

The brotherhood of a young lad and a Dragon.

"The entire world trembled and utter paranoia rose, some the more advanced kingdoms taking advantage of these seized land and power. However the day before that, a devastating event was taken place that would alter the ways of living for some unfortunate souls."

A young lad and his older brother practice in the woods with different battle tactics, martial arts, swordsmanship. They also both admire the work their father does as a blacksmith. With one special talent and only using prime materials he holds trade to the best around, those who visit him compensate greatly. Sometimes the two get tips from passers who'd stay at the lodge which their aunt owns. A beautiful community grown from nothing because one family made it happen. One day while training with father in the mountains they hear a dragons cry. The father asks his son's to rush home and seek the guards, and with that ran of towards the scream. Tho not listening to what was asked the older brother trailed behind father and the young lad stayed with his brother, who had said the same thing to him, as if his words would be listend to over fathers. When they reached the caves they saw humans and orcs taken young dragons while killing older ones fighting back and making them into supplies for carrying easier. Their father ran, hide and slowly went in to attempt and cut the ties to an Elder dragon with hopes to assist their escapes. But now spotted by one of the orcs he to is now surrounded and with barley breaking the bonds on the Elder. Now brother notices a symbol they have which matches the guards armour at lodge from under their cloak. Now startled at what may come to their home once word gets out here, mindfully grasping his sword he tells his little brother, "save the younglings, and run home with all you have to alert mother of what you saw, avoid any guards, and please don't turn back. No one deserves such pains," he says holding in tears. With that he dashes in towards where his fathers aid. "They can't escape!" he hollers like a roar, and with that his father understands what must be done and with swift accuracy, draws his sword and slices the dragons remaining restraints, now the odds have been gained slightly in their favor. The young lad on opposite side of the commotion dashes to the cages, only one person is seen guarding it, he also let's out a gut battling cry with his sword striking and piercing his heart, killing him instantly and without delay. Upon opening the cages the the young dragons dash out in all directions, those that fly do so and carry youngest of family. Upon running back home he crosses two guards on the path around sharp corner, heading towards where he was just leaving. They see a look in his eyes of fear and recent bloodlust and prevent him from passing. He raises his sword they can see fresh blood drip from it, now alerted they draw their own and prepare to strike him down, however one of the younlings had followed him after watching from a far save his fellow dragons. Now they stand side by side ready to fend of guards so the town can be alerted. How will things transpire, will they make it in time.