
The burning rose

In an alternate universe, Summer lives and finds Cinder in Atlas. She decided to bring her back to Patch. Due to her traumatic past, Cinder is hesitant to trust the family, but after a close brush with death, she opens up to them and is eventually adopted by the loving family. After a few years of training, she heads off to Beacon to train to become a huntress! Created by: UnknownkingfromAO3 all rights belong to them

Sebastian0narvaez · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 17: Heartfelt pledge

Time seemed to stop for Cinder as she watched the masked man run Mr. Beige through. She felt helpless as she saw him tear his blade out sending blood splattering onto the lawn. As Mr. Beige's body fell to the ground with a thud, the masked man wiped the blood onto his arm. In front of him, Yang was staring blankly up at the spot the old man had been, blood splatter on her face.

"Aaaahhhh!" Cinder screamed in fury as she reached her opponent. She swung her blade clumsily at him. And while he dodged without much effort, she had forced him away from her sister and the elderly man.

The masked man backed up as Cinder glared at him, still maintaining her stance. Once he reached the edge of the lawn, he turned and ran down the street before disappearing into an alley. His mission completed.

Immediately, Cinder turned around and ran to Yang, dropping her weapons to the ground. "Are you okay!?" She asked, grabbing Yang's shoulders and scanning her for any injuries. When she did see any, Cinder let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Yang was safe.

Then she turned to Mr. beige. Cinder felt her stomach turn as she looked at his lifeless body. A horrible tear from his heart out his chest was still leaking blood onto the ground. Through the wound, Cinder could see his heart had been cut in half. His final moments must have been horribly painful.

Her hands curled into fists and she started to shake. That old man had only been kind and understanding to her. Despite the short time she had known him, she had considered him her friend. The only real friend she had outside her family. And now he was gone.

Absolute rage filled the girl. How dare they do that to Mr. beige! Her fists started trembling and her breathing increased pace. As she got to her feet her vision was marred with a red tint. She glanced down the road where the masked man had disappeared, seething with rage and righteous fury. And that instead, she knew what she had to do

She was going to make him pay!

She grabbed her weapons off the ground and turned to the street. She made to sprint after the assailant, but was stopped when someone grabbed her arm.

Turning back, she saw Yang staring at her eyes wide and filling quickly with tears. "Where are you going!?" She demanded, terrified. "Please don't leave me!" She begged, clinging to her sister as the older girl struggled to free herself.

"Yang! Let me go! He's getting away!" Cinder screamed as she began to pry Yang off her. "Someone will have heard the fight and called the police! Just sit tight and wait while I go get that bastard!"

Despite her words, Yang continued to hold tightly to Cinder. Even activating her semblance to hold on tighter. "Are you crazy!?" Yang screamed. "He nearly killed you! And that was with a huntsman fighting with you! You can't win one-on-one!"

"I can't just let him go!" Cinder yelled back angrily. "He has to pay!" Cinder was getting closer to getting out of Yang's grip, the younger girl was terrified not just for herself, but also her sister. She had almost lost her once. She didn't want to come that close again.

"Please! Don't go! Please…don't leave me." Immediately, Cinder's gaze softened at Yang's plea. She stopped struggling and knelt down to the younger girl.

"Yang, you'll be fine." She said reassuringly, placing her hand on the younger girl's shoulder. "But if I let that murder go, I'll regret it for the rest of my life." She gently began pulling the girl's hand off her, even as Yang struggled to keep a hold on her. "Please understand, this is something I have to do."

With that, Cinder freed herself from Yang's grip and immediately tore off down the street after the masked man.

"No!" Yang screamed as she tried to give chase, but Cinder was just to fast, and Yang's legs were still shaking. She fell onto the sidewalk as Cinder rounded a corner disappearing from sight.

"No! Come back! Please! Cinder!" Yang screamed after her sister, but there was no response. With nothing to do, Yang collapsed onto the ground crying. She had nothing left to do but prayed to the brothers for her older sibling's safety.

Cinder pelted down the street after the masked man. She had been able to track him thanks to the drops of blood and was finally gaining ground. She saw him on the other side of the freeway climbing up a fire-escape.

Ignoring the traffic, Cinder ran across the intersection. Horns honked at her and cars swerved around her. One slammed on his brakes stopping in front of Cinder just in time to avoid a collision. Seeing the opportunity, Cinder leapt onto the car drawing an arrow from her quiver.

