
The Bully's addictions

name "I.. I'm not yours" I stuttered His gaze grew noticably darker at my words " I dare you to say that again"he said taking a threatening step I open my mouth but no words came out, next thing I was flattened between him and the wall My body shuddered at his domineering look "you belong to me... Your body... Your soul... I'll enjoy marking you again.... And again "he whispered, his teeth grazing lightly on my neck How did I get to this situation, where there's no way out? He'd already broke me... Took my virginity... What else does he want from me? Anna Gabe was just an average nerd struggling through high school, her only wish was to get a good life what happens when she becomes the target of their school's infamous badboy.. Mark Andrew she owns him a dept, and he was going to make her repay it Not even a cent less.

kindness_philimon · Teen
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38 Chs

chapter 23

I went to bed with the threat hanging all over my head , aside from the locker incident earlier today , there haven't been any other messages .

Sash had kept insisting I tell her the truth...

I didn't.

I couldn't, she left after that but I assume she was mad at me.

Everytime I close my eyes, images of the lifeless doll....the red paint kept replaying in my head...

I couldn't sleep...not like this..

I froze when my cell phone binged, I shudder in terror when I saw that it was from the same unknown number.

My fingers trembled as I read through the messages, I should probably ignored them , but I couldn't for some unknown reasons.

"Your blood would feel nice under my knife bitch, I'm watching you"

Oh god!

At the same time, I heard a noise, it was coming from the window

I clasped my hand over my mouth to stifle back a whimper as I stare at the window in fear, I had shut it firmly closed but that hasn't stopped him before

He always could manage to open it and get me.

I prayed silently...

I prayed that he would just leave...

Why are all this happening to me? I've been a good girl for as long as I could remember

I've never hurt anyone in my entire life, at least not intentional, so why me ?

Why couldn't I be like every other girl of my age?

Tears escape my eyes as I clutched the pillow tightly as it would protect me from him.

Perhaps if I don't make a sound and just pretend to be asleep, he would leave ....

I curled around myself tightly, shutting my eyes closed .

I felt the cold breeze against my skin but still didn't open my eyes....

I didn't need to,

I knew it was him, all my nerves were on high alert... totally aware of his very presence

Each breath got difficult as I heard him approach me...I could feel his dark burning gaze on me, he sat besides me on the bed, my lips trembled violently as his fingers graze my cheeks....

He wiped at my tears slowly

" I know you're awake, open your eyes now and look at me" he whispered the command slowly

My eyes fluttered open to meet his stormy green ones, I shudder at the burning intensity I saw there

" Are you going to kill me ?...why are you doing this to m...me? I whispered shooting far away from him to the very edge of the bed

His gaze narrowed to slit as if in disapproval

" What makes you fucking think I would want to kill you?"

" You sent me ..those text me.. messages..that d..doll..why d..do you want to kill me" I sobbed, fresh tears escaping my eyes

He clasped my shoulders non too gently

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

I flinched at his sharp tone

" You k.. know exactly what I'm talking about!"

The text, threat...I know it's all from him

" No I fucking don't, and you have just three seconds to explain everything to me"

I blinked back in confusion, he hasn't sent those text?

Then who did if not him?

"I'm fucking asking you something"he glowed out

It's p.. probably n.. nothing " I whispered still taking in the sudden revelation that it wasn't him

A low dangerous rumbled escaped from his throat

"I'm warning you for the last time! Where are the messages?"

I handed my cell phone slowly to him, he snatched it from my hand

His eyes darkened with cold raged as he read through the messages

"Who fucking send this ! He seethed

"I don't know .i.i thought it was y..yo.."

He shot me a Sharp glare and I swallow hard

"Explain everything from the beginning...you better don't leave out any details of it"

I started from how I got the first text message

When I got to the doll part , I don't realize I was shaking uncontrollably until I felt his arm wrapped around me....

I totally went still against his embraced, he was comforting me.

I needed protection against him, the threat doesn't scare me even as half as he does ...

I don't need his comfort, I need absolutely nothing from him, I began to pull away when he tightened his grip warningly

" You d.. don't care about me, you don't need to pretend,I don't need anything from you" my voice sounded as bitter as I felt inside

I expected him to pull away, but he didn't instead he held me even more closer to him, he tilted my face to his...

His expression strained like he was struggling with himself over something .

Then he smashed his lips to mine in a forceful kiss, his lips were bruising and hurting as he pushed against mine, his tongue plunged deep inside of my mouth ... tasting... punishing... sucking the little oxygen out of my lungs.

My head felt dizzy ,,just when I thought I would past out he let go of me , I didn't mistake the burning desires in his eyes... It made my legs feel week

"Y..you are right...I'm not doing anything for you, I just don't share what belongs to me.

" Your tears...your fear should all come from me, no one else has the fucking right to make you feel so scared ..you are all mine!" He glowed in my neck , his voice dripping with raw possession

"I'm n...not yours , I belong to myself" I whispered still panting to catch my breath

A dark chuckled escaped his mouth

" You have no fucking idea...soon...soon bunny , you don't have to be scared of anything... except for me... because I'm going to do things to you...bad things"

His words sent a wave of shiver through my whole body, I couldn't look away from his penetrating gaze.

He flung off his boot and began to make himself comfortable on my bed

"W... what are you d... doing ?"

"I'm staying over tonight " he stated as if it was the obvious thing on the planet

The blood drained out of my face completely

"You won't! My parents might come in and...

Something akin to anger and hate flashed through his gaze momentarily

"They don't give a shit about you!"

I was tempted to ask him about my missing uncle who worked for them, but the experience in the Janitor's closet had me swallow back my words .

He completely ignored my question as he bark out, tapping on the space beside him in the bed.

"Come over here now!"

I shook my head slowly in refusal , an irritated look flashed across his face

"You'll regret it if I get you myself , I don't plan on doing anything to you, so don't give me ideas "

I slowly walked up to him, my whole body quivering in fear...and anticipation .

True to his words, he didn't do anything... Not that I expected him to keep his words

He spooned me tightly against him, my back press against his chest, his warm breath fanned on my neck

I stilled when he wrapped his arm around my waist possessively ensuring there's no distance between us ...

I don't know how long we stayed , minutes... maybe hours when he spoke again

" I tried to stay away from you this past weeks, I fucking tried..."his voice came out as a strained whisper ... He was talking more to himself than me.

His gaze was burning holes right into the back of my neck ,

"What did you fucking did to me?"

His fingers brush through my hair gently , a shiver shook me when he placed a lingering kiss on the crook of my neck .

"Don't Anna , don't fucking make me feel anything for you...you'll so regret it" he spoke in a soft dangerous voice that sent goosebumps all over my body.