
The Bully's addictions

name "I.. I'm not yours" I stuttered His gaze grew noticably darker at my words " I dare you to say that again"he said taking a threatening step I open my mouth but no words came out, next thing I was flattened between him and the wall My body shuddered at his domineering look "you belong to me... Your body... Your soul... I'll enjoy marking you again.... And again "he whispered, his teeth grazing lightly on my neck How did I get to this situation, where there's no way out? He'd already broke me... Took my virginity... What else does he want from me? Anna Gabe was just an average nerd struggling through high school, her only wish was to get a good life what happens when she becomes the target of their school's infamous badboy.. Mark Andrew she owns him a dept, and he was going to make her repay it Not even a cent less.

kindness_philimon · Teen
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38 Chs

chapter 27

For a moment, I didn't recognize where I was, my whole body sore.. like I had been run over by a truck...

My legs felt like jelly as I adjusted to a sitting position, the sheet came off, his already tried semen still coated my thighs.

Memories of last night flooded like running water...

Somewhere in my head I had prayed I wouldn't wake up or I would awake and it would just be a nightmare...a bad dream .

Only it wasn't, it happened , it was all too real

I winced at the pain between my leg as I made my way out of the bed

I slowly made my way to the door I assumed was the bathroom, I was right

I was too preoccupied with myself to take any details of my surroundings .

I caught sight of myself in the mirror, I almost didn't recognize the girl that stare baby at me.

My grey eyes were dull , it reflect how numb I felt inside, I look like a broken doll.

My hair was wild and all over the place , I had bite marks all over.

His marks... my neck... shoulders... stomach...they were already turning into a dark shed of

I purple .

I could have cried at the sight , but I didn't...my eyes remain dried

Maybe my mind was still in a state of shock, it was just blank...just like an empty shell

A broken one.

I turn on the shower , it was warm against my skin, I don't know how long I stayed under the hot spray, I kept staring at the water inside the drain...wish it could sail me along with it , that it could set me free.

I closed my eyes for sometime, when I opened them he was right there, a pair of green graze staring right back at me.

I didn't even hear him approach, I stared back at his unflinching stare...his gaze revealed nothing.

Who knew such beautiful eyes could hold such cruelties ?

Something pass between us and miraculously he averted his gaze first.

He'd gotten what he wanted...his revenge against me should be over.

He broke me , I feel like I was beyond redemption .

He turned off the knob of the shower , I flinched when he wrapped his fingers around mine as we walk out of the bathroom

" I want to go home" I stated not caring about my naked state .

There was no point

I gave him another flinch when he wrapped a fluffy white towel around my body .

" I want to go home" I repeated more forcefully this time

Without a reply he walked to the drawer besides his bed withdrawing something white from a small bottle and held out to me... I stared mutely at the pills in his hand then back to him.

" You don't want to get pregnant do you?" He snapped sounding impatient

His words took me by surprise, u had forgotten all about it, he had released inside of me twice last night .

I accepted it from him and gulped it down with the glass of water he had provided without a second thought, I had thought that there couldn't be anything worst than my present predicament... But there was .

I refused to imagine ever getting pregnant by him, that fate would be worse than deaths itself .

He took the glass from my hand and placed it back on top of the drawer.

I noticed the room was completely clean, unlike when I had first woken up , he must have done it while I showered.

Then where are my clothes ?

" You aren't going to leave" he stated approaching me

I took a faltering step backwards, I wanted to go away from here... anywhere away from him.

" You shouldn't leave, for your family sake you won't bunny" he stated looking dread serious

My heart rate piqued with worry at his words...this was the first time I felt anything since I awake to this nightmare

" My family? What's going to happen to them ?"

" You are just too naive for your own good, too kind...they didn't fight for you, why do you still care about them ? They don't deserve it"

I wouldn't allow him to manipulate me into believing that, if it weren't for him and his sick revenge , all this wouldn't have been happening .

He only was the villain , no one else

After the cruel things he did to me last night , he had raped me in the worst of ways, I knew he was capable of doing anything...to hurt me

He doesn't has a line he wouldn't cross...

"Are you going to kill them too?...I won't allow you, I'll report to the police and..."

His dark chuckled broke out of whatever I was saying, he look so confident... sounded so confident as he spoke .

" I won't stop you if you want to do that, but it will be so foolish of you , I know you won't disappoint me bunny"

I could only stare up at him unmoving, why was I the one stuck in this? ... I wouldn't wish it on any other girl , but why then me? All I ever wanted was a normal life but that's all past me, I would never be normal again .

He had made sure of that , was there really no way out for me?

He'd already broken me...took my virginity...I don't have any fight left anymore, what else does he want by keeping me with him?

" You are mine Anna...your fear, tears ...I'm going to completely shatter you until you know nothing else but my name "

" You got all you wanted, you got your revenge, you've ruined me...my life...I'll never live a normal life...I'll always have nightmares of you...you already took so many years... I will never be able to get them back... You worn Mark, I'm already shattered, you should be satisfied" I whispered staring into his searing gaze.

" But I'm not, not even close"

The next thing I was flattened between him and the wall, he didn't stop until I was pressed against the had muscles of his chest .

My body shuddered at his domineering look, I shot my eyes closed when he buried his face in-between my neck....

A knock sounded on the door and he pushed away from me just slightly, an irritated scowl on his face. Just then the door pushed open and a figure that bore a very striking resemblance of Mark walked in.