
The Bully's addictions

name "I.. I'm not yours" I stuttered His gaze grew noticably darker at my words " I dare you to say that again"he said taking a threatening step I open my mouth but no words came out, next thing I was flattened between him and the wall My body shuddered at his domineering look "you belong to me... Your body... Your soul... I'll enjoy marking you again.... And again "he whispered, his teeth grazing lightly on my neck How did I get to this situation, where there's no way out? He'd already broke me... Took my virginity... What else does he want from me? Anna Gabe was just an average nerd struggling through high school, her only wish was to get a good life what happens when she becomes the target of their school's infamous badboy.. Mark Andrew she owns him a dept, and he was going to make her repay it Not even a cent less.

kindness_philimon · Teen
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38 Chs

chapter 19

Anna's POV

I squeeze my boobs together as he slide his glistening shaft over it, precum leaking out to smeared down my stomach....

It was so degrading and humiliating, he grunt out his pleasure as he sprayed his seed all over my breast and stomach .

He swipe some of his semen from the tips of my nipples and held it to my lips, the act felt so dirty, I felt as if I was being owned by him...claimed by him...

I unwilling felt a jolt of sensation that traveled all the way to my center...

I hated this, but at the same time I was throbbing with needs, my juices were over flowing down my thighs

How will I ever get back to my life after all this is over?

I wouldn't be able to , not after everything and something told me there were still more to come....

There was something in his gaze, he wants me to disobey searching for an excuse to punish me...

But then again, he never needed one

I licked his fingers clean just like he want, his taste lingering at the back of my throat .

His mouth was set in grim satisfaction

"Such a good damn cunt you are, you really look so good right now on your knees, I should fucking take a picture next time, don't you think?"

His smile was sadistic, was he expecting me to answer that ?

A sudden harsh grip to my hair answered my question .

"Y..you are hurting m..me" I whimper tears forming at the corner of my eyes

"You deserve everything you get, a whore like you can only get fucked" his grip on my hair tightened, I felt as if my hair was being ripped off

"Let..go!.. please let g..go!" I screamed tears sticking down my face, if anything he seems to enjoy my pain....

His cock was becoming more hardened, it was throbbing as it seemed to get more swollen.

He was getting of at my pain, just how sick was he ?

" I so much want to fuck you right now, slam my balls deep into you until your virgin cunt begins to bleeds raw around my cock, watch as you tits bounce as I take you again....and again... coating your walls with my cum untill it leaks out from you...you are fucking mine!" He groaned out the last part

I shivered in fear at his psychotic gaze that seems to burn straight into my soul..

"I...I'm not yours, I'm a free p... person" I manage to stutter out under his gaze

An evil chuckle escape his mouth , as his knuckles graze at my cheeks....

"I really just want to show you just how damn right now...it really hurts to wait...but it will surely happen bunny" he enunciated on the last sentence

He yanked at my hair hard threatening to pull out my scalp before abruptly letting go of me

I choked on my sob and wobble my way back on feet, using my arm to cover myself as much as I could from his burning gaze , it was useless though...not when I was still smeared with his semen .

I reeked totally of him all over

I began to search for my clothes

I grasped when he suddenly gripped my arm tightly

"What do you want! You have already taken everything, even I despise myself now , aren't you satisfied? I hate you so much!" My voice choked out with all the hate and despair I felt inside...

His gaze flickered momentarily before it became dark and hardened once more , he totally pushed me away from him, I almost lost my balance in the process

I found my shirt and bra that had be flung to a corner but my shirt was all torn, he'd completely ripped it off from me earlier...

I couldn't wear it, it wouldn't be able to cover anything, I might as well be walking around naked and I still have two more classes before school dismisses

"You will wear mine"

He wasn't suggesting, it was more of a command

I completely ignored his words , I don't want anything that belongs to him, am amused chuckled escape his mouth,

"You can choose not to wear it, i'm sure you'll rather go around giving the whole school a view of your fat tits as he spoke he gaze lingered on my nipples ...