She jumped into the air, firing the arrow into the car roof below her, where it promptly exploded, launching her high into the air. Where she got the perfect view of the rooftop the masked man was running across.

Ignoring the screaming below her, she took a second arrow and fired it right in front of him, bringing him to a complete stop.

He turned as Cinder landed on the roof. Rolling with the impact and landing with both her blades drawn. "You're not getting away!" She snarled at the man as she got to her feet. The masked man said nothing, simply drawing his sword.

"Strong silent type, huh? How annoying." Cinder snarled. "But don't worry. Once I'm done with you, you'll never have to speak again!" She took a step forward and pointed her blade at him. "I'm going to rip you to pieces!"

"I have no quarrel with you." The masked man said, his voice was deep and rasp. His tone was completely unreadable, making Cinder a bit uneasy. "My target was the old man. With him dead, I don't need to kill you. Walk away now or you'll give me no choice but to end your path right here."

Cinder felt rage boiling inside her. How dare this guy talk down to her! As if he could just brush her off so easily. "Don't underestimate me!" She snarled. "That old man was my friend. And you killed him! I'm not going to just walk away because you said so! Mr. beige was a kind man and you killed him pointlessly! I will avenge his death!"

The masked mad sorted at her. "Really? A kind old man? Tell me, did he share how he got kicked out of Atlas? Or did he neglect to mention the information?" Cinder's eyes narrowed. She knew he had refused an order, but she didn't know the details.

"Doesn't matter!" Cinder snarled, shaking her head. "You people will do whatever you want to justify your reasons! I'll just let someone else sort that out once I'm done with you. And believe me, when that happens, you'll wish you were never born!"

The masked man just let out a dry laugh. "Believe me, I already do." He said as he got into a fighting stance.

Cinder wasted no time charging at him. Once in range, she began swinging at him, trying to slash his legs. But the man effortlessly dodged all her strikes, then suddenly kicked her away at the first maniacal opening.

Cinder looked up annoyed. How was he reading her so easily!? Not even TaI could predict her so easily. And he had spent four years training with her! Did he have a semblance that let him read her movements?

Deciding to put it to the test, she charged again, this time trying to chase him to the edge of the roof. Just as before, the masked man didn't seem to have much trouble dodging all her attacks, but when he tried to counter attack with a kick, she caught his foot.

Grinning, she made to throw him from the roof the building, but as soon as she shifted her weight, the man, using her hold on him for support, kicked her leg right above her knee. Losing her balance from the pain, Cinder dropped to one knee, losing her grip and giving the masked man the dominant position. She didn't have time to react before he kicked her hard in the chest, sending her sliding to the edge of the roof.

"Huh, I don't even need my weapon if that's the best you've got." He taunted. "Is attacking the only thing you can do? Because if so, then you won't even be worth my time to kill." Cinder glared up at him as she crawled onto all fours. Her aura had protected her from injury, so if she could ignore the pain, then she could still fight.

But she had been right. It definitely seemed like he was somehow reading all her moves. The next question was how?

"If you're so great, hurry up and end it already!" Cinder snapped. "Or maybe you're not as good as you claim! After all, I still have plenty of aura left!" The man didn't say anything, just stared at her blankly. Brothers, Cinder hated not being able to read his expressions.

"I didn't want to kill you." He said again. "But fine, have it your way." Immediately he charged at the girl with incredible speed, within a second, he was above her, blade posed to land a killing blow.

Cinder reacted immediately. She gracefully leapt over the man and spun around, turning Midnight into a bow. She aimed three arrows at three points around him, then fired with incredible accuracy.

However, the man turned as if he had expected that. Immediately, he lunged forward, his blade turning red. He closed the distance between them, before the arrows even hit the ground and landed three clean hits on Cinder while she was still in that air, sending her flying. Then with a pull of the trigger, he detonated the dust on her clothes.

There was a deafening explosion that threw Cinder into the building on the other side of the roof. She slammed into the space between fire escape and the wall, her aura breaking. However, she was able to catch the railing with one hand before she fell to her death. Her blades, however, fell to the streets below.

Gasping for breath, Cinder began to pull herself up only for a powerful kick to knock her father down. The masked men stood on the fire escape above her. She hadn't even noticed him get there. Had he used the smoke from the blast to cover his movement?

"I know that move." The man said quietly. "That was Summer's move! Modified, but still the same idea. You must be her daughter." Cinder noticed his tone change when he mentioned Summer. It became cold and filled with disgust.

