
The Butcher of Sargon (LoL x Arknight Fanfiction)

A story of a man with the soul of Renekton, the Butcher of the Sand, reincarnated into the world of Arknight If you want to see more chapter of this story and don't mind spending $5 monthly to see till the latest chapter, please go to my Patreon. Latest Chapter in Patreon: Volume 1 Chapter 66: Dancing with the Dragon https://www.patreon.com/Thatsnakegirl

Delizard · Video Games
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Chapter 15: You're Stealing My Kill?

"What exactly are these creatures called 'Seaborn'?"

"They seem no different from the regular Originium Slug bugs."

"Can we try capturing one or two of them?"

On the Survival-3 engineering vehicle, two researchers chat while controlling a drone to explore the river.

Initially thought to be a dangerous mission, it now appears rather mundane.

They only need to stay in a safe place and move their fingers. With Director Saria ensuring their safety, the Seaborn creatures couldn't get close before being turned into a pile of flesh.

"I kind of wish this mission was a bit more dangerous."

One researcher shrugs, thinking that if something unexpected happens, it would be harder for Garde to refuse their request for help next time.

"The premise is that the Seaborn can break through our big guy up front. Did you see? The Seaborn couldn't even withstand one hit from him. I really don't know why we're putting so much effort into searching for them."

There are seventeen waterfalls falling from Acahualla, each splitting into many tributaries before converging into the main stream that flows into the sea.

Monitoring so many rivers is a huge undertaking.

In addition to drones, they also set buoys at the exits of the pools under the waterfalls. If any strange creatures enter, the buoys will sound an alarm.

These are all necessary but cumbersome methods. Garde doesn't have the technology of Aegir to detect the movements of the Seaborn.

As long as the Seaborn are kept out of Acahualla for a few days, they will naturally retreat once the pheromones in Gladiia's blood completely evaporate, as they prefer the sea over land.

"Garde, are we going to search like this, river by river?"

Not far away, Saria, who declined the researchers' invitation to ride in the engineering vehicle, frowns at Garde walking along the riverbank.

"This is too inefficient."

It's about seventy to eighty kilometers from Acahualla to the coast. Walking back and forth could take at least a couple of weeks to survey completely.

Is there enough time?

"The best way is to find a high-level Seaborn. High-level Seaborn emit pheromones that attract other lower-level Seaborn over a larger area."

Killing a Sea Terror might attract Seaborn attacks within a few kilometers, but capturing one, dead or alive, will draw them en masse.

Garde holds the corpse of a Sea Terror. So far, he's been attacked by over a dozen Sea Terror but hasn't encountered a single Seaborn.

However, this way, they can essentially determine whether or not there are any Seaborn left in a river after just one pass.

Hearing Garde's words, Saria nods.

Though without a vehicle, trekking dozens of kilometers is not a problem for her.

Not just a dozen kilometers, even a forced march of several hundred kilometers wouldn't make Saria blink an eye. The women of the Vouivre tribe are naturally strong.

Suddenly, Saria notices the two researchers on the engineering vehicle whispering to each other again.

"Ulysses, did you hear how Director Saria addressed him just now? She actually called Mr. Garde by his name. When did their relationship get so good?"

"Shh, be quiet. Are you really discussing our superiors' romantic affairs so casually? Be careful, or Director Saria might make things difficult for you."

"Director Saria doesn't seem like that kind of person, does she?"

"Heh, who knows what goes on in a woman's mind?"

Initially, to guard the two researchers on the engineering vehicle, Saria stayed not too far away, and the wind carried their voices.

"Ulysses, Gene, if you're too tired of sitting, I don't mind letting you two come down and stretch your legs."

Saria's voice from behind makes the two researchers jump.

"Ah, I just saw another monster, it might be a Seaborn!"

"Hey, hey, your way of changing the subject is too forced."

"No, it's true. It's right by Mr. Garde's side..."

The researcher couldn't finish his sentence when a scream, like that of a crying baby, suddenly exploded in everyone's ears.


Upon hearing this sound, the two researchers felt a buzzing in their heads, frothed at the mouth, and fainted on the engineering vehicle.

Enduring the severe pain in her head, Saria shouted, "Survival-3!"

With a buzz, the engineering vehicle carrying the two researchers turned around and fled, trying to escape the sound.

Saria looked towards the riverbank, where a creature, resembling a baby fish mixed with a loach, suddenly leapt from the river's muddy pond. It opened its huge mouth, showing sharp teeth, and lunged at Garde, aiming for the Sea Terror corpse he was holding.

Seeing this, Garde's eyes lit up, and he shouted, "Bring it on!"

The baby fish's scream had no effect on Garde.

Facing the baby fish's sharp teeth, Garde smashed it heavily with the large halberd in his hand.

The seemingly fierce baby fish, almost twice Garde's size, had its teeth shattered upon contact with Garde's halberd, half of its mouth smashed.

Like concentrated sulfuric acid, its highly corrosive blood splashed on Garde but caused him no harm.

Garde, seizing the advantage, charged at the baby fish.

If Garde was right, this was a Seaborn, which had somehow evolved a unique vocal organ after staying onshore for so long. Normally, Seaborn living in water wouldn't need such an organ.

With one strike, Garde shattered the Seaborn's teeth; with two, he severely wounded it. Just as he was about to deliver the final blow, the river suddenly shook.

One, two, three— more Sea Terror than they had seen all day leapt out of the water, attacking Garde just as he was about to kill the Seaborn in front of him.

Taking advantage of Garde being held up, the baby fish-like Seaborn let out a baby-like cry and turned to flee.

"Hmph, trying to escape?"

Casually flinging off a Sea Terror that had latched onto him, trying to tear at his flesh, Garde, unphased by the dozen or so Sea Terror biting him, didn't slow down as he prepared to take the kill.

Just then, a black greatsword suddenly pierced out of the water, striking the baby fish Seaborn in the head.

A swift decapitation.

Seeing this, Garde was momentarily stunned.

"You're stealing my kill?"

From the water, a head emerged, bubbles streaming from its mouth, and tilted at the sight of Garde.

"Another one?"

<+ >

If you want to see more chapter of this story and don't mind spending $5 monthly to see till the latest chapter, please go to my Patreon.

Latest Chapter in Patreon: Volume 1 Chapter 66: Dancing with the Dragon


If you want to see more chapter of this story and don't mind spending $5 monthly to see till the latest chapter, please go to my Patreon.

Latest Chapter in Patreon: Volume 1 Chapter 66: Dancing with the Dragon


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