I cringe at the word fat, right now felt the little self esteem I had vanishing completely

"But then you don't have the right, others can't see you only I have the right on your body, only I....

He threw his shirt at my face and I caught it using it to cover at my upper part

" You really won't get anything by being stubborn, except receiving more punishment from me" he spoke the word quietly but it still had the same effect on me like it would if he had yelled


I choked back on a bitter laugh,

"It doesn't matter, you still find ways to hurt me even if I've done totally nothing wrong"

"You are certainly right about that"

I flinched back instinctively when his knuckles graze my cheeks, his gaze was pinned on mine but it didn't seems like he was really staring at me, his gaze was distance, it was as if he was trapped or some trance of some sort

"Your entire existence is wrong , you took away everything...then you became my entire world"

My breath stilled.... It wasn't just about his words, it was something about the way he said it...

It was laces with so much loathe

It was suffocating....

Threatening to choke on my very breath, squeezing the life out of me

"Your entire world ? What did I do to you?"

He blinked twice as if surprised by his own confession

"What did I ever do, if you're hurting me I have the right to know why!" I repeated, my voice coming out louder and filled with all the frustration I felt inside of me

He totally ignored my question, it was as if i hadn't spoken at all.

He began to get dressed and I knew he won't be saying anything....

I began to wipe off his sticky liquid from my face and body, it was almost getting dried and stuck to my skin , I wanted to wash away all the dirty things he did....

To wash that dirty part of my mind that had secretly enjoyed it.

"Leave it, you look so fucking perfect and so fucking mine"

I gaped at him, his expression was dead serious, he couldn't possibly mean I should walk around coated with his semen

""I'm not y..yours, I'll never be"

He snatched his shirt from my clutch and passed it over my head, it felled straight to my mid thigh, it was too big I immediately felt as if surrounded by him... everything was too much of him.

I stared up at his gaze and guessed that was all his intentions all along...

His hard gaze focused on mine flickered dangerously....

With raw possessiveness and ....

"You are my world Anna, and you'll never get away from it... Never, I'll kill you before that" he said meaningfully making sure his words drove home to my head.

A wave of cold swept through me before he smashed his lips on mine, it wasn't one of those punishing kisses, it was different this time

His lips were gentle and coarse as it search mine....

He went slow and dip inside my mouth, savouring.. tasting all I had to offer..it felt like a lover's kiss.

He broke the kiss slowly, straighting to his full height , he casted me one last meaningful stare before storming out through the door

My knees wobble , and I crumbled to the hard floor, I didn't have any more strength in me to stand.

This wasn't just the case of a normal bulling, I just realized that Mark Andrew was obsessed with me


I stared at the photographer of Mark and Dad on my nightstand , I manage to fixed it as much as I could .

He'd gotten enraged when I made mention of his sister, I stared at the little girl with such beautiful and innocent smile , too bad she had to be taken at such a young age .

It made me realize that I knew nothing about Mark Andrew apart from the fact that he hate me so Intensely ....

Who was he?

Who were his family?

What did he meant by I took his entire world?...

All this questions zipping through my head was making me go crazy

I brought out my laptop, perhaps I could find something about him from the internet

Just anything.....

I typed his name on the search box, what I saw completely shocked me...

He was the second son of Leo Andrew who happened to be a globally reknowned businessman with a multi-million dollar company...and also a brother ? Like Mark he also had a pair of green eyes , it seemed they all inherited that trait from their father .

The search made no mention of a sister neither their mother...

It was rather strange, aside from this little information, there was nothing else...

I stared dumbly at my computer

If they were really so filthy rich, Why did Mark return back to out little town ?

Also why had he left two years ago?

He'd said he returned just for me but I don't believe it, there has to be something else.... something I was missing .

My gaze caught on something on the photo on my bed...

There was something off about Dad, something I never realized before....

It was the tattoo!

On this picture there was a long drawn tattoo on his neck....