"You know Summer?" Cinder asked. "Who the hell are you!?" The man looked down at her, then spoke with a smug and condescending tone.

"I'm an he who brings the fate people have brought upon themselves." He said. "I am the one who is fated to bring a great change to Remnants and see absolute peace for all. So naturally, Summer and I crossed paths before. And I plan to give her the fate she wrought when she did the unthinkable and then moved on without remorse. Only a fate worse than death would be appropriate for someone like that, don't you agree?"

The man let out a laugh, causing Cinder's blood to run cold. She didn't like the sound of anything he had just said. "You know, when I came to carry out fate's decree on Paul, I never dreamed of getting the chance to take my personal revenge. Fate has truly been guiding me all these years. I can finally give that silver eyed bitch some well deserved payback." Calmly he raised his blade over her and prepared to strike the final blow.

But Cinder had just been struck with a realization so great, even her encroaching doom didn't compare. Her eyes widened as she realized this man must be like Rouge. Working with that Salam person to do whatever she was trying to do. That would explain how he knew Summer and why he was so damn strong!

"Y-you! What does Salem want with Mr. beige!? Why did he have to die!?" Cinder yelled, causing the man to stop in his tracks. "What do you want with the silver eyed warriors and why can't I find anything about her!? What the hell is Salem and what the hell is going on with her and Remnant!?" As she finished yelling, she watched the man staring down at her, utterly still. Had she surprised him by knowing about his master?

"Salem?" He asked, confusion clear in his voice. "Who's Salem?"

Immediately, Cinder felt her jaw drop. He wasn't with Salem!? Then who the hell was he!? And how was he so strong!?

Despite her confusion, it appeared the masked man was even more confused then she was. "And how do you know about silver eyes?! I always assumed Summer wasn't aware of their power. Does she actually know the kind of capability they possess? No, that can't be… unless she was informed by someone." Suddenly, his tone changed from confusion to annoyance.

"Ozpin." He snarled. "I should have guessed. I knew I should have killed him when I had the chance. That man is more trouble than he's worth. At least dead he won't be able to get in my way." He turned his attention back to Cinder, but instead of raising his blade, he offered his hand.

"I think we need to talk, so I'm taking you back alive. Don't worry, I'm willing to let you live after you've given me some answers. Fate is being kind to you, miss Rose. I suggest you count this as your lucky day." Cinder glared at his hand, but then reached up to take it. If she could get it, then she could easily pull him off and get the high ground.

Suddenly, the man withdrew his hand, glaring down at her. "Really?" He said annoyed. "Fate offers you a chance and you're going to throw it away for that traitor? I thought you should be better than that Miss Rose." Cinder's eyes widened. How had he known!? Could…Could he read her mind!?

Above her, the man raised his sword once again, readying a strike. "It's really a shame, but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised." He spoke with an almost sad tone. "After all, emotions aren't so easily brushed aside. Don't worry, I'll kill you as painlessly as possible." With that, he swung down, aiming to hit her right between her eyes. Cinder tried to think of something to escape, but nothing came to mind. This was it!

Suddenly, there was a loud clang as a figure appeared between them. A massive sword on his back blocking the masked man.

"Fancy meeting you here, kiddo." A familiar and annoying voice said. "When I heard the call for all available huntsmen, I didn't expect to find my niece hanging from a fire escape. Is this what kids are into in this day and age?"

Cinder glared up at her uncle, Qrow. She had met him her first Christmas, and she had not liked him. He treated her like a kid and was constantly drinking, not to mention the inappropriate jokes he constantly made around Ruby when Summer wasn't looking.

"I'm fine!" She snapped. "Go find Yang and get her to-!"

"Just came from there." Qrow cut in, his expression changing to a sad one. "Sorry about the old man. I know you were close to him. But I'm not letting you get yourself killed fighting someone like this. So stand back, and let me deal with this."

Before Cinder could reply, he turned to the masked man, a dark look in his eyes. "Hey buddy." He said dangerously. "Normally I'd ask you to give up quietly, but you made my niece cry. I'm not going to forgive that. Hope you're ready, because I'm going to break every bone in your body, then throw you in jail myself." The masked man let out a laugh.

"I'd like to see you try."

