
The Broken Road to Redemption

I’m an assassin, i killed so many people, that i don’t think hell will be enough punishment for me, but ween i died, i’ve got another chance, a new world, I’m going to claim that chance and won’t do the same mistakes,so what the adventures is waiting for me? And can i live a happy life throwing all the mistakes and the sins away?

rove_content · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 25: waxothmoth

What was behind this coffin, a vast throne room, and no one was sitting on the throne, it was empty, but when I approached the throne, someone came out from behind the throne.

He was a person with soft white hair, blue eyes, a face that indicated that he was 45 years old, he was wearing a red jacket with a dark black color that was open in the middle so that his chest was visible, and on his face and body there were words in a very old language that I had not seen before and it seemed as if she was embedded in his body.

"Welcome, human, my name is waxothmoth" he said in a low, cold voice.

"...Are you the owner of this dungeon?" I asked.

"...No, I am just a soldier serving the dungeon owner" he answered.

"…Then that throne should belong to the owner of the dungeon, right?" I asked

"You're right, but you're not right," he replied.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"This dungeon belonged to the great Vestro, and it existed 1,500 years ago, but one day everything changed.

This story 20 years ago, there was a boy of eighteen years old, he was tall, muscular. He came to this cave alone. He killed its monsters, and solved its mysteries, on his own, until he defeated the great King Vestro on his own, all of this while he was between 18 years old. The boy had an idea to turn this dungeon into a place where the students were tested, so he stripped half of the mighty Vestro's power so that the students could defeat him and seal dungeon. » he replied.

"I understand, then this person you are talking about is an important person in Zorania Kingdom." I said

"I don't know, because I don't know his name," he said

"And now Enough with talking , let's fight," he said with a serious face.

The waxothmoth revealed his weapon, it was a huge scythe adorned with the same symbols on his body. He pointed his scythe at me and started casting his magic incantation.

"You people who have made a mess, you scum, I will give you a new chance, stand up, wake up from your slumber, serve me, your lord waxothmoth, atone for your sins by killing my enemy.

Scythe death!!!!

Hundreds of second breaths came out, as I expected, this person who was controlling the gravity chamber.

Moonlight reflected in the room we were in

,my sword gleamed with a menacing aura. With each swing, i carved through the horde, my blade singing a deadly melody. The stench of decay hung heavy in the air, intermingling with the metallic tang of blood.

My movements were a dance of death and survival. I weaved between the grasping hands and gnashing teeth, sidestepping with uncanny agility. My senses heightened, i anticipated the second breaths relentless advances, striking with precision to sever limbs and cleave through rotting flesh.

But their numbers were overwhelming. The horde pressed closer, their groans echoing in my ears like a haunting symphony. Their eyes, devoid of life, fixed on him with hunger. My heart pounded in my chest, a steady rhythm that matched my unyielding will.

With every fallen foe, the ground became slick with gore. Unusually, I was not tired. On the contrary, I felt that my body could still fight until dawn

As the moon reached its zenith, casting an ethereal glow upon the chaos, i resolve surged. I fought with the strength of a hundred men, channeling my inner power to unleash devastating blows. The undead fell, their bodies crumpling to the ground, yet more rose to take their place.

My body bore the scars of countless encounters, each mark a testament to my unwavering determination. My breath came in ragged gasps, my chest heaving with exertion. The ground beneath him was littered with the fallen, a macabre testament to my prowess.

In the face of impossible odds. With one final, thunderous roar, i plunged into the heart of the horde, Arcan blade style: Arcane Blast.

my sword a whirlwind of death. The second breaths faltered, their ranks crumbling as if swept away by a mighty storm.

And as the last undead creature fell to the ground, i stood alone amidst a field of fallen foes. Covered in blood, sweat, and dirt, i remained undefeated.

"(Applause, applause). Amazing, I didn't expect you to kill all my soldiers, but unfortunately this is the end for you!! » he screamed

Expanding the room , and after that, thousands of second breaths and different monsters came out. I was ready to complete what I started, but something happened that was not taken into account.

"oi. ​​Can you hear me, human child." The devil said.

"You're Malphasor , what are you doing here?" I asked with bewilderment on my face.

"I guess I haven't explained that part to you yet... I can talk to you anytime and you can talk to me anytime you understand now" he replied.

"So what do you want from me?" I asked

"You seem to be in a dilemma. Do you have any plan to get out of this situation?" he asked.

I sat down.

"Yes, I have a foreknowledge of how things will work," I replied.

"Hoo, as would be expected of the world strongest assassin, haha," he said.

"You haven't answered my question yet, what do you want from me?" I asked.

"Do you want to get out of this situation quickly?" he asked

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"It's complicated, so let me explain it to you. As one of the lords of the infernal abyss of Termentia, I have more power than that one," he answered.

"I see, in other words if you can control these monsters because they came from termentia " I said

"That's what it is," he said.

I returned to the battlefield, raised my hand with the palm of my hand open, then said in a cold voice, "Stop."

All the monsters stopped, then turned to waxothmoth and started attacking him.

"What is going on!! Why are you attacking me, I am the one who summoned you!" He said in a voice full of anger.

The soldiers didn't stop, they were attacking him on every corner, he was just dodging their attacks

"Why!!! Why!! You must also betray me," he said angrily.

I was a mercenary, I was in a well known squad, so we were always wanted, we used to receive most of the requests, I did not say that we were good, no, but we did what we must do for the sake of our families, even if we meant killing people and destroying villages.

One day we were offered an offer to explore a dungeon that had appeared lately. My companions and I accepted this mission. When we entered this dungeon, we faced several situations in which we were on the brink of death, but we fought until we reached the dungeon boss. We were helpless, He was very strong. One of our colleagues had a a spell traveler that help him escape,but it could bear 9 people, and they had to sacrifice one person, and it was me.

I wasn't sad because the people with whom I spent my life and with whom I survived immeasurable battles had betrayed me with no hesitation but what saddened me was the imagining of my family without a head of family,

my wife will most likely become a prostitute because she has a pretty face, and my youngest daughter will have bad friends, and my eldest son will follow my footsteps. I was low i though I'm going to die, But the great King Vastro, spared my life. And i became his first servant. And for the next 500 years I killed anyone who entered the dungeon at the behest of the great King Vastro. Until I met that person, he had defeated me without any effort, and had become the king of this dungeon. And this was my life and how it ended.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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