

This is a story about love and family relationships build on deceitful and secretive foundation but when the secrets and the truth start to get revealed, the family and love ties get broken. The story evolves around a young woman whose dream was to become a personal assisant secretary to an important business man whilst living with an overbearing and protective mother, who hates males for some reason. The young woman's sheltered and controlled life makes a turn for the better or worse when she finally gets her dream job and also falls in love with her boss.

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A bad reverie

"MOTHER!!" screamed Amya and she rushed to her mother's side and started observing her to see if she got hurt. "Mother what's wrong? Mother what happened? Mother are you alright? Mother answer me!!" Amber did not hear her daughter's worried questions but she felt her entire world collapse and she started feeling dizzy. She wobbly sat on the dining room chair with her mind in a daze of mixed thoughts and emotions and her ears continuously ringing with the name FELIX PERALTA.

Suddenly her mind is pulled into nostalgia, to a twenty-five year old young and beautiful woman who had just graduated from law school and was looking for a job at Kingston Law Firm. When she arrived at the huge prestigious law firm she completely lost her way because she wanted to get interviewed to be a feminist activist lawyer but she could not find her way to the branch that dealt with that and the receptionist was nowhere to be found.

When she was still wandering around looking for the wing where the feminist activist lawyers were interviewed she bumped into a man and accidentally hit his groin hard. "Hey Bitch watch where you are going!!" screamed the man in pain and anger. "Oh! I am so sorry sir! I am so sorry I did not see where I was going! I am so sorry!" replied the girl whilst panicking.

"Well sorry is not enough to pay for the damage is it!! You are going to have to pay a heavy price for this!" said the man and he grabbed the girl by the waist and started harassing her. "Let go of me!! Let go of me you bastard!! Let go of me!!" screamed the girl in pain, anger and fear but the man kept on assaulting her. "HEY!!" a loud voice boomed in the lobby where the girl was being assaulted by the man and the girl turned to her left side and her eyes met a young handsome man who liked he was in his late- twenties with white creamy skin, brown curly hair, brown eyes, pink lips and an athletic body pumped with muscles in a black suit running towards them and grabbing the other man by the collar and punching him hard.

The punch was so hard and strong that it made the man crush down hard on the floor and caused the corner of his mout to bleed. "What the fuck!!!" roared the man at the other man who attacked him. He tried to get up so that he can also punch the other man back but before he could even make an attempt he was landed another punch and the man could swear that he started seeing stars.

The other man then grabbed him by the collar and said to him in an angry tone, "how dare you!! How dare you touch her!! You better thank your lucky stars that you only received a few punches from me otherwise I would have beaten the hell out of you and made sure that your rotten ass gets thrown in prison you bastard!!" and he let the man go and called security to throw him out of the facility.

After the security men took the man away the man then turned to face the fear gripped girl whose pretty face had turned pale because of fear and tears were already flowing down her rosy cheeks. "Are you alright?" asked the man and he held the girl by the shoulders and checking if she was not injured. The man's grip on her shoulders got the girl out of her shock and she turned to face him and found herself facing a handsome man with the most captivating brown eyes that for a moment she got drowned in them until she finally managed to utter a, "Yes… I am alright…. Thank you!" "It was no problem at all Miss! Besides bastards like him deserve more than just punches but ten years behind bars for harassing such beautiful women like you," replied the man and he flashed a handsome smile to the woman.

The woman's cheeks flushed for a moment and she faced the ground in shyness. "By the way what are you doing here Miss? Did you get lost or what?" asked the man. "No…I mean…yes! I am looking for the floor where the feminist activist lawyers are interviewed! I could not find the receptionist to ask so I decided to look for the floor myself," replied the woman. "Oh well! You are definitely on the wrong floor Miss! This floor is for company lawyers and I happen to be a colleague here! But don't worry the place you are looking for is back on the second floor to your right." Said the man.

"Thank you but I don't think I am going to get the job since I am late because of the incident which took place. I am already thirty minutes late," said the woman sadly. "Hey don't worry. I am sure they will understand and besides I can be your wingman if things try to get out of control. Now come on lets go get that job!!" said the man and he held the woman by the hand and took her to the second floor where her firm was so that she could get interviewed for her job.

After about thirty minutes, the man and young woman exit the interviewing office with smiles on their faces. "See I told you that things were going to be alright and now look, you are now my colleague. Although we don't work in the same department, we will still see each other frequently. Right?" said the man. "Thank you so much for being

my wingman back there. Truth be told if you haven't been with me I don't think I would have gotten the job. So thank you, and I guess you are right, we are now going to be colleagues and I also hope we will see each other frequently." Said the young woman. "I hope so too and you are most welcome Miss….?" Asked the man. "Amber! Amber Cora!" replied the young woman with an enthusiastic tone. "Nice to meet you Amber! Felix! My name is Felix Peralta." Introduced the man whilst extending his hand for a handshake which Amber gladly accepted and said, "Nice to meet you too Felix." And they both smiled at each other and it could be seen that this was going to be the start of a love relationship.

Three years later in the streets of the town of Medley, a car is seen speeding in the street heading for the suburbs. The car then stops at a certain house and a woman in a wedding dress is seen getting out of the car and hurriedly entering the house and upon entering the house she is welcomed with horror as she finds a man and a woman making love in the house's master bedroom. The woman holds firmly to her dress in shock and anger due to the scene which was in front of her before she shouts out the name, "FELIX!!!" The man stops and turns to face the woman who just called his name.

"Amber!! Uh… what are you doing here," asked Felix. "I came to get you!! I waited for three long hours so that you and I could get married at the alter!! I stood there like a huge fool in front of everybody waiting to get married to a man who was not even coming but who was busy enjoying fucking a bitch in his house and on his wedding day!! Why!! Why!! Why did you do this to me Felix!! Why!!" cried Amber bitterly as she stood at the door of the room.

"I am sorry Amber! I am sorry that I had to do this to you! But it's over between us! I tried my best to fulfill my promise of commitment to you but I just could not. You are just too full of yourself Amber and too controlling and I am sorry but I just can't marry a woman who is demanding like you and too strong headed. I like women who are meek and always ready to satisfy their man's desires without having to stand in a trial to see if its segregation or abuse just to spent a night with your man. I am so fed up with your feminist empowerment shit!! I am fed up with it!! But I hope that you will find a man that will tolerate it all and is willing to marry you! I am sorry but it's over between us! Now please leave my house!" said Felix.

Amber just stood motionless at the door with tears pouring down her cheeks like two rivers. Seeing that she was not moving but still standing at the door, the woman that was making love with Felix stepped down from the bed and walked towards Amber and said, "Hey!! Hey bitch!! Didn't you hear what he just said! It's over between the two of you!! Now leave!!" shouted the woman. But Amber still remained rooted in her place crying. The woman then dragged Amber out with her and threw her out of the house and shut the door and went back to continue her interrupted love making with Felix.

Amber stayed slumped on the ground with painful tears flowing tainting her beautiful face. After about ten minutes, she then stands up, boards her car and drives it in haste straight into the town's lake in hope to drown herself to death with it because she just could not come to terms with Felix's betrayal and due to the pain she tries to commit suicide. She was then later rescued by the town's rescue team and taken to the hospital where she woke up to the news that she was pregnant.

Oh so that's what happened. Felix is a real imbecile!!

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