
The Broken Road to Redemption

I’m an assassin, i killed so many people, that i don’t think hell will be enough punishment for me, but ween i died, i’ve got another chance, a new world, I’m going to claim that chance and won’t do the same mistakes,so what the adventures is waiting for me? And can i live a happy life throwing all the mistakes and the sins away?

rove_content · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 7: The academy

My name now is aurelian moonstone, the grandson of a great noble, and as a noble i need to learn about magic, and the best way to learn magic is to be a student in Mystic Academy of Sword and Sorcery,so that's why I spent the last 3 months learning about the basics of magic and Fencing, and as it seems i had a talent the mana veins circle in my body without any obstacle, and because of that my training ended in 1 months because magic was the only thing that i don't know but fencing is something i expert in my previous life so it was pretty easy, and now it's time for me to learn about this new world and my new life.

The academy is Located deep in the northwest of this country and to be more specific in the necromancer's hand squad territory one of the army squad that protect this country.

when i entered the academy i was surprised by the sprawling complex of ancient stone buildings, and the spires and towers that stretch up towards the clouds. The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries, depicting great battles between legendary heroes and fearsome beasts.

When i entered the academy gates, i was surprised by the number of students who were present, they numbered no more than twenty. Anyway when all the students are present, a wise old wizard with a flowing white beard and piercing blue eyes entered and start to give us a speech

« Dear student

I am honored to welcome you all to the Mystic Academy of Sword and Sorcery. As the director of this esteemed institution, I can assure you that you are about to embark on an incredible journey filled with adventure, challenge, and growth.

The Mystic Academy of Sword and Sorcery is not just a place of learning. It is a community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for magic and sword fighting. Our goal is not just to teach you how to wield a sword or cast spells, but to help you discover your true potential, and become the best version of yourself.

As you begin your journey, I encourage you to approach your studies with an open mind, curiosity, and a willingness to learn. Our curriculum is designed to challenge you, to push you beyond your limits, and to help you develop the skills and abilities necessary to succeed in the mystical world.

In addition to your studies, I urge you to take advantage of the opportunities that our community has to offer. The Mystic Academy is a place where lifelong friendships are made, where ideas are exchanged, and where you can develop your own unique talents and interests.

However, let me be clear. The road ahead will not be easy. It will be filled with obstacles, challenges, and setbacks. But I assure you, these are the very things that will make you stronger. The Mystic Academy of Sword and Sorcery is not just a place where you can develop your skills and abilities, it is a place where you can develop your character and build resilience.

In closing, I want to welcome you all once again to the Mystic Academy of Sword and Sorcery. I am confident that you have made the right choice in choosing to study with us, and I look forward to seeing each and every one of you thrive in this mystical world.

Thank you »

After he finished his speech he took us in a tour to see the greatest achievement of this academy

And then he took us to training area and that's when i saw a dozens of young men and women, dressed in robes and carrying swords, practicing their spells and dueling with wooden weapons. Some are casting bolts of lightning at targets, while others are summoning ethereal creatures to do their bidding.

As were going the principal started to spill some fact about this academy « The academy offers a wide range of courses, from beginner level spells and swordsmanship to advanced combat techniques and powerful incantations. Students are taught by a diverse array of instructors, each with their own unique expertise and style.

In the library, students can pour over ancient tomes and grimoires, learning the secrets of the arcane and the history of the great heroes who have come before them. The armory is stocked with an impressive array of swords and shields, from gleaming longswords to exotic curved scimitars. »

At the end of the day, we retire to our dormitories, cozy chambers with stone walls and plush beds.

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