
The Bruised Heart

Everyone that is in love on social media, must be in love in real life, right? Wrong! At least, not in this story. Kalana and Dean Parker will take us on a journey to explore the pieces of their relationship and reveal what is under the masks they wear in front of the camera, while they uncover and fight the threats, demons, and trauma these "perfect" lives actually hold. This novel explores aspects of psychology and mental health and contains depictions of self-harm, alcohol abuse, sexual abuse, and suicide. Please read with care. ** Have been added to chapters for content warning.

Parker_211 · Urban
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


"What?" Kalana lightly uttered. She had no clue what time it was, but she definitely knew that her phone was sitting under her pillow in the other room. The color completely melted off her face. She became overwhelmed with nausea as she covered her mouth, the man at the door pulled her into the hallway.

"Get out." he composed.

"But, my... this is... my home." she managed to state, as she backed herself back over the threshold.

"Do you want to stay in there with all that....?" He pointed towards the bedroom door, "You'll be better off coming with me. Let's go. I'm right next door." He turned his pointed finger over as an offer to step out.

"But that's my...." she began, but didn't know how to complete the sentence. She pressed her fingers against her temples, hoping she could identify what was happening.

"Oh, were you partaking in that? No wonder you look like you got dressed in the dark. Well, then, I'll let you get back to it, but could you keep it down? My office was on the other side of the wall you're ramming into." The man started to head back and his robe opened just enough for her to see his well toned chest. But he stopped and turned back. He opened his mouth to speak, but then closed it, shook his head and continued back to his apartment.

"Wait." Kalana blurted and she stepped back over the threshold and into the hallway.

He paused and looked over his shoulder. "I won't join you guys." He retorted.

"No! I don't want to be in there." She glanced back to her room. She couldn't tell if they were having sex or herding cattle. Her eyes drew down to the floor and as she raised her gaze from the ground up to the man, tears began to well in her eyes.

"Alright then. Leave." He flicked his head, signaling her to step out and follow him and she obeyed like a lost puppy.

He opened his door as his arm extended out, guiding her inside.

"Thank you." she whispered.

"Sit where you like. Since you didn't get the chance to tell them to settle down, it looks like I won't be getting any more work done anyways." He sounded annoyed.

He walked into the kitchen and pulled down two glasses. Kalana began to study what he was doing. He dropped one large ice cube in each glass and filled them with some sort of brown liquor, dashed in some bitters, and swirled it around with an orange peel. After he threw a cherry in one, he collected the glasses and handed her one, but she didn't take it. He switched the glasses and shook the drink at her. "No cherry?" He questioned.

"No, I don't drink." she firmly stated.

"You don't look old enough to drink either, but you look like you've been hit by a bus. I thought it would calm you down a bit." he snarled.

She scowled as she took offense to how he referenced her appearance again and snatched the drink with the cherry from his hand and inhaled it. She almost immediately started choking.

"Whoa there, buckaroo." He handed her a napkin and water out of thin air. "For someone who doesn't drink, you took it like a champ." he chuckled.

She grabbed the water and started to settle down. "I'm sorry." She apologized.

"You don't need to apologize. Unless, you mean for wasting the drink. That's a $5000 dollar bottle of bourbon." he said nonchalantly.

She spit out the water that was swishing in her mouth, showering the man's chest. "You're joking, right?"

He shook his head with a raised eyebrow, ignoring his misted chest.

Her jaw practically unhinged in disbelief. "Now I'm really sorry." She stood up and looked around to find a towel to help clean him up, but he put up his hand, signaling her to stop.

"Relax. I have plenty. Would you like another?" he laughed off.

With a slight nod, she accepted another.

"I'm Dean, by the way. I don't think I was ever able to slip that in." he introduced. "I don't stay in this apartment often, so does this circus happen often?" He was referencing the sexcapade that was still happening in her room.

"Honestly, No. I don't even know who that woman is, but I saw way more than I needed to." she began to explain.

"So.... your roommate," he presumed with pursed lips, "just brings home strangers without asking?"

"Boyfriend." She corrected him. "I don't even know what happened. I just woke up with his head in my crotch and her bedazzled pussy in my face!" She quickly brought both of her hands to cover her mouth. 'What am I doing?' She thought to herself. 'TMI! TMI!' She continued to yell at herself in her head.

Dean sat down and leaned back into a leather chair, tossing his leg up, as his ankle teetered on his knee. He examined her reactions. Glided his elbow along his floating leg and he leaned forward bringing his hand to his chin. "It's okay." His voice was subtle, but strong. He continued to lean in closer to her and gently touched her wrist. His actions caused her to bring her hands to her knees.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to just blurt that out. I don't even know you." She continued to stammer. "I'm just going to stop talking, before I…" Her talking abruptly stopped when she felt a finger on her lips.

"You have said more than enough, but what you haven't told me was your name." This was his attempt to help her change the subject, since she was about to loop back to the situation next door.

"Oh, of course. Sorry, I'm being a total idiot. I can't believe…"

"Name." He stopped her again.


"There we go. That wasn't so hard." He began to lead the conversation. "Are you a student, Kalana?" She nodded in response. "And where do you go to school?"

"F.A.I. Academy."

"A private school, huh? You are either rich or very talented." He assumed.

"Why can't I be both?" She snapped back.

"Of course you can be both, but a person with money wouldn't waste their time at a school for art. You would just do art." he stated in an overly condescending tone.

"I'm not sitting around painting abstract art, if that's what you're thinking. Technology is always changing. It's important to continue learning. Plus I want to maintain my privacy. What about you? Who works outside of the office at odd hours of the night?" She tried to take the attention away from herself.

"Are you sure you want to know?" He raised his eyebrow as if she had a death wish for asking. "I'll make another drink and I'll tell you all about it. Don't leave."