
The Business Associates

Excert from Chapter 11: " "You're killing me, " he groaned at the moon lite woman in from of him, as Rosalinda raised a brow and the smile never left her face. "How?" She asked curiously, as she knew she bugged him, but didn't think it was too bad. Maybe she'd be able to get her diner back if she kept 'killing' him? But, Alistair had other plans, or an idea on the word 'killing'. He took a step forward and gently grasped Rosalinda's face between his hands, his eyes flickered back and forth from her lips and eyes. He began to lean in, Rosalinda registering what he meant, but didn't catch on until his lips lightly pressed against her own. " ___ Rosalinda Scott is a woman who makes sure all of her hard work pays off. But, what happens when a billionaire businessman, Alistair Hamelton, is able to walk into her life and get her to sign away her hard work, causing the two to be business associates? Will the two make sure to piss one another off so one gives up and allows the other to have control? Or, will the two butt heads so much that they'll learn more about one another and fall in love? ___ Will try and update every week, hopefully on Mondays to start your week of nice with a new chapter if you're enjoying the story! I also am a writer who enjoys to write chapter at least 2,000+ words or more instead of writing short chapters and leaving things out.

Kyaira_Mitchell · Urban
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


Rosalinda lifted the spoonful of cream of mushrooms up to her mother's lips, as she shakily clasped her lips around the spoon and pulled the food off of it.

"You've always made the best soup," Luċija breathed out after the bite and smiled at her daughter's shit-eating grin.

"Why thank you, mother! But on a serious note, how are you feeling?" She asked, as her mother scoffed and shook her head.

"I'm tired of being asked that question. What should be asked is how are you and Alistair doing?" Her mother wiggles her brows at her and a wide smile plastered on her face, as Rosalinda turned a bright red.

"Being a douche. The usual." She hummed, quickly feeding her mother another spoonful before she spoke. And speak of the devil, the man they were discussing sauntered into the room.

He held a couple of books and ginger ale to hopefully help with Luċija's upset stomach from the chemo.

"Hey, got some stuff to hopefully help." He smiled, as Luċija looked at her daughter, smirked at her, and pointed a finger at her.

"M'għandekx fucking rovina, jew inkun miegħek ħaj (Don't you fucking ruin this, or I will skin you alive)." Her mother hummed with a smile, as Rosalinda looked at her mother horrified. Alistair looked between the two women and raised a brow.

"Should I be concerned?" He asked, as both women quickly gave him a 'no', as Luċija pulled the man to sit beside her in the bed.

"So, when's the wedding?" She asked, as both of them began to choke on the thick air around them from the question.

"I-I beg your pardon?" Alistair asked, as Luċija smiled wider, like Cheshire Cat.

"Well you two are obviously in love so when's the wedding?" She inquired again, as Rosalinda shoved another spoonful of mushroom and cream into her mother's mouth.

"We aren't in love." She simply stated, as Alistair took a deep breath, as the words coming from Rosalinda's lips stung a little, but he knew she was right. Right?

The man took a deep breath and closed his eyes, then while letting out the breath he opened his eyes to see Luċija whispering in Rosalinda's ear. Rosalinda's face was a bright red as she abruptly stood up and shook a little.

"I'm going for a walk. If you're capable of whispering that in my ear, you're capable of feeding yourself." She growled, as the older woman pouted at her and watched her leave the room. Once the door clicked closed, Luċija whipped her head around and looked at Alistair.

"I hope you're treating her well. This is pretty much her first time having something with another man outside her friends and family." She stated seriously, as Alistair gulped, unaware of this information.

"Don't worry I plan on taking her on a date." He replied, as the older woman's bright hazel orbs began to gleam and a smile came back to her lips.

"Where to?!" She asked, moving across the bed and grabbing the man's arm roughly. Alistair was surprised by her strength, but laughed a little at how childish the mother was.

"I'll tell you when we come back if it goes well. If it doesn't go well, I'm sure you'll hear about it from your daughter." He frowned a little at the thought and moved a little away from the woman when Rosalinda stepped back in moments later.

