
Chapter 1 - The Introduction

On a clear starlit night, Bornova Gustav sat in a restaurant opposite a beautiful dark haired woman. She looked at her small elegant wrist watch for the second time in the last couple minutes.

"This is a bad idea." She said, trying to change his mind again.

"So you've said." Bornova dismissed, having none of it.

"But you still intend to go?" She asked, almost angry.

"Most of our leads have withered, and he was an archbishop after all; if we have to get creative to find out what happened to him, then that's what I'll do. Plus you'll be right outside, ready to save me if anything goes wrong." He said, then took the last bite of his meal.

"I might not be enough." The dark haired woman said seriously.

"Well, either way, I'm taking most of the risk." He said.

"Either way…" She said twisting his words against him, "What will asking these wolves, to their faces, accomplish? Especially, if they ate one of our own."

Bornova finished the last of his wine.

"Even if they lie, I'm good at reading people. We'll at least have a new direction." He said, getting up.

He put on his coat, then stopped giving the woman a silent question. She looked frustrated but finally got up as well, in answer.

They took different carriages to the venue so he would not know exactly where outside she would be. It was best that way, all he needed to know was that there was backup.

On the way, Bornova checked his gold pocket watch and his eyes lingered not on the time but on the watch itself. It was a gift from his father, one of the few he ever kept.

Bornova still couldn't make up his mind about his father. Every couple decades he went through phases, sometimes rejecting him, sometimes trying to understand him. Since there was more than a little risk this night, he switched back to feeling fondness for those memories. If things truly went south, then at least they wouldn't torment him in the afterlife.

Bornova sighed, and before he knew it his carriage was on the grounds of an elegant mansion. He looked out the window and saw the building lit up with the light of a thousand candles. The fountain created a soothing atmosphere, and other guests could be seen wandering or smoking before the event.

When his carriage pulled up to the foyer, a black masked attendant came up with his hand out. Through the half open door Bornova passed him a gold coin burnt black on one side and after inspecting it the attendant passed back a silver mask. The mask covered half the face, leaving the mouth and chin uncovered. Bornova took it and put it on before he got out.

Bornova entered the house and found himself in a large ballroom. There were many others, all immaculately dressed and all wearing the same silver masks.

Bornova took a glass of champagne from a passing black masked waiter and observed the other guests. Some nervously sipped from their glasses, others chatted, but in smaller groups than a normal gathering. Those conversing had obviously come together, as no one was trying to make new acquaintances here.

Bornova stood, leisurely drinking champagne and observing the others in case something turned out to be useful tonight or in the future.

After a while, a gold masked man gathered their attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I can't tell you how pleased I am to have so many of you interested in the items we have tonight. I am your host Mr. Yellow, and you can find me later for questions if they arise. Just give any of the black masks my name and they'll take you straight to me. Well, the agreed time has been reached, so, if you would, please come this way. The auction is about to begin."

Bornova observed the man carefully, certain that there was more than a polite young man beneath the mask.

There was some murmuring, then a trickle began though the doors Mr. Yellow indicated.

Bornova made sure to enter somewhere among the middle of the crowd, but still received a knowing smile from Mr. Yellow as he walked past.

Indeed. Not simple at all. Bornova returned a nod before he passed through the doors.

The new room was a perfectly sized auction hall for the number of guests and was completely out of place for a residential mansion. It was odd to say the least, and Bornova had some guesses as to how it came to be there.

Some of the others murmured as well, but then eventually found seats without raising it with Mr. Yellow.

Bornova sat near the back and waited for the stragglers. A man in a black robe, with hood up and shadows covering his face, sat next to him.

"A Councilor of Black, I presume." Bornova said.

No one in front or behind him seemed to hear.

"You did your research." The man said, amused, "Just call me 'Councilor Opposite'."

The auction began and Mr. Yellow introduced one of the items.

"This glove is the first of the 8 items tonight and it corresponds to a sequence 4 of the Planter pathway…"

The counselor and Bornova listened to the description of powers and negative effects.

"That's pretty fine craftsmanship." Bornova said in genuine praise as the negative effects of the item were practically trivial for something so high level.

"The trick is to shatter the characteristic 3 times before crafting. That gets rid of most of the lingering identity from the former owner and leaves something much tamer and more malleable." Councilor Opposite said.

It may have seemed a friendly remark, but Bornova knew he was flaunting the presence of multiple angels within his organization, of which he seemed to be one.

"Quite extravagant, no?" Bornova said.

"We only sell quality, nothing these kids can hurt themselves with." The counselor said, "If you're looking to buy I suggest you wait for item 6."

"We'll see." Bornova said

"Bids start at 40,000 verl gold, and increments must be made in 5,000." Mr. Yellow said on the stage.

"I hope you're not here to cause trouble." Councilor Opposite a hint of a dare in his voice.

"That depends." Bornova said coolly.

"That would go poorly for both of you, trust me." The counselor said, revealing that he knew about his backup outside.

On stage Mr. Yellow seemed to split in two. Bornova could see one version continue to take bids while another made his way down the aisles. Everyone else seemed oblivious to the spectacle.

