
The bunny prince and the girl

Have you ever had such a dream in which you meet a fictional character, and he stays with you forever? If yes, did your dream come true ? This was what Inoue Ichika's one and only wish. To be with someone who isn't from this universe. She was a 17-year-old hopeless daydreamer. Her parents were always concerned for her, as she might be the only high school student who was unable to decide what she wants to do after graduation. She loved her grandmother the most in the world. Who once told her the story of a magical bunny. Who could transform into a handsome prince. If he kisses any ordinary girl under the bright crescent moon . From then on, she decided to become the princess of that magical bunny, but she failed to find it. Then her life took a new turn from the day she met Minamoto Akihiko for the first time. A boy who was like a storm on her calm sea....

Bunny_Chan_01 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

chapter 6

(Uhhh ! Uhhh! Am so stupid, I'm such an air head , air head....) Inoue was murmuring with her head on the table. "Inoue ! Inoue ! Inoue ! What's the matter ? " Hina asked whispering in her ear "Hey what are you two doing ? and btw Inoue have you decided what story you are going to write for the play" Sato entered shouting. She really scared both of them out of their wits. "Ah ! Sato why the heck you are tearing your throat so loudly ? " Hina yelled. "And yeah do not tot up the fuel to the fire , Inoue is already brood over that one thing " Takemichi added while stepping into the class. "That means you haven't decided yet ?" "Am puzzled I have never done this before , how can you expect me to write a good story in one night" Inoue groaned and replied to sato "Aww ! That's it btw Inoue didn't you ask me to help you figure out the characters of the story ?" Sato grinned " Yeah ! That means you will help me out " she smiled " No,I'm not that good . I'll just give you a hint, rest of all is in your hands" Sato replied " Ah Man ! That's not fair..." Inoue sighed. "Ichika ! Is everything alright why are you crying like a 2 months old little baby " Minamoto spoke coming from behind "Akihiko you do not know anything, stop making fun of me" Inoue vociferated "Okay ,sorry Ichika ! Btw I was about to give you all a good news, but leave it if you are not interested on listening to my words then I think I should stay quite" "A good news ? Tell ! Tell ! I want to hear it " Inoue's eyes twinkled with curiosity " like we are dieing to listen to it" Takemichi gave an exasperating expression. He really galled Minamoto to speak out everything" Today I'll take you all to the place I was talking about yesterday , so make sure to meet me at Ueno Park at 4 p.m just after the school" " what ? That's great " Inoue and Sato, both screamed out together with joy . "A place where we are going to practice the play ?" Hina quarried "Yes ! " Minamoto replied. Takemichi didn't say anything just stood their glaring !

They all met eachother at Ueno park as planned ," So, where is that place Jerk " "Don't you have manners to talk to someone

Ta-ke-mi-chi-kun ?" Minamoto said taunting , Takemichi's eye burned up he was about to hit Minamoto but Inoe interfered " Akihiko I guess we must hurry remember we have just a week in our hands." As you say Ichika..." Minamoto smirked

He took them all near a big cave deep in a forest . " Hey , are you kidding, are we going to practice our play here in this jungle ? " Takemichi flared up " If you don't want to stay ! you can leave " Minamoto replied . He asked them to follow him and went inside the cave . They were all astonished, still they listened and went after him. It was very dark inside no one could see anything, suddenly a bright light came and illuminated the whole cave . Inoue's eyes widened , she was stunned not only her but everyone else were surprised too " it's my personal hide out I come here more often and spend most of the time staying alone..." Minamoto stated. "Hey Inoue just take a look how huge this bath tub is, isn't it ?" Hina felt exhilarated " Wow, it's so big and beautiful " Inoue's eyes sparkled " That means we can take shower whenever we want right " They both shouted out loud . Minamoto heard them , he coughed out of shy and to change that topic he said."I think we must start working from tomorrow on " " Hey ! Minamoto You have a gaming console too, wait it's the latest version how could you have one and I don't ! " Takemichi bawled out " I guess I said we should start working, wait did you just called me by my name....?" Minamoto felt astound as takemichi never called him by his name so perfectly before "Wow amazing Hina come here see he has a whole room only for fighting equipments look he has 3 pairs of boxing gloves of a famous brand with two sand bags . " Sato felt ecstatic "This hideout is the best place ever " Hina uttered loudly. " Okay I guess no one is going to listen to me..." " Wait where is Ichika ?" Minamoto asked himself,he went to the top in search of her . He found her enjoying the scenario " Do you think the forest looks very alluring from here ?" Minamoto asked coming from behind

"Oh ! Akihiko you frightened me " "Sorry...Ichika " Minamoto replied while Inoue blushed "Akihiko..." " Mm?" "no it's nothing , let's go back to all " Inoue wanted to say something but she just changed her words and asked Minamoto to go back " Ahh ! Sure " Minamoto answered but he knew it well what she were wondering about. "Inoue , Minamoto where were you and you girl, you made me worried so much" " Ohh ! Sorry to make you worry Sato " " No It's okay she's just being over dramatic " hina passed a commentary to sato " Oye, Hina" sato sighed and Inoue smiled .