"I'm gonna head home. I'll come back tomorrow to see you, mama." Rosalinda said, kissing Luċija's cheek, as Alistair stood and nodded.

"I'll follow. It was nice to see you again, I hope you feel better." Alistair said to the Maltese woman, as both of them left the room and walked to the elevator.

Alistair was close on Rosalinda's tail, hoping for the elevator to be empty when it opened on their floor. He tapped his foot impatiently when the doors took a while to open, but grinned widely when they did and everyone stepped out of them.

Grabbing Rosalinda's hand, the woman yelped as she was dragged in with the impatient man. He pressed the floor level button and began to slam his finger against the close door button repeatedly, until it began to close. Once it fully shut, he turned to Rosalinda and pushed her up against the wall.

"Damnit, why are you so cute in just sweats and a sweatshirt." He mumbled, as he leaned close to Rosalinda, but was pulled into her lips when her arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him down to her level.

The man melted into her kiss, sighing deeply at the feeling, as he kissed her deeply and passionately. A shiver ran down his back when she moaned against his lips, but was quickly pushed away when the elevator dinged.

Rosalinda fixed herself and began to walk out with pink cheeks and a cheeky smile, heading for the bus stop, until her hand was grabbed.

"Wait! Let me drive you home! I wanted to ask you something." He said quickly, as Rosalinda raised a brow but shrugged, following him to the car. Once inside, he turned to her, as Rosalinda looked over at him.

"Let me take you out tonight." He more stated instead of asking, as Rosalinda laughed.

"I feel like if I say yes I'll be tricked into some stupid shit again." She laughed, as the man frowned and took her hand.

"No, no. Really. I wanna take you into the city for a really nice dinner than afterwards go to a museum I closed off just for us to stare at the art for hours." He said, as Rosalinda blushed. She began to nibble on her bottom lip in thought, then nodded slowly.

"Okay," she agreed, as Alistair's face broke into a huge smile.

"I'll pick you up at 5:30!"


Rosalinda stood in front of her body mirror, looking over the red jumpsuit she put on, but blushed at how it plunged down in the front.

"Why the fuck did I take Julie's advice to wear this. It's so revealing." She mumbled, referring to her employee/friend at the diner. Her hair was pulled back into a neat ponytail, a few curls falling down in front of her ears.

She was about to take off her cream colored pumps, deciding to change before Alistair arrive, until there was a knock at the door. Sighing in annoyance, since it was too late to change, she headed over to the door, after she grabbed her phone, bag, and jacket.

She opened the door, as Alistair stood in front of her in a nice Armani gray suit and matching tie. She greeted him, but he was too busy drinking up her apperance, causing her to blush under his hard stare. Then her eyes hardened when she noticed him looking at her breast, since she didn't have a bra on since it would show.

"Okay thank you, enough." She covered his eyes, as the man snapped out of his lewd thoughts and chuckled nervously. She uncovered his eyes, as he made sure to make eye contact with her green orbs.

"I'm sorry you just look...Delectable..." He mumbled, licked his bottom lip, as Rosalinda sucked her teeth into her painted red one.

"Let's just go eat." She said, about to walk past him, until he blocked her path.

"Honestly, I just wanna skip dinner and eat you." He stated, but his eyes widened alongside Rosalinda's from what just came out of his mouth.

"Jesus, I'm sorry! I'm so fucking up already." He sighed and blushed, as the woman laughed nervously with a red face and grabbed his hand. She intertwined their fingers and led him to the stairs, as she decided earlier not to go through the whole "elevator" thing again, since she had red lipstick on.

"Come on, before we're late for our reservations." She stated, as they walked out of the complex. Alistair jogged to the passenger's side, and opened the door for her. She thanked him and got inside, as the man smiled and raced to the other side of the car, excited to go on a more proper date for the first time in a while.


Vote and comment about what you think may happen next or if you have pointers!
