

This is a story about love and family relationships build on deceitful and secretive foundation but when the secrets and the truth start to get revealed, the family and love ties get broken. The story evolves around a young woman whose dream was to become a personal assisant secretary to an important business man whilst living with an overbearing and protective mother, who hates males for some reason. The young woman's sheltered and controlled life makes a turn for the better or worse when she finally gets her dream job and also falls in love with her boss.

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The bitter truth

Amya felt horrible for breaking her promise to her mother when she accepted Felix's gift and she felt worse when she could no longer find her mother inside the party. David saw her lookng fraic and asked her what the matter was, "Amy what's wrong? Why do you look so worried?" "Oh, it's just that I can't see my mom anywhere and I have been looking for her for quite some time now," replied Amya.

"Don't worry, maybe she went out to the ladies room and will come back any time," said David. "No! She is not at the ladies room. I went and checked there earlier and she is not there." Said Amya. "Then she must have gone outside to the garden, maybe to get some air. Don't worry my love I am sure that she is fine and she will come back soon. Relax and enjoy the party ok!" said David and he was soon caught in a conversation with some of his friends that he invited to the party.

Amya could not relax and enjoy the party until she talks to her mother about the reason why she accepted Felix's gift despite promising her that she will not associate with him no matter what. After waiting for some time and not seeing her mother coming back, Amya decided to go and look for her mother at the hotel's garden.

As soon as she arrived in the garden, she saw her mother talking to Felix and it looked like they were arguing and she saw her mother wanting to leave but Felix grabbed her arm forcefully and Amya started storming towards them to confront Felix for harassing her mother but as soon as she was about to reach them her mother's words stopped her in her tracks.

"Let go of me Felix! And don't you dare try to fool me with that regretful look which I know very well that you are pretending to! Amya may be your daughter but I am not going to let you ruin her life as well now let go of me!!" Amya could not believe what she just heard. FELIX WAS HER FATHER!! Now everything dawned to her, the reason why her mother wanted her to stay away from him was because she did not want to her to know that

Felix was her father.

How could she be so stupid not to realize that, how can someone hate another person so much if they did not have a past together its impossible. It has been proven that her insinuation was right and to top it off the man was her father. HER FATHER! Amya felt her heart being squeezed in pain of betrayal and she felt a tight knot in her throat and tears sting inside her eyes.

'How could they do this to her? Why did her mother not want to tell her the truth? And why did Felix keep quiet all this time about it? Where was he all this time and why did he abandon her and mother like that? Did he not care about her at all or maybe did not want her at all?' these were the painful thoughts that were running amok inside Amya's mind and before she realized it tears were already flowing down her cheeks. And when she looked up with her watery eyes she found both her parents looking at her with looks of shock on their faces.

Her mother was the first one to approach her and said, "Amya…my girl…let me explain…this…is…not…what…let…me…explain," stammered Amber as she approached her daughter. Amya felt so betrayed and hurt that she did not have the courage to face her parents, instead she quickly turned around ran away from them whilst tears were a river on her face. She boarded her car and drove away to wherever she felt like going. She did not know where she was going but as long as she got away from them it was ok.

Hours passed by, and Amya was still missing and she did not carry her cellphone with her. It was already chaos and mayhem back at the hotel since nobody knew where she would run off to. Amber went back home in case she would show up there but when hours went by without any sign of her she was in great panic.

She was about to leave to look for when finally a pale red eyed figure entered the house. Amya looked terrible, she looked like she cried an ocean because her face was pale and her eyes were blood red. Amber could not help but breakdown in seeing her daughter looking like that. She quickly ran to her in tears, knelt in front of Amya and said, "Oh Amya!! I am sorry! I am so sorry my dear!! Please forgive me please!! I am sorry I did not tell you the truth about Felix! I am sorry I did not tell you that he was your father! I was so scared that the moment you knew that he was your father you would run to him and he would ruin your life just like he ruined mine! I am sorry! Please forgive me!"

