho." He replied. 

Frustrated, Zack continued to tell his story to Sei. After he slept, it seems like he was dreaming and is happy about it. But after some time, he realized that it's not his own body or a memory, it looks like he's watching at a cinema with 360 degree view. Realizing that maybe he's inside another person's mind, he keeps shouting until the kid heard him saying "F*ck this, kid... behind you, behind!"

The kid turned around but that action wasn't what he expected the kid to be doing, he expects the kid to make a fist and punch behind, but after seeing Andy's body, he cursed himself. 

<I don't know if that's you when you're younger and forget everything, making it appear in your dream.> Sei teased him. 

"Beats me, my name's not even Andy, my hair's not black and my body's not sloppy like he is." He replied. 

"At least we're on the same page about that sister Jessica." Zack smiled. 

<Enough of that, it's already morning, shouldn't you take a look at your task?> 

Zack sighed, thinking about Jessica; maybe she was just a dream after all. 

After he got out of his daydreaming, Zack can now look at his surroundings. The scene was much livelier than at night, there's a deer-like creature drinking from the lake with its back facing Zack, group of birds flying at the sky, and many more creatures that seems out of a fantasy book. 

"What's that?" He asked, pointing at the deer-looking creature. 

<All of the animals you can see here are magical beasts, that one is a Khajit.> Sei replied. 

While looking at the Khajit, Zack was mesmerized by its body structure. It has bones sticking on its back like a mohawk hair coming out off its spine, two horns that coming out from its forehead that is much bigger than the head and a tail that looks like that of a scorpion. 

"Those are magical beasts? How the f*ck am I still alive at this point?" He asked himself. 

While the Khajit was drinking, the water can be seen moving, small bubbling appeared under its mouth when suddenly, a big strong jaw opened from under the water, the Khajit flinched and took a step back, becoming slowly invisible 

"What the f- what was that?!" He cried. 

<Well, that's the Khajit's skill— at least one of it.> Sei explained. 

"Sh*t why don't I have one like that?!" Complaining that it will be much easier with the Cron if he has invisibility that time. 

<Well even if you have invisibility, can't run away from a Cron, you're just in luck because that was still at its white core stage— should've died then it's one level higher.> Sei explained. 

"Can you please elaborate? I guess someone here just got reincarnated out of the cocoon." Zack sarcastically replied. 

Sei continued to explain that every single living being in planet Trinian has a core inside their body, for magical beasts; it is a power to rule over territories, they live by their instinct to only protect. Magical beasts in the same territory doesn't ensure alliance,  just like what Zack saw earlier; the Altmer doesn't want the Khajit to take sip from its home even though they both are in the Bear territory. 

As for humans it can be used to wield abilities, enchant items, or to strengthen their body. It also signifies power where the stronger rules above. 

Hearing the word 'Human' makes Zack excited, he felt a burning sensation inside his body again. The last time he felt this was about.. 2 minutes ago. 

"Human! there are humans here?" He asked. 

<Of course there are Humans in this planet, unfortunately, you won't see one because you're the Red Forest— and before ask, I'm sorry but I can't disclose any informations about Humans.> Sei explained. 

"What do you- why?" 

<Because I only exist to assist you regarding of basic information you; since are a magical beast, can give beast infos.> 

Zack sighed, "That's bad news then." He said. 

Zack has a lot of things in his mind but he keep it behind for now. 

"So what about the territories?" He continued. 

<There 4 are territories in this forest; the Bear, Ly, Orsimer, and unfortunately last territory is not from any magical beast,> Sei sighed. <It's the territory of Elves.> 

"Elves.. I think I've already heard that name from somewhere." Touching his chin, Zack tried to find something about elves in his mind. 

"Aha! Those are that human-figure folks with pointy ears and dark pupils!" Zack excitedly said. 

<Yes, and they are the most feared in Red Forest, but fearnot because you're at Bear territory, peaceful one.> Sei cheered. 

After some time, Zack learned that there are 7 core stages; 

1. White Core

2. Early - Deep Blue Core

3. Early - Deep Cyan Core

4. Early - Deep Yellow Core

5. Early - Deep Green Core

6. Early - Deep Red Core

7. Underlord 

Now that Zack finally understood how the core works, he wanted to learn how to upgrade his own core. 

<That.. is not something I can teach you.> Sei says. 

"What do you mean, why can't you teach me?" Confused, Zack asked. 

<Because it's something that needs physical touch in order to learn, and either you learn it yourself or find someone early blue core— preferably higher, teach you.> Sei explained. 

Zack losts his will to survive in this new environment he lives in after after what he had heard. 

<Why don't you think of surviving for the day instead thinking about future? There's a new task that came up earlier while you're dreaming.> Sei cheered. 

Taking a big breath, Zack shook his head and smiled at himself before opening his task 

[Daily Task: Eat a fruit]

[Daily Task: Drink from flower's nectar]

[Daily Task: Fly up to 2,000 feet]

[You are hungry; 1 MP reduced every minute] 

<Wow, what a good welcome for your first day.> Sei said sarcastically.

My mind was open writing this chapter, i'm gonna regret everything that i wrote here.

kayd_creators' thoughts