
The Broskies

In my time the year 2065 human being's greatest creation "divergent beings" (artificial humans) had turned their back and waged war against their creators ..it is up to me Ethan better days to travel back in time to stop divergent beings from ever been created ... but things get complicated as I my destiny is tangled up with Albert one of humans first attempt at divergent beings together we struggle to save the future in Albert's way .....by being cool.....

Nifemi_Ajibade_2598 · Sci-fi
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8 Chs

chapter two: The plan

" Good ....now where was I " said Captain Joey

" You were trying to recap the alpha plan sir " ezrel a female grade four field operator said

" Thanks ezrel" he said then he made a loud wierd noise in an effort to clear his some thing he occasionally did in the middle of a pause whine saying something important...Ethan had always wondered within himself if Captain Joey always did this unconsciously or was just trying to add dramatic effect...well with Captain Joey one could never know.

" So you xander,Noya , Ethan , Dwayne and culter are gonna be the extraction team for this project like I had said earlier today" he said scanning the faces of all the people he had mentioned for any sign of a complaint before he continued further.

" Your mission is risky but must be accomplished ...you are to go to the E Erden's fort and retrieve the Astra battery" he said .this made me a bit uncomfortable the Erden's fort is a give for the most notorious divergent beings in existence this is the place they usually stored thire stolen loot a place even the S.A.D.B.M.F haven't been able to conquer and now only five of us are expected to sneek in and streal the world's most powerful battery ever created..the Astra battery created by professor Aiden Astra in the year 2058 .....a small orb capable of generating bi zillion jolts of electricity.the only substance on Earth capable of powering the time slicer the only time jet in existence which is secretly in the hands of the S.A.D.B.M.F so now what we the extraction team are expected to do is to retrieve the Astra battery to ignite the time slicer the rest was up to Captain Joey and the other members of the supreme high board

" We've got this sir !.....you can count on us " Xander auzril was the first person to talk amongst us

" Good ....I trust you guys I choose you five for a reason now load up....and Xander you are in charge"

" Yes sir !" Xander loudly saluted

" Meetings dismissed...you can all return to your respective duty post " Captain Joey said then he left and everyone followed him out to their respective zones but the five of us who were the extraction team all headed into the weapons room to load up for the mission ...Damn why do I have this feeling like something gonna go wrong