
The bunny prince and the girl

Have you ever had such a dream in which you meet a fictional character, and he stays with you forever? If yes, did your dream come true ? This was what Inoue Ichika's one and only wish. To be with someone who isn't from this universe. She was a 17-year-old hopeless daydreamer. Her parents were always concerned for her, as she might be the only high school student who was unable to decide what she wants to do after graduation. She loved her grandmother the most in the world. Who once told her the story of a magical bunny. Who could transform into a handsome prince. If he kisses any ordinary girl under the bright crescent moon . From then on, she decided to become the princess of that magical bunny, but she failed to find it. Then her life took a new turn from the day she met Minamoto Akihiko for the first time. A boy who was like a storm on her calm sea....

Bunny_Chan_01 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 25

At 10.00 pm. Grandma Chio and Sato stood face to face with shinai in their hands. They were in their armor. "Master this time I will definitely beat you." "Hmm, come with whatever you have." Sato looked confident and a little nervous too. While Grandma Chio looked like she was over the moon. Her smile was genuine. " I really want you to win," Grandma Chio said to herself in her heart.

" Hey, can anyone tell me why I've been made the referee? I thought I was going to eat corn chips and watch these two fight ? " She refereed Mr. Takahashi, Fuji and Inoue. " She made me the cheerleader, I must be sad. Why are you making such a ruckus ? " Takemichi shouted. " It's your punishment for teasing such an angelic boy, Haruto." Grandma Chio said with a smile. "But what did I do? " he yelled again. "Your face is a little girly. You've never dared to challenge me face to face like a man. So, I think you look better in that outfit. Cheer for me like a true cheerleader, otherwise I will break your bones." Grandma said giving a very life-threatening glare to him . Which made Takemichi fell silent with no words coming out of his mouth as he trembled with fear. " Sato, Grandma. Give your best, I'm supporting you both." Inoue jumped with joy. " Ah, whatever, I have to focus all my attention on my sweet jelly beans." Hina didn't reacted much, she told this with an emotionless look as usual. " Hina-chan, it's me...mean. You should support your friends, they're really trying their best." But she was moved to hear Fuji's inspirational words. She remembered the moment when she was unable to stand by Inoue's side. When other children were making fun of her, she could not fight for her. She didn't want them to bully her either. "Mm..." she nodded as her cheeks turned red. She put down her sweet jelly beans and stood up. Everyone looked at her in amazement. Then she cried out with all her might "Sato, beat this oldy- granny for me, for us. Otherwise I'll show you the true way to despair."

The little hope that had sprung up in them just a short while before they saw the new Hina, died. "What? And I thought she would take my place to cheer for Himari". Takemichi sighed. "All right, but who did you call 'this oldy granny? '" "But, give your best and believe in yourself, believe in the hard work you were putting in for the past few days. That's all" Her last line really won everyone's heart. It was touching. Grandma Chio didn't say a word but she understood her feelings. "So, I don't mind being a cheer leader too if it's just to support our friend. Who's working so hard to beat her opponent." Takemichi said blushing. Everyone cheered for Sato "Sato give your best we are with you !! ". "Hina, Takemichi...guys. Thank you so much I will try my best".She was overwhelmed and started crying out of the blue (she shed tears of joy). "Then I will cheer for you" Mr. Takahashi said, patting Grandma's shoulder. "What? Are you showing pity to me", "Hmm ! you can say that. Since, no one is cheering for you." "i don't really care about that. Atleast they are supporting their friend...." Seeing Grandma Chio, he understood that this was enough for her.

" 3, 2, 1....FIGHT "

The rules were the same as last time. But this time the three referees were Mr. Takahashi, Inoue and Fuji. They had two flags in their hands, one was red and the other was white. (They decided to end it after three strikes like last time. They bowed to each other and the fight ensued).

