
The Business Associates

Excert from Chapter 11: " "You're killing me, " he groaned at the moon lite woman in from of him, as Rosalinda raised a brow and the smile never left her face. "How?" She asked curiously, as she knew she bugged him, but didn't think it was too bad. Maybe she'd be able to get her diner back if she kept 'killing' him? But, Alistair had other plans, or an idea on the word 'killing'. He took a step forward and gently grasped Rosalinda's face between his hands, his eyes flickered back and forth from her lips and eyes. He began to lean in, Rosalinda registering what he meant, but didn't catch on until his lips lightly pressed against her own. " ___ Rosalinda Scott is a woman who makes sure all of her hard work pays off. But, what happens when a billionaire businessman, Alistair Hamelton, is able to walk into her life and get her to sign away her hard work, causing the two to be business associates? Will the two make sure to piss one another off so one gives up and allows the other to have control? Or, will the two butt heads so much that they'll learn more about one another and fall in love? ___ Will try and update every week, hopefully on Mondays to start your week of nice with a new chapter if you're enjoying the story! I also am a writer who enjoys to write chapter at least 2,000+ words or more instead of writing short chapters and leaving things out.

Kyaira_Mitchell · Urban
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


Rosalinda sat up in her bed quickly when a loud truck passed by her apartment complex, scaring her from her dreams. She sighed and rubbed her face, until everything from last night came crashing back into her mind.

Her face began to pale as she slowly turned and saw the man laying beside her, asleep. Screaming in shock and horror, she fell out of her bed and straight onto her hip.

Groaning in pain she quickly stood up, as Alistair looked terrified from the sudden screaming and looked over at her.

"W-What the hell are you screaming for?!" He yelled back at her, as she stuffed her hands into her crazy curls, looking around the room and then at herself, thankful her clothes were still on.

She sighed, then let out a frustrated groan, pacing around the room, then stopped, looking at him while she tugged her hair.

"What are we doing?!" She slightly yelled in frustration, as the man raised a brow, but then sighed, understanding what she was talking about.

"If you'd like, we can say we're dating or just simple two people who like each other and are unsure at the moment." He compromised, as she groaned and stomped into the bathroom, slamming the door behind herself.

She looked at herself in the mirror and let out a depressed laugh, as the make up that was still on her face was now everywhere on her face. She continued to laugh like a maniac, as she took an artic shower and stepped out into her room, going through her closet.

"What the hell is wrong with me!?" She laughed and turned to the man, who was laying in her bed, staring at her form in just a towel. She narrowed her eyes and walked straight up to him, grabbing his chin a little roughly and focusing his eyes on her own.

"I'm up here. Don't get any thoughts." She growled, as Alistair smirked and wrapped his arms around her waist. Rosalinda's eyes widened, as he sat up in the bed, hanging his feet off the edge and pulling her sideway into his lap.

"Why not? You got a pretty face and a nice body from what I've seen so far, which isn't much, but..." Rosalinda's mouth fell open, but then clenched together, as she began to hit the man wherever she could. Alistair leaned back, as she straddled over his lap and continued to hit him, not noticing the towel falling. Alistair, however, noticed how much more of her breast he was able to see, but not all of it yet, as he smirked more.

"You got nice boobs." He said, as Rosalinda paused, looking down at her breast and began screaming in frustration. Wrapping her towel tightly around herself, grabbed her clothing, and went into the bathroom again.

Rosalinda came out about 5 minutes later in a pair of skinny jeans and a cropped, red hoodie. Alistair raised a brow and stood up.

"Where are we going?" He asked, heading into the living room to get his shoes and jacket. The woman scoffed, putting her shoes and a black North Face jacket on that she found at Good Will.

"We aren't going anywhere! I am going to go and see my mother!" She yelled out to him, as he walked back in and raised a brow.

"And I can't come?" He asked with a raised brow, as the woman groaned and sat down on her bed, running her fingers through her hair.

"No, I'd love to talk to her and just her." She sighed, looking up at him, as he smirked.

"I'll meet you there in 30!" He called out as he walked away.

"No! Please don't-And he left." She mumbled the last part to herself as the door slammed closed, screaming and stomping her feet on the floor like a child.


Rosalinda raced through the hospital and skipped the elevator and straight up the steps. She ran down the halls, dodging doctors and other patients and burst into her mother's room to see her laughing and speaking to Alistair.

Rosalinda groaned softly, as her mother and Alistair looked over at the woman leaning against the doorway, as she slowly began to bang her head against the wood.

"Stop that!" Her mother yelled, as she slowly looked over at the woman, than Alistair.

"Why the hell are you here?" She asked dryly, as he held up an IHOP bag, and pointed to her mother, who had pancakes in her lap.

"To spend time with nice women!" He said happily, but smirked over at Rosalinda. She narrowed her eyes at him, walking over to her mother.

She leaned down and kissed her mother's cheek, as Alistair strained his head out a little and pointed at his cheek.

"Me too," he hummed, as the woman's eyes widened and she began to raise a hand, until her mother grabbed it, glaring daggers at her.

The daughter simply gulped and began to plead with her eyes.

"Inti tmur fuq u tagħti lill-bniedem sabiħ bewsa sempliċi fuq il-ħaddejn. Diġà għidli dwar id-data sabiħa tiegħek u kif tnejn mdendlin wara (You go over and give the nice man a simple kiss on the cheek. He already told me about your lovely date and how you two hung out afterwards)." Luċija demanded and began to smirk, as Rosalinda gasped and looked between the two.

"Oh no! You know what! I'm going home!" She huffed, as her mother pulled her close, grabbing her ear and pulling it close to her lips.

"Isma 'mill-qrib, I ilhom nistennew il-ġurnata għalik biex Tiltaqa' ma 'sbieħ u Ibda biex fl-aħħar tissetilja. Nixtieq neputijiet, qalb u Irrid Inkun ħaj - il-jum li jkollok finalment wieħed. Allura ma tisparixix għaż-żewġ Kemm aħna (Listen closely, I have been waiting for the day for you to meet a nice man and begin to finally settle down. I want grandchildren, dear and I want to be alive the day you finally have one. So do not screw up for the both of us)." She harshly told her, as Rosalinda's face was a deep red.

Her mother pushed her into Alistair, stumbling into his lap, as he wrapped his arms around her waist, and trapped her.

The younger Scott began to mumble strings of curses under her breath, giving a quick peck to the man's cheek, as her mother clapped.

"Wonderful! Now! Let's continue eating this breakfast this lovely man has brought for us!" Luċija gloated about, as she narrowed her eyes at Rosalinda.

'This was going to be a long day.' Rosalinda thought and groaned, as she stole a bite of her mother's pancake from Alistair's lap.


Sorry for the short chapter! I'll have a longer one next time! Please vote and comment what you thought about this chapter and Luċija, honestly she's my favorite character! Till next time!