Immediately, Qrow knocked his opponent's blade away and then swung down to strike him, but the masked man rolled with the force to keep his balance and move out of range. Both men began a flurry of fast attacks against the other, blades moving so fast Cinder could barely keep up.

As they attacked and parried, Cinder saw the masked man take a step back, then another. He was being overwhelmed! Seeing this, the fate bringer, changed tactics. He ducked under Qrow's swing and tried to sweep his leg, but Qrow effortlessly jumped over the attack and kicked him in the face.

The masked man stumbled back against the railing stunned, letting Qrow shot forward, aiming a blow for the head, but the masked man parried the attack and kick Qrow away. Then he leapt onto the railing and lunged forward, using the railing as a springboard. The man raised his blade to slash Qrow's chest, but the older huntsman was fast enough to block him midair.

Before he could land, Qrow kicked the masked man in the chin, knocking him skyward. But he didn't get far as Qrow grabbed his ankle and threw him down onto the fire escape. The force of the slam made the masked man bounce up, letting Qrow kick him back against the railing, staggering him. Seeing an opening, Qrow lunged at him to finish the fight, but was too late and only forced their blades to lock, pinning the masked man against the railing with his sword.

Due to their clash, the railing started to dislodge itself from the fire escape. "Shit!" Cinder snarled as she grabbed hold of the bottom instead and began pulling herself up. Why did it always seem that Qrow was followed by misfortune?

As she got up, she saw Qrow was overpowering his opponent, bringing his sword closer to his neck, causing Qrow to smirk at his opponent. "I win." He said mockingly. With a snarl, the masked man activated his sword. Immediately the blade glowed red, then he pulled the trigger and the clashing sword exploded.




The explosion sent all three of them flying and collapsed the layer of the fire escape they had all been fighting on. Qrow was fast enough to throw his blade into the wall and landed on it taking no damage. Cinder, on the other hand, fell onto a lower part of the same fire escape in an undignified heap and a dull groan.

As for the masked man, he was thrown off the fire escape and hit the adjacent building hard, but was able to catch onto it with his claws. Then he leaped off it and began wall jumping from building to building, propelling himself high into the air.

He quickly reached the top of the building and leapt high into the air. spinning around, squeezing both triggers, he swung his blade at Qrow, discharging a fire blast at the huntsman.

Qrow planted his feet on his blade, pulling his arm back, then punching the fire ball with his bare hand breaking into several pieces that fell harmlessly around him. Above them, the masked man landed on the roof where he let out a grunt of annoyance.

"Huh, seems fate has other plans for you two." He said as he looked down at them from the roof of the building. "As for me, it seems I overestimated myself. A mistake I won't make again. Should have known I couldn't win against the most powerful huntsman in Vale. Still, there are other responsibilities I must attend to. Delivering fate's will is never easy."

"Bla bla bla! You talk too much." Qrow said, crouching down ready to move. "If you think you're getting away, you're an idiot. So let's get this over already!" Qrow launched himself off the wall and flew towards the alleged fate bringer, who just calmly stood there.

"Until next time, miss Rose." He said, ignoring Qrow. "I truly believe our meeting was a gift from fate. While I wonder why it chose to entwine us, but I guess I'll find out sooner or later. So make sure you don't die until then." With that, he pulled a grenade from his belt and threw it at Qrow. "Until next time." He said calmly.

Immediately, the grenade exploded! Releasing a blinding light, causing both Cinder and Qrow to shield their eyes.

And when their vision returned, the fate bringer was gone.

An hour and a half later.

Cinder watched Mr. Beige's body being put into a body bag. By the time paramedics arrived it was too late. The property was now swarming with police and detectives searching for any clues for the murderer. They had been about to arrest Cinder when Tai had shown up and stopped them. Thank goodness he had so much credibility in Vale.

Cinder sat on the edge of the property next to Yang and Tai. She just stared from the body to the chuck outline. She still couldn't believe he was gone. She had only known him a short while, but he had always been so kind to her. She could barely imagine a world where she wouldn't sneak off to meet him at night.

Qrow had gone after the masked man, hoping to find some trace of where he went, but Cinder doubted he would find anything. It would take incredible skill to pull off some ninja vanishing bullshit like that.

"Can't believe he's really gone." Tai said as he stepped next to Cinder, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I hope he'll reunite with his friends up there. I'm sure they're all excited to see him again."

