
The Bully's addictions

name "I.. I'm not yours" I stuttered His gaze grew noticably darker at my words " I dare you to say that again"he said taking a threatening step I open my mouth but no words came out, next thing I was flattened between him and the wall My body shuddered at his domineering look "you belong to me... Your body... Your soul... I'll enjoy marking you again.... And again "he whispered, his teeth grazing lightly on my neck How did I get to this situation, where there's no way out? He'd already broke me... Took my virginity... What else does he want from me? Anna Gabe was just an average nerd struggling through high school, her only wish was to get a good life what happens when she becomes the target of their school's infamous badboy.. Mark Andrew she owns him a dept, and he was going to make her repay it Not even a cent less.

kindness_philimon · Teen
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38 Chs

chapter 17

It was time for physical exercise class, it seemed I was in luck today because I manage to escape bumping into him every single time....

I walk with Lilian into the girls locker room to change into our sports attire, which consists of a simple t shirt and plane pair of trousers.

"Do you think the rumors are true?"

Her voice broke into my trail of thoughts


"It's been all over the school that Rose got pregnant....and that's the reason she quitted school"

I wasn't surprised, she was one of the popular girls who frequently hand out with the jocks...

" Can you imagine she pushed me the other day in the hallway, now look who isn't going graduate..." She snickered

I made a roll of my eyes at the satisfaction smile on her face

"Now I see, this is like some sort of personal revenge for you isn't it ?"

We finished changing and I noticed that the trouser seemed a bit tight , mainly about my butt and hips.....

Did I put on weight? But I skipped so many meals last week, also doubles my daily exercise, why don't any of these remedies work on me, for so long all I've ever wanted was to be skinny, but it seems that wasn't meant to be in this life time....

My mood immediately turned sour.....

"What's wrong?" She asked probably surprised by my sudden quietness

My reply was cut shot when I saw Betty and her cronies making their way towards us....

I so much don't need this right now....

"Hey fatso" she purposefully yelled out making her cronies burst out in laughter

"You should go to gym class early because you apparently need it more than any of us....I mean...she made a roll of her eyes motioning at my body...

"Learn how to mind your business bitch!" Lilian spat

Betty gaze zeroed on her before returning to me.....

"And I wasn't talking to you, I'm talking about the ugly pig over her"

I stopped Lilian just in time from making another sharp reply, arguing with her won't make any difference

"Let's just go, we shouldn't be bothered about them"


My gaze made contact with his momentarily as I made my way into gym class, his piercing gaze made me almost faltered on my steps....

It made me suddenly self conscious and all I wanted now was to wrapped my arms around myself.....

To shield me from him....

Coach jersey place is in group, it was the sport I hate most, I groaned inwardly


Perhaps I should take a sick leave, but I've already done that too many times, he surely would have my head if I dare ask again....

Thankfully Lilian was on my team this time....

The sound of the whistle signaled the beginning of match....

Everything was going well before a hard shot landed on my stomach, I fell to the hard floor, tears burning at the corners of my eyes....

I gritted my teeth at the sudden burst of pain...it hurts so much

"I'm really so sorry! You were too slow I guess" Betty high pitched mocking tone came out....

The coach rushed towards me....

"Are you alright?"

I nodded slowly moving to a sitting position

"Are you sure? You should go to the nurse's office to check"

Lilian helped me up to my feet even as I walked out the class I told myself not to looked back at the pairs of gaze boring holes at me .....

But I did and regreted it instantly...

His gaze was filled with so much disgust and hate... And anger that had my inside trembling

I didn't go to the clinic, I made my way to the bathroom instead, I pushed my shirt upwards and sure enough, there was a red spot on my stomach, in a few hours I'm sure it was definitely going to turn bluish.....

I stayed inside until I heard the period bell rung...

A sign escape my mouth, I decided to wait inside for a few more minutes...

When I finally came out, the hallway was empty, we had a free period so I wasn't bother about rushing back to class....

I took my time slowly when I heard muffles voices emanating from the classroom next to me ....

I could make out distinctively.

It was Mark's

Unwillingly my curiosity was piqued and I made my way to peek by the window side

"She's fucking mine!" He hissed out menacingly to ...

Was that Betty?

" But y..you hate her right?" She stuttered her eyes gleaming in fear....

Oh god! It was definitely her....

As quick as a coiled snake he wounded his hand round her neck, slamming her back to the wall hard

I was paralyzed by the amount of rage that seems to radiates off his body...

You are hurting m...me" she cried out

"Am I?" He replied with a sadistic smile, seeming to add more pressure to her neck...

"You shouldn't have hurt her! She was also in pain" he snarled

I was fascinated, combined with a little bit of shock and fear at his words .....

He was angry because I was hurt? But the pain in my stomach was nothing compared to what he'd influenced on me all this year's....

"It's not your god damned right to touch her! Not even a strand of her hair from her head, You fucking made a mistake!"

My blood froze and hair stood on it end, he was defending me?...

I should perhaps be relieved but a sudden wave of dreads over wash me....

His voice dripped with more psychotic possession.....

His gaze was so hardened that I was suddenly scared that he might do something bad to her....

After a moment, he suddenly let go of her and she fell to the ground like a rag doll, her ashen face flash with so much terror, she almost looked like me in this instant

He unclenched his fist inhaling Sharp breath as if fighting for control

"Are my words clear to you?" He said so quietly and that only made his words sound even more dangerous....

She nodded numbly

"Use you fucking mouth, before I decide you don't need it" he slice out his eyes flashing with rage



With that he stormmed out slamming the door close behind him, he didn't glance sideways or he would have caught sight of me....

I jolted out of the trance I had been caught in.

He's dangerous....

Stay away from him .....

The words still rang vividly in my head...

Right this moment, I knew he wasn't just an average bully without a purpose....

There was something more to it .....

Something I didn't know.....

I was just two steps to the classroom when a hand grasped tightly on my shoulder

I turned around and froze.....

And boy he looked enraged

He gripped my hand in an iron fist and began storming off to god knows where ...

All my struggles to break free where futile, he pushed me inside the Janitor's closet, then I heard the sound of him clicking it shut....,

I was completely trapped....

"You were fucking there listening right?" He approached a step forward...

He was looking downright intimidating now, I felt as if his gaze were piercing through my very soul, I unwillingly took a step back....

But there was not much distance to run to....

No where to hide....