

This is a story about love and family relationships build on deceitful and secretive foundation but when the secrets and the truth start to get revealed, the family and love ties get broken. The story evolves around a young woman whose dream was to become a personal assisant secretary to an important business man whilst living with an overbearing and protective mother, who hates males for some reason. The young woman's sheltered and controlled life makes a turn for the better or worse when she finally gets her dream job and also falls in love with her boss.

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A mother's worry

During dinner at Amya's apartment both mother and daughter are eating silently, a slightly tense atmosphere is detected in the dining room. Amber was the first one to break the silence by saying, "so the president of P.M.E.C turned out to be an unexpected gentleman by offering you a job by just asking you one question."

"Yes mother! Even I can't believe it as well. I thought he was going to ask me a dozen of questions which I could not answer and also with the cold and stern way he was behaving I almost thought that my dreams of becoming his P.A. were going to be thrown out of the window but he hired me and even made me start working right away and even made me suggest a solution to one of the company's firm in Lanesville city's financial crisis and he liked my idea and it is the one which we are going to conduct next month." Replied Amya in an enthusiastic tone.

But Amber looked displeased with this and said, "That is not the way to act towards someone who is applying for a job at a high office and especially towards a woman," said Amber in a displeased tone. Amya suddenly stood up and removed the dinner plates and went into the kitchen and cleaned the dishes and put them away in their cupboards.

After some time she went into the lounge and found her mother watching some documentaries about abused women who were mistreated by their boyfriends, husbands, fathers, uncles, brothers and even their bosses who would sexually harass them at work. Amber was greatly displeased with the way that Amya got the job at P.M.E.C and the first thing that came to her mind was David did that with a hidden ulterior motive to abuse or harass her precious daughter so she decided to voice out her discomfort to Amya.

"I hope that you are going to be wary in your job because I don't like the way that Mr. Perrington gave you that job so you have to make sure that you are very careful around him and if he tries to do anything beyond limits you should report him immediately. Understood?" said Amber in a concerned tone. "There you go again mother! I can't believe you! Just because Mr. Perrington hired me by just asking me one question you are already thinking that he did that with an ulterior motive to take advantage of me. Wake up mother not all men are like that." Said Amya with an irritated tone.

"Oh of course they are!! All of them!! Men are so deceptive and cunning! And they are absolutely capable of doing anything that could ruin a woman's image just to satisfy their pleasures. And I certainly don't like the way Mr. Perrington gave you that job! I don't like it at all! So better watch yourself because I certainly don't want your life to be ruined!" said Amber in a slightly angry tone.

Instead of understanding her mother's concern Amya actually fired back by saying, "You don't like anything about men mom even if some of them are good, loyal and sincere you only just see them as con-artists always waiting to ruin women's lives. Well mom not all men are like dad ok. I don't know what happened between you and dad that made you end up like this but please don't compare my life with your life ok. I am Amya and I certainly am grown up to make decisions for myself ok!!"

Amya's words actually aroused a wave of anger inside Amber, the mention of her terrible haunting past always made her worked up and in a fit of rage she landed a hard slap on Amya's face and said in an angry tone "Don't you ever mention anything about that man! Never again! I told you that I am your parent!Only me!! That man doesn't exist you hear! So if you mention anything about him I won't restrain myself understood!!" Amya stood up and rubbed her swollen cheek and said, "This is also what you are good at!" and she went to her bedroom, slammed the door, locked it and started crying her heart out.

After Amya left the lounge Amber starting throwing the sofa's cushions everywhere in anger and shouted, "See! See now! I thought that I buried my past a long time ago but now it seems that it is haunting me back through my daughter! Why! Why can't my past just leave me in peace why!" after she said these words she collapsed on the floor in tears and also cried her heart out.