After awhile the sun set down and the stars came out " we should go back it's almost 7:30 now" Takemichi said "Oh yes mom told me to return home soon , I had forgotten " Inoue's face narrated her troubles clearly " Yes, I also remembered Your parents aren't home tonight , and your brother is also staying at his friend's place " Sato spoke out everything briefly " Ah Sato... " "S....sorry Inoue , you told me to keep this a secret and ,I forgot" she looked around and apologized. "Inoue why didn't you tell us this earlier ?" Takemichi shouted " Aa..." " Inoue like I said before you are not alone, tonight we will all be with you " Sato professed "No It's fine " Everyone expressed their kind concerns for Inoue but she not among those people who could accept anyone's pity so easily and she said, "I'll be fine until my parents are back so do not worry for me " "Are you sure Inoue ? " Hina made a query " Ofcourse, it's only a matter of one night " Inoue said smiling "Okay, if you say so but just give me a call if you need anything , i will be there " Sato showed her generosity by holding Inoue's hands " Yaa me too " Takemichi added . They all went ahead thanking Minamoto. Inoue also expressed her gratitude to him and was about to leave but he stopped her "Ichika will you really be alright ?" "Ahh yeah I will be fine " she just looked back at the cave one more time and walked away saying goodbye. Minamoto stood their silently and watched Inoue leaving

"Bye Inoue just take care of yourself and if you need any help please lemme know " said Takemichi .

Inoue was standing infront of her home's door . And she remembered she had left the extra keys in her room . "Oh lord ! What should i do now I forgot the extra keys in my room , hey wait mom knows how stupid and clumsy I am she must have kept the keys somewhere let's search it..." . She found the key under the door mat. She entered the house swallowed some water stepped inside her room and bam , her foot got hit by a table "Eiii...Ouch" Inoue screamed out with pain , she sat on her bed , and started rubbing her feet . After she felt quite relief, she laid down. Out of the blue, a white butterfly flew into her room through the window. It's rare to see  butterflies during night. So, its sight made Inoue's eyes twinkle. Slowly she tried to close them and went on flashback "Momma , you know grandma told me something amazing about a magical bunny , she said if a girl kisses an unordinary bunny under the bright crescent moon he will turn into a handsome prince" " Oh I see but it's just a story dear don't take granny seriously " "Momma, why do you say that ?  I believe grandma she never lies" "Okay mam I understood, now shall we go your Highness " "Sure" little Inoue smirked . On their way Inoue marked a cute rabbit covered with silky white fur having a strange red stone in the center of his forehead. Little Inoue's heart jumped with joy as her wish came true. She rushed to catch him but he leapt in fear and got disappeared somewhere in the bushes . Inoue followed his steps and went inside the forest "Ichika stop it comeback..." Inoue's mother kept calling her several times but she didn't care to listen because she was too busy to catch the rabbit . At the end she caught him and her mom also found her. She held Inoue's hand and asked her to go back "Ichika, it's getting late let's go " " I will go if you let me keep him " "Inoue stop being such a stubborn kid otherwise I will go alone, let it go we can't have it " " Then go am not coming with you, if he is not going to stay with me" "Ichika..." Her mother scolded her very hard . The rabbit jumped down from Inoue's hands and again got vanished in a blink of an eye. "'Bunny'....I hate you mom" Inoue freed her hands from her mom's and fleet away "Ichika... comeback, it's getting dark, ichika...."

Yeah now i remembered mom kept calling me again and again but I didn't cared to listen her or look back , I just kept chasing that rabbit until I caught it. But it was too late when I got a chance to hold him in my arms.....I was in the middle of a dense forest I was lost . Two stream rolled down from my face and I cried. I called my mom simultaneously " Mom ,Mom ,mom where are you ?" But she didn't showed up. The bunny again hopped and freed himself from my arms , he ran fast, leaving his foot prints behind . I followed them "bunny ! bunny ! where are you ? Don't leave me alone. Bunny..." And at last I found him sitting inside a dark and deep cave "Found you ! Don't just run away from me, you know I'm lost , I'm scared too. I just need someone to be with me" I remember I told all these things to that bunny by looking at his eyes, i still remember how he put his cute little hands covered with white fur on mine after listening to me . At that moment I was feeling overwhelmed , I hugged him tightly and started crying loudly. That night I slept with tears in my eyes but In the middle of the night I don't know what I saw. My vision was not clear still I felt like someone was trying to save me from wild creatures, I don't know who he was! Why was he covered in blood?...and I lost my consciousness . And next morning I found myself lying on a hospital bed.

Ring ! Ring ! Ring !

Inoue's phone rang ,she woke up . Her dream broke and she realized she fell asleep without changing her clothes. " Hello , Sato what's the matter ?" " Ahh nothing I just called you to suggest an idea that just entered my mind about the story !" " Oh really that's great,then just say it out what are you waiting for " Inoue felt excited "Yeah, Inoue how about the story your grandma told when you were just a kid about some magical bunny , why don't you use it ? , it's unique just add some creativity and make it more fascinating " "Oo..that story but.." "what ? See there is only 1 week left for the festival to arrive and you are short of ideas .We have no other choices , do you have any different way?" "No..." "Then use it, just modify it a bit and you are all done, do your best Inoue " Sato hung off the phone "Ahh what should I do now ? I guess sato is right only few days left I should hurry , If I will make some changes . I can write a great story for the play " " Yes , let's try it out " inoue got up from the bed and sat down in front of her laptop . She started working on the story...