Mr. Yellow came up to his row, snapped his fingers and suddenly everyone to his left was moved over slightly, all without them noticing. He snapped his fingers again and a new chair appeared to take up the new space. Mr. Yellow sat down casually.

"A troublemaker?" He asked.

"Maybe. Seems he's undecided." Councilor Opposite said calmly.

Flanked by two grounded angels Bornova would be lying if he said he wasn't somewhat nervous. Still, he soldiered on.

"One of our own has gone missing, and with you guys producing items of this quality so frequently, it's natural to wonder where you get your artisans." 'Or the beyonder characteristics' Bornova left unsaid.

Mr. Yellow was lighting a cigarette he had conjured from thin air, completely unperturbed.

"Not us, mate." Councilor Opposite assured, "We like our relationship with the Church of Steam, so we hunt for Paragon ingredients not characteristics."

"So you're going to pretend the Yellow-Black Gang is all above board." Bornova asked annoyed.

"No. Just when it comes to the Paragon pathway." Councilor Opposite said, still calm.

There was a pause as Bornova looked from one to the other.

"It's the simple truth, no smoke screen." Mr. Yellow added, blowing a cloud of smoke.

Bornova couldn't sense a lie, but he still wasn't satisfied.

"Your organization has gotten too big too quick. Tell me a bit about the structure, and we can save the hassle of raids." Bornova said.

His hosts looked at each other, and Mr. Yellow shrugged.

The Councilor rapped the edge of his seat and made a condition, "You'll have to share it with the other churches so we won't be bothered at these events by other angels. We take the safety of our guest quite seriously, whether you believe it or not."

"Okay." Bornova agreed, somewhat puzzled, but then continued, "How does the burnt side of the coin organize?"

"The council at the top, executives in the middle, and enforcers below. The rest aren't considered real members." The hooded counselor said.

"How many in the Council of Black?" Bornova asked.

"Four including myself."

Bornova was surprised, as the number was small enough that these councilors were probably all angels.

"And what about the gold side of the coin?" Bornova turned to Mr. Yellow, who took his time.

"There is a leader known as the President of Yellow, but our structure is more free form. We gather only when we need to and otherwise just do our own thing."

"How many angels?"


Now Bornova was somewhat afraid. Combined, the two sides of the burnt coin had more angels than the entire Church of Steam.

"Who?" He asked carelessly.

Mr. Yellow snickered, "You think I'd tell you?"

Bornova switched directions, "What is 'the Syndicate'?"

"Damn, who the hell talked?" Mr. Yellow sighed.

"Not one of ours I hope." The counselor said, shaking his head.

"What is it?" Bornova pushed.

"That's your last question, but all I'll tell you is that it is a side project and its nature is in the name. You can guess the rest." Mr. Yellow said.

His cigarette disappeared and he got up to leave.

The first item finished selling for 115,000 verl gold, and the illusion of Mr. Yellow merged back with the real one before the next item was brought out.

"Please enjoy yourself, but don't overstep the boundaries of the other guests. Don't inquire into their identities after the auction is over, as we'll be watching. If you feel you need a cut, we can arrange that." Councilor Opposite said.

"No need. Half the people here are probably Intis officials or nobility of some sort, that would be completely pointless." Bornova sighed.

The counselor chuckled, then excused himself, disappearing into the shadows.

Bornova didn't completely trust everything they said, but he was satisfied for the moment. The Yellow-Black Gang became a little less mysterious with this meeting, as for the missing Archbishop there were still one or two clues left to follow up on before he would have to come back here.

Bornova stayed to check out item number 6, and was thoroughly surprised. If the previous items had relatively trivial negative effects, item 6 had practically none at all. He had to study it, so he started raising the placard underneath his seat vehemently.

Eventually he took it for 185,000 verl gold, annoyed at the competitor who stayed in the race with him long past a reasonable price. He began wondering if that wasn't one of his subordinates incognito. He left soon after, paying and making off with the item.

On the ride back, his carriage rocked slightly and someone entered the door while everything was in motion. The dark haired woman who he knew all too well sat across from him, looking concerned. Then she noticed item 6 on his lap.

"You bought something?" She said with clear disapproval.

"It can be used to answer some questions." Bornova said, distorting the truth to his favor.

She let the matter lie for the moment, then got back to the main concern.

"How many were there?" She asked.

"Two that i could see, but one of them was a 'miracle invoker' so i doubt we would have won if it came to blows." He answered.

"Tell me from the beginning." She said.

Bornova filled her in.

Back at the mansion, two men stood at the entrance watching the last of the carriages disappear into the distance.

"Seems he didn't notice that you're an avatar." Mr. Yellow said.

"Neither that you're a marionette." Councilor Opposite added.

They both shook their heads slightly.

"Our nephew has a long way to go." Mr. Yellow sighed.

(Author Note) I will probably end it here. I imagined this scene and wanted to put it down. Once down, I decided to share. Enjoy.

Ozymandias_Ozcreators' thoughts