
The Bully's addictions

name "I.. I'm not yours" I stuttered His gaze grew noticably darker at my words " I dare you to say that again"he said taking a threatening step I open my mouth but no words came out, next thing I was flattened between him and the wall My body shuddered at his domineering look "you belong to me... Your body... Your soul... I'll enjoy marking you again.... And again "he whispered, his teeth grazing lightly on my neck How did I get to this situation, where there's no way out? He'd already broke me... Took my virginity... What else does he want from me? Anna Gabe was just an average nerd struggling through high school, her only wish was to get a good life what happens when she becomes the target of their school's infamous badboy.. Mark Andrew she owns him a dept, and he was going to make her repay it Not even a cent less.

kindness_philimon · Teen
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38 Chs

chapter 5

Today was Monday, I kept wishing today wouldn't come but wishes don't always come true...

I didn't sleep well since Saturday, the vision of Mark driving me to an orgasm kept replaying in my head, shame couldn't describe how I feel...

Perhaps I should just fake an illness and ditch school today? But for how long? Sometimes or the other I would have to see him unless I transfer to another school which doesn't sound like a bad idea right this moment...

I grabbed my books and made my way down the stairs, I didn't think I could stomach it so I decided to skip Breakfast

"You are so quite, are you alright?" Sash spoke up on our drive to school

I"u just didn't grab enough sleep"

It wasn't a lie, but I totally wasn't alright, not when the car came to a screeching halt...

My stomach was cramped with nerves right now, I took a breath to steady myself...

As we walked inside I felt as if I was being starred at, I turned my head and sure enough, his piercing gaze was on me, he stood tall among a group of jocks who were discussing some stuff in loud voices

I quickly averted my gaze feeling blood rush to my face, I scurried into the hallway, his burning gaze still boring holes into my back


I chewed on the base of my pen as Mrs. Clark continue her history class, i wouldn't say I was paying attention when a pair of intense blue gazes was pinned on me the whole class....

I want this class to end as quickly as possible, I looked up when my name was mentioned

"Miss Gave would you mind seeing me at my off after the class is over?" She asked and I nodded

Immediately the bell rang I packed my stuff, I tried not to look in his direction as I prepared to follow Mrs. Clark to her office

"Anna you are such a bright student, but I noticed that your test and assignment scores are dropping, is there a problem with you?"

" I really want to help you, you are my best student but even in class today I noticed that you were absent minded, can you tell me what it is, does it have anything to do with Mark Andrew returning?"

My eyes widened In Surprise at her words

"Of course i'm not blind, he kept staring at you, are your grades dropping because you entered a relationship with him?"

"No!" I blurted out

"I'm not in any relationship with him, at least not the kind you are thinking of, h...he bullies and makes my life difficult all the time"

Her gaze softened at my words and she patted my shoulder gently

"I'm really so sorry, but these things are often so common in schools, you shouldn't let it affect you, he'll stop before you know it"

"He won't!" I cried

"You don't know him...can you really help me, Mrs. Clark? Maybe speak to him or something or perhaps...."

"Calm down, take a deep breath, Anna... Alright I'll see what I can do" she said

I exhaled loudly, perhaps if she speaks to him...

I felt relieved so as this moment...

"But you must make up for your low test scores in this upcoming class excursion, you want to get into a good university don't You ?

"Thank you so much" I said much gratefully before she dismissed me...

Lunch break was almost over so skip going to the cafeteria but if I were to admit I just don't want to be in the same confinement as him....

I entered inside the bathroom to freshen up a bit, I stared at my expression, I was eating less lately but I still wasn't seeing any difference, I was still the same.... fat and ugly...


Thankfully he wasn't in my next class and the next and finally the bell rang for dismissal, I packed my books into my locker and proceeded outside where sash was already waiting for me, but I didn't get to meet her when I felt a hard grip on my arm

"Mark let go of me!"

Without saying a word he continued dragging me until we stop before an expensive looking car which I guess was his...

"Get out," he said rudely to betty who was just outside the door

She looked at me with a disgusted look before turning back to Mark

"Why are you with her?"

"No questions just move!" He snapped, she let out an annoyed huff but move away

"Listen, I'm not g.. going anywhere w..with you, what do you t..think you are doing!"

He shoved me inside the front passenger seat and locked it before I could come out, sliding into the driver's seat he zoomed off

"Where are you taking me!" I yelled

"I didn't think you were so dumb, you actually reported me?" He spoke in a voice dangerously low

My next words choked up in my throat at the way his eyes burn intensely at me, I couldn't get what he was thinking right now...


"What do you think? That you'll be free of me by stupidly reporting me to that fucking teacher... We haven't even started bunny, I'm going to break you again and again until you completely vanish"

A sob escape my mouth at his words

"Don't you fucking cry! I really wanted to be nice to you today but you just have to go and run your big mouth " he seethed

"What are you going to do? I shouldn't have reported, I'm really sorry" I whispered like the weak person I was

"You are sorry? No, when I finish with you, you'll really be sorry" he said with a sinister expression and drove the car to a screeching halt....

I looked desperately to see where we where in the middle of nowhere, he'd stop just besides the high way and only a few cars were driving past

If he really decided to hurt me right here I don't think anyone would notice....

"M...Mark p... please I'm really sorry, I will do anything you said right now please just take me home" I begged under his mean gaze

"You want to go home?" I nodded vigorously at his words

"Since your mouth got you into this mess don't you think you should be punished?"

A tears escape from my eyes when he began to leaned close

"You know on that first day I saw you I thought you finally grew a backbone, I never knew you were still just a crybaby, I'll let you go "

I heaved a sigh of relief but it didn't last long

"Only after you get punished, give me a blow job," he said

" W..what does that me?" I ask in confusion

He looked amused and surprised my words

"A whore like you don't know what it means? I'm asking you to suck my cock"


I looked up at him shocked then shook my head wildly in denial

"Suck my cock right now and right here and I'll let you go"

"No .. please j..just let me go!"

I started trying at the door before I remember he'd locked it

A cry escaped my lips when he pulled on my ponytail harshly

"I'm not going to force you but didn't you want all this to stop? I will leave you alone if you do it

He was asking me to do such a dirty thing so that he will stop bullying me ?

"But if not...." He left his threat hanging in the air

If I just do it , he would leave me alone

"You'll really let me go?" I sniffed

"Then get to business," he said

My fingers shook under his watchful gaze "be fast before I change my mind" he snapped and I jolted

"I don't know how to "I whispered

"Open my zip and take out my cock and suck on it isn't so hard is it?"