Sato came running towards Granny chio and tried to make an initial attack. But she failed to strike again. And at the same time Grandma Chio managed to stop her Shinai. She took the lead in the first round by striking her men (head). Sato was amazed yet she smiled, as if she knew a way to deal with her next attack. In the second round she used her new bubble attack technique to strike and was able to hit her on the kote (the gloves or wrist ). (Just as soap bubbles fly for a moment and explode as soon as they touch any object or surface). Sato imagined her as a free-floating soap bubble for a moment. So, When she got a chance to strike her, she took the lead in the second round. Grandma Chio wasn't surprised to see this. In fact, she was happy to see her growing . The third and final round came. The round that would decide the winner. Mr. Takahashi with the two other referees declared the last fight. Sato calmed herself first, closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and then slowly released it. She remembered the practice she had done in the last few days. She decided to rely on her ear. When Grandma Chio started coming closer to her, she sensed her presence by the sound of her footsteps and hit her using another special technique called 'The Mop Attack Technique'. She stroked her men (head). It was an ippon (meaning clean hit attack). Everyone was in a big shock, especially Takemichi. His jaw dropped as he had never seen Granny Chio, a national kendo champion, be defeated so easily before. "Sato won?", "She did?" "Am I dreaming?", "I beat Grandma?" Everyone including Sato was shocked, they could not believe their eyes. But it was only Grandma Chio and Mr. Takahashi who didn't overreact because they knew from the start that in this match Sato is going to win. After a few moments of silence, everyone burst into joy. "You did it!" "Thanks guys!". "I think it was not in vain to be a cheerleader," Takemichi said blushingly. "Well, Gengi you look gorgeous in that dress." Sato said teasingly to Takemichi. "Just shut up! "He shouted and ran away in embarrassment.

"You are still laughing even after you lose to a rookie ". Grandma Chio didn't respond to Mr. Takahashi, she was just looking at Sato. "Okay, I think I got my answer". he said with a smile

They all got tired after the fight. So, without discussing anything, they all went to sleep. Takemichi, Mr. Takahashi and Fuji slept in one room while Sato, Hina and Inoue went to sleep in another room together. The moon was looking bright. And everyone closed their eyes hoping, the next day everything will be fine. Grandma Chio was still awake, worried about Inoue and her friends...

The next day when the sun fell on Inoue's face, she slowly opened her eyes. Looking out the window she muttered to herself "Akihiko, wait a little while, I'll get to you soon". She was looking very happy. They all got up and after having breakfast started making preparations for their departure. "Icku-chan!" While Inoue was still in her room, packing her bags. Grandma Chio came to her.


"Icku-chan, I want to give you something before you leave."

" something ? "

"Here you go" she extended her hand to Inoue and handed her a four-leaf clover.

"They say it brings good luck and lots of happiness. Keep it with yourself," she said, handing her the leaf.

"Thanks Grandma, I'll take care of it," said Inoue, accepting the clover. She was happy and overwhelmed at the same time. They were all about to leave, but suddenly Fuji's phone started ringing. "Hey, oh well! I...I'll be there. Yeah" He was talking to someone, nodding his head. As soon as he disconnected the phone, he looked dejected. "Fuji, is everything okay?" Takemichi asked. "Nothing's okay, Takemichi, I'll have to go back home, something urgent has come up" he cried jokingly. "What's the matter?" Mr. Takahashi asked. "Teacher, I can't tell you anything right now, but Takemichi, can you come with me for a second?" "Tell the truth. Has your sister done anything again?" He was really worried about him. He didn't say anything but his weeping face told everything. " So, I was right. What did she do now?". "She got the test papers in which I had scored 60, 40 ,50 out of the total marks. Which i had been trying to hide from my mother for a long time. You know that I am only good in maths. And she knows this too. Just because I didn't bring her with me to meet Botan, she is furious. And just now she has threatened me to come back."

"Whoa! I think your situation is the worst. I think you should go home now". "Yeah, I know" he replied gritting his teeth. "What have I done now? Why are you looking at me that way?" He was already disappointed as he could not go to Bunnyland and from above Takemichi advised him to go back. Which made him even more angry. "Fuji, I think you should go back home if it's urgent" advised Mr. Takahashi. "Yeah..yes, sure," he replied, looking down. Takemichi felt sorry for him, "Fuji, if everything goes well. And if we will be able to establish peace with them, between our worlds. Then we can go there whenever we want. Right?" He said, placing his hand on his shoulder. His eyes widened as he heard his words and he nodded in agreement. Hearing his words, not only was Fuji inspired, but everyone present there was shaken, while Mr. Takahashi walked out the door smiling. Before leaving, Hina kissed Fuji on his cheek. His face turned red and his feet froze. She didn't say a word, just went outside blushing. And they set out for Minamoto's hideout, from where they will enter bunnyland.