Cinder felt a wave of anger bobble up inside her. Immediately she spun around, throwing Tai's hand off. "Do you really think that!?" She demanded. "You honestly believe that there's some magical kingdom up in the clouds that people go to when they die?! That's so stupid! There's nothing! No magic kingdom! No old man! No god of light or dark to judge you depending on how you lived! There's jus-!"

Cinder fell silent as Tai pulled her into an embrace, holding gently yet firmly. "It's okay, Cinder. You can let everything out. Don't hold anything back. Your hurting, and wanting to release all your pent-up emotions is natural. And health. So please, just let yourself be a grieving girl now. It's okay."

Cinder felt a lump form inside her throat. She wanted to swallow it down, but after tonight, she was too tired to try, too tired to fight against it. With no strength to resist it, she pulled Tai closer, burying her face against his chest. There, she finally let herself break down, sobbing uncontrollably into his chest, letting all the pain and frustration out as large tears that stained both her face and Tai's shirt, as he gently rubbed the back of her head.

They stayed like that for several minutes, before Cinder finally withdrew, eyes red and swollen. "Thanks for that." She said quietly, face slightly flushed. Tai just smiled at her. He knew she thought she was too old to cry, but he knew there was no such thing. To this day, he hadn't met the person who could keep it together when faced with this kind of loss, and he didn't want to.

"Anytime." He said reassuringly. Then he turned to Yang, who was still sitting a bit away from them, a somber expression on her face.

"Yang, I know what you're thinking and I'm going to tell you to stop." Tai said as he slowly approached his daughter. "What happened wasn't your fault. Nobody can blame you for what happened. Nothing can really prepare for a battle like that. Your-."

"But it wasn't just tonight!" Yang cut in, tears forming in her eyes. "Ever since the Werewolf incident all those years ago, I haven't been able to fight without freezing up! Not just a real situation, but even during training! I can't defend Ruby! I can't even be myself! I've been going to therapy for FOUR years, and it's not working! And now I've gotten somebody killed!" Yang took a step back almost as if she was afraid of them.

"I-I can't do anything right! All I'm good for is hurting others! I don't- I don't want that!" Before either Cinder or Tai could stop her, Yang turned and ran down the street, trying to put as much distance between herself and what she believed to be her mess.

"Yang stop!" Tai screamed as he ran after her. "It's not safe in Vale this time of night! Yang! Come back! YANG!"

Cinder was about to give chase as well, but stopped when she realized even if she caught her, she had nothing to say to Yang to make her feel better.

A horrible feel set inside her stomach. She hated this. After everything she had been through, she never felt more hopeless than she did right now. Her hands started to tremble and she felt her breath quicken. She felt like the ground was shaking under her feet making it difficult to stand.

She hadn't just lost someone she considered a friend, she had been completely powerless to prevent it. What if that had been Yang? Or Ruby? Would she have been able to save them? Could she have won against the masked man?


She was completely outclassed. For all her ability and strength, he had picked her apart effortlessly. She couldn't even touch him! If- no. When he came back, this time with the intention of hurting Summer, Cinder would be powerless to stop him.

Her hand clenched into a fist. She remembered this horrible feeling that had taken root in her all too well. Unbearable helplessness. She hadn't felt like this since her time at the Glass Unicorn. And she hated it.

Things were supposed to be different. She had the means and the ability to prevent anyone else close to her from dying, to prevent anyone from hurting her again. Yet she had been thrashed, beaten, and completely made a fool of. All by one man who wasn't even part of some super secret Illuminati cult.

Anger filled Cinder and she smashed her fist into a street lamp. Blood began trickling from her knuckles. She tried to focus on the pain in her fist instead of her chest. Her own weakness frustrates her beyond anything she had felt before.

She never wanted to feel like this again.

And so, she swore there and then, that she would never let herself feel so helpless ever again. That she would become so strong, nobody would threaten her or anyone close to her again! She would reach the pinnacle of power that nobody could ever reach and stop herself from ever feeling this pain again.

And when she met the masked man again, she'd get revenge for Mr. beige. She was going to rip his stupid head from his shoulders and stick it on a pike! Then, she would burn through everyone who ever meant anything to that son of a bitch until his entire legacy was gone!

And only when there was none to remember him for anything but a simple mask figure, then and only then would she return to Mr Beige's grave and to tell him that his vengeance was finally complete.


Happy end of the year chapter I hope you have a good time besides that I just uploaded My Mom is a Maternal Slime so it is triple prize, but good that you have a good time and see you next time