
The Burning Desire

Damian is a well raised Alpha male with women desiring his attention. But only one woman has his attention, Evangeline. Evangeline has a dark past. She has been hurt by love and she'll do anything to make sure that her heart is protected.

Favour_Faith · Realistic
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12 Chs

Chapter Three

"When you want something, dream it in details; set it up in your mind, develop it then drive all your energies till you get the outcome you foresaw." that's what Eva's grand father always said. Regardless of what everyone thought, Eva wasn't a promiscuous woman. She had discovered at an early age that most men wanted to get in her pants. SheShe smiled, used words that boosted their ego and encouraged them to use their money in investing in the shelter.

"I'll have dinner with you only if you visit the shelter." Eva would relentlessly say to those that regarded her as their latest conquests.

But that didn't mean that she was frigid or impervious to male attentions. Even without meeting him Damian had managed to penetrate her shield. He was her only obsession and she couldn't tell why. A man she had never met, knew that he will never give her the time of day but she was crazy about him. Was she in love...no, definitely not. Did she like him... absolutely yes.

At the moment she settled for phone calls, texts, emails and photos all she knew he didn't like. He didn't bother to conceal his exasperation when she called him. He sighed. Oh how he sighed whenever he picked up her third phone call on the last Monday of the month with an update on the activities. The phone call was scheduled but he always ignored the first two. Did she mind... not really. It's like the thought of him alone was enough to make her wild.

"You're wearing that stupid look on your face again. Please tell me you're not thinking about calling Damian." Connie her best friend, sister in law and partner said with a sigh.

Although Eva, would have liked to lie she couldn't. Connie could smell the lies off of her from a distance. The women had known each other since they were young girls so lies were not an option between them.

Eva sighed heavily,

"I can't help it. The guy is so easy to tease, it's laughable. Besides, it's not like he's going to get on a plane, fly all the way to Uganda simply to...you know."

" Eva, that poor guy, is our donor. It's our policy not fraternize with our donors. It's been five years, why don't you find yourself a man and leave DAMIAN alone. For all you know, his a married, sterile, old, serial killer. You know white men are crazy."

" No he isn't. He's definitely single, has two siblings, associated with many models and actresses, 6'4 , broad shoulders, brown eyes, black hair, no wife, no kids. Its the serial killer part I can't defend. His 34years, sexy. Very sexy"

" Woman! please stop before you tell me the size of his dingdong. Are you stalking him? Because if you're I'm so telling Eddie so we can get you to Butabika mental hospital before it's too late." Connie panicked as she started biting her nails dramatically.

"Don't be silly, I'm reading it right now. Come and see." If there's one thing Connie liked, it was the juice. She practically flew off her chair and moved towards the desktop facing Evangeline eager to get the scoop in detail

"Not bad, not bad at all. I can't believe I've never had the zeal to Google our main donor for the last 5 years." Connie typed in more information to search for.

"BTW I am very professional whenever I talk to that handsome specimen." Eva said portraying her mischievous smile that Connie had learnt never to trust.

"Mr. Dunbar, we haaad a verry big... long Christmas tree. The wet... and... warm weather was an added advantage," voice husky and breathless Connie tried to mimic a particular conversation Eva had last year with Damian updating him about the shelter's Christmas celebration.

" I don't sound like that! You sound like you have cotton balls in your mouth. Besides, I know he squirms in his seat whenever I talk. That's what makes everything interesting"

" It's been 5years Eva. Please stop running. Every man is not like Stewart. You have to love Again" Connie said sympathetically.

Connie alone understood the kind of trauma that Eva had experienced 5years ago. She had slept with her, held her tight as she cried and promised not to leave till she felt better. Her parents and her brothers had no idea why their Angel had started the foundation but Connie saw and understood. She also knew that Eva behaved the way she did to protect her heart. She teased and flirted but never went beyond that. She kept all men at bay. The only dates she went to were business dinners. She had become cynical in regards to relationships and that worried Connie.

Eva sighed not acknowledging the wisdom behind Connie's words. Nevertheless she didn't want to dwell on the past thus she brushed it to the side and began thinking about something pretty as the Kampala fashion week in which three of her girls were going to exhibit their creations. Connie noticed the change in the mood and decided to change the topic.

"So, can you help cover for me during the hospitality class at 2pm. I have to run home. Eddie is going to be at home. I'm ovulating and as you know I can't wait to create baby number two. So we are going to screw like rabbits for few hours." Connie said ignoring the red color that had covered her friend's cheeks.

" Eww, Eww, Ewwwww ,Eww, I don't want to know what you and my brother do to each other, ewww, ewww, ewww. Please go, Eww ewww" Eva shuddered making Connie laugh out loud as she left the Office. Eva quickly made the sign of the cross as she tried to think of anything apart from the image Connie had planted in her head.

For two weeks, Damian enjoyed the benefits of the vacation he was forcefully given. He got in contact with Evans Ayebale, who helped him sign him up at the Rugby club and a gym as a way of burning off steam. He visited a national park; so the safari part ceased being a lie. He breathed in fresh air and slept till 7am a wonder for him considering his brain was still adjusting to the different time zones. The only thing left on his list was screwing Evangeline Kata and getting her out of his system.

As the wind blew his hair, he took a breath of fresh air, he saw the smiling kids alongside the road as they waved at him, they were rugged and the houses didn't look any better. Nostalgia overwhelmed him as he thought about his the small home town back in San Antonio, Texas. He had hired a black sleek Audi S8 Sedan to use during his stay. Frank his body guard and guide was his only companion on the journey. Evans had recommended the big silent man to help Damian during his navigation around.

For the first time in a long time Damian felt better about his circumstances. He wondered what could have happened to him if his friend's family hadn't taken him in. Damian was no stranger to human suffering that's why he didn't pull out of the foundation regardless of how Evangeline tested his temper. The shelter actually did a great job. They had bought land and set up structures three years back something he felt proud about.

Evangeline's Shelter for Girls, a signpost sat right next to a wide, open and rustic gate which had probably seen better days. In the distance, Damian could see a storied building with cream and maroon colors. It was only four levels high which was cute considering he had seen taller and wider buildings in his line of work. He remembered that in most of the photos Evangeline sent him, those two colors were dominant as the dressing code for the girls. Next to it on the left was an extremely wide and long building with similar color combinations. He surmised that it must be the hall Evangeline took pride in. It was their recent accomplishment and he remembered how enthusiastic she had been as she told him about it. He had seen photos of many activities that were held there last year. On the right was another storied building with only three levels. The buildings looked like they were forming a "U" shape. Cute he thought. In the distance he could see cattle grazing reminding him of the Agriculture program that was ongoing. He could smell iron, diesel probably mechanics program on site.

Well, it seems the chit was doing a better job than he had expected. The grounds were wide and green. He parked right next to a silver Range Rover in front of the storied building and walked out desiring to see more of what his funds had been able to create.

For two hours he walked around accompanied by Jordan who seemed to be in as much awe as he was. They had been joined by bubbly lady called Rachel. She guided them to all the available projects. He saw the cattle and thought they could get more. 50 cows, 50goats, 1000 egg laying chickens, a fish pond and a few pigs. Were all under the Agriculture program accompanied by old-school crop growing. Milk, eggs, a few crops and sometimes beef came from this program. He saw the small bakery with a concrete oven and felt proud. He remembered that this was his favorite program. He saw the girls learning mechanics. A girl about 16years held a welding torch and she spent 25mins with him as she showed him the metallic gate she was trying to create. He felt to joy at being part of the people giving that girl a smile and confidence. In that moment he knew that he wanted to do more.

As much as Evangeline tested his patience, her ideas were good.