" Dad how are you ? Are you okay ? Don't worry, I will destroy that dynasty soon. Whose people betrayed you and destroyed our entire clan. Just as they tormented us, now I will torment them back. They will pay for their sins " Kabuto was sitting in front of a grave, talking to himself, crying. He placed some flowers on that grave and went back with respect. It seemed as if it was the grave of his own father.

Here Inoue and everyone else reached Minamoto's hideout. At first she hesitated to go in, then remembered that they had all went there for the first time to practice the drama of the school's cultural program. Yet she followed everyone and stepped inside. Mr. Takahashi showed them the portal. It was a small hole in the back of a large picture of a bird with broken wings that was trying to fly. It was really fascinating. They were all surprised because they had never seen that picture there before. Then Takemichi remembered there used to be a bookshelf instead of that picture. But they ignored it. Instead of Inoue, she was charmed by it. She put Minamoto in that bird's shoe and imagined how difficult it must have been for him to make an escape from that place. And now he is in the same place again. Where he had once suffered a lot.

" But, before you step into that world. You just have to remember one thing. Never ever take Akihiko's last name. That way they can suspect you. His name is Prince, Akihiko. So, take it with respect," said Mr. Takahashi. "What? Prince, Akihiko? Why should we take that dolt's name with respect?" Takemichi shouted "Because I'm asking you to do so. Don't you dare enter this portal if you won't do as I say " " In this way you will ruin everything. Your friends will become that kabuto's pray." Mr. Takahashi said with a serious face. "No, we're going to save Minamoto, no matter what? Whatever we have to do for him, we will do . After all he's one of our good friends." Sato said stepping forward "Hmm, the same goes from me too. I can't see Inoue in tears all day because of him." Hina said. Inoue was shocked to see them both in such a way. "Now, what about you ?" he questioned Takemichi. "Well, until we come back, I'll take his name with honor. Only because I want to save him." He replied with a sigh. Mr. Takahashi simply nodded with a smile, saying nothing more to him. "So, now before entering this portal, you must drink this potion." He told them, taking out four glass containers from his luggage. The color of that potion was purple and it looked very gross. "What ? Another potion?" Both Sato and Takemichi groaned. "Just drink it then you will know". They listened to him and drank all the potion in one gulp. After a few seconds when they opened their eyes they saw that everything around them had grown bigger. And that's when they realized the fact that the things didn't really get bigger but they got smaller. They were all amazed and shouted in fear. "What is this? What have you done to us? Takemichi yelled. "Mr. Takahashi why did we become small?" Inoue screamed. "Oh, sorry, I think I gave you the wrong one." Mr. Takahashi replied biting his tongue. He began searching for them in the floor and found them standing near the carpet. After making a proper apology. He gave them the right one . That's when a bright pink light illuminated the entire area. As the light disappeared .They all grew up again but there was a slight difference in their appearance. On top of their heads were two long rabbit-like ears. They had a bunny tail behind their backs, their hands and feet were also looking alike to a rabbit's . They were transformed into half bunny and half human " Aaaaaaa" And they all shouted in surprise.

" Why are you doing all this to us, jerk?" Takemichi yelled. "Hey, I am still your teacher. So give me due respect. This is the only way you all can go there without any worries because people in our country hate humans. Keep that in mind that you won't tell anything to anyone there about this world. They will easily notice your true self. The potency of this potion will last for three days. In between these days we have to save Prince Akihiko no matter what ". And don't worry about Kabuto, leave him to me". After listening to him,everyone nodded in agreement. There was a different gleam in their eyes that made Mr.Takahashi believe them.

"Akihiko we are coming" All said at the same time and entered the portal together...