Amber was now wailing because she felt guilty for not telling her daughter the truth and hurting her so much all the years when she inquired about her father but she would always dismiss her angrily or even raising her hand on her because she could not bear to remember the pain that Felix put her through. Amya just went and knelt also in front of her mother and wiped her tears with her thumps and said, "I am ready to listen now mom! Tell me the truth about what happened between you and Dad. And I want the truth not cooked up lies mom please…tell me the truth," said Amya fresh tears already flowing down her cheeks. After some moments of calming down, Amber finally told Amya the truth.

"I am sorry that you had to find out about this! And I am also deeply sorry for not telling you the truth in the first place! I was too afraid to remember that bad experience that I had suffered in the past! I am sorry my girl…please forgive me," said Amber with tears flowing down her face after she revealed the truth to Amya.

Amya embraced her mother for some moments and wiped off the tears on her mother's face with her thumps and said, "No mom! There is no need for you to apologize to me! Absolutely none! Now that I know the truth of how that bastard mistreated, humiliated and deceived you, I swear that I am never going to forgive him for what he did to you! And I am sorry for always pressuring you to reveal his identity to me because now after knowing the truth I feel so hurt and all the anticipation of wanting to know who he was has just turned into the worst hatred ever. Now I am wishing that I never knew that he existed and I am sorry mom…so sorry for the pain and humiliation that you had to go through because of that man and also pressuring you to tell me about him… I am sorry." Cried Amya.

Amber wiped the tears off Amya's face with her thumps and said, "Don't cry my child! Don't cry! You never wronged me in any way. You had all the right in the world to know who your father was, so it's not your fault but it's mine! I should have been honest with you from the start so I should be the one apologizing not you. And I promise you that we will never suffer anymore because of that man because to us he never and will never exist. Ok!" "Yes! mother! He still does not exist! And I promise to keep it that way. I love you mom!" said Amya. "I love you too my girl," said Amber and the mother and daughter duo hugged.

Their warm moment was interrupted by a knock on the door. Amya disengaged herself from the hug and went to answer the door. When she opened the door she found her boyfriend David on the other side breathing heavily as if he was being chased by a ghost. David was texted by Amber that Amya has returned home and he quickly drove like a maniac to their apartment to see her.

And as soon as he saw her disheveled look, panic and worry flooded in his mind. "Amya!!" said David and he embraced her in a tight hug. "Baby I was so worried about you! What happened to you! Why do you look like this? And why did you disappear on me like that?" asked David in a panicking tone. Amya gently disengaged herself from the hug and drew David inside the house and they sat in the living room.

As soon as Amber saw the two, she quickly excused herself and went to her room. "So tell me my love. What happened? Did something happen during the party? Was the party awful? Is that why you left?" asked David with a disappointed look on his face. "What! No! Of course not I loved it! It was not awful! It's just…I had to leave because of a special reason," replied Amya her voice breaking. "What reason? Tell me my love. What was it that made you go AWOL and look like this?" asked David worriedly. "Something I do not wish to remember…" replied Amya tears flowing down her cheeks again. "What happened Amya? Please tell me and I promise you that I will do everything and anything to the person that hurt you this way? Tell what me happened?" asked David. After moments of calming down herself, Amya finally told David everything.

"What!! What! Did you just say Amya? Felix is your father and he did such a horrible thing to your mother!! Wow! I just can't believe this! Well…I am sorry my love that you had to learn the truth in such a harsh way like this. And I also can't believe that my uncle Felix was such a despicable bastard in the past but whatever decision that you are going to make know that I am going to support you no matter what ok!" said David after Amya told him the truth. "Thank you so much my love. I am going to need all the support I can get to get through this. I love you," said Amya and the two lovebirds shared a passionate kiss. The two ended up spending the together in Amya's bedroom, cuddling and soothing each other with their love in each